Tuesday, November 23, 2010

TANTRA VIJAY-16 MUSLIM TANTRA(Which influence is unbeatable)

तंत्र विजय- १६ मुस्लिम तंत्र – जिनका प्रभाव अचूक है

सदगुरुदेव के दिव्य सानिध्य में विविध साधना पद्धतियों के ज्ञान को प्राप्त करते हुए हमेशा मैं ताज्जुब में ही पद जाता था तब जबकि मैं किसी प्रश्न को सोचने वाला होता और उत्तर सदगुरुदेव पहले ही दे देते ...... आश्चर्य के एक नहीं सैकडो उदाहरण मेरे पास हैं इस बात के लिए. खैर मुस्लिम तांत्रिक पद्दतियों को जानने के लिए उन्हें समझने के लिए बहुत बैचैन था मैं. हाँ मेरे पापा ने अपने स्तर पर बहुत से अमल (प्रयोगों) को मुझे समझाया था . पर अन्य जहा भी इस बाबत मैं गया मुझे निराशा ही हाथ लगी क्यूंकि प्रयोगों को देने में इतनी आनाकानी होती थी की मुझे शक होने लगता की इन्हें ज्ञान है भी या नहीं. अचानक घर पर एक खत आया जो की सदगुरुदेव द्वारा भेजा गया था और मुझे तुरंत ही दिल्ली बुलाया गया था. २ दिन का कठिन सफर पूरा करके जब मैं वहाँ पंहुचा तो मुझे बताया गया की सदगुरुदेव शाम को मिलेंगे. शाम को सभी लोगो से मिलने के बाद जब उन्होंने मुझे बुलाया तो मैं अंदर जाकर उनके चरणों से मैं लिपट ही गया ........ उठ तेरी डायरी कहाँ है ??????
जी मेरे बैग में !!!!!
जा निकाल कर ले आ.
मैं उठा और बैग में डायरी ढूँढने लगा , पर डायरी होती तब मिलती ना .
बेटा तू डायरी लाया ही नहीं तो उसे ढूँढ क्यूँ रहा है ..... इधर आ ये ले मैंने पहले से ही तेरे लिए डायरी ला कर रखी है.
उनके हाथों से डायरी ले कर मैं सोचने लगा की हर पल का ख्याल रखते हैं वे.
तू मुस्लिम तंत्र के प्रयोग तलाश रहा है न. ... विस्तृत है तंत्र की ये पद्धति जिसके प्रयोगों की काट सरलता से संभव ही नहीं है- उन्होंने कहा.
भला क्यूँ- एक उत्सुकता सी मेरे दिमाग में दौड गयी थी.
बेटा क्रिया की प्रतिक्रिया होती है, सीधे का उल्टा होता है पर इनकी विपरीत क्रिया इतनी सहज नहीं होती है न. पांच संध्याओं में की गयी शुद्ध मन से अल्लाह की इबादत का असर इतना प्रभावकारी हो जाता है जब कोई पूरे नियम से नमाज को अता करते हुए इन्हें कर लेता है तो.
अग्नि तत्व तो पूरी तरह नियंत्रण में ही होजाता है . साधक या आमिल के ..
भला वो कैसे????? मैंने पूछा .
देखो इन साधनाओं का आधार रूप जिन मवक्किलों या शक्तियों पर निर्भर रहता है, उन का जन्म लगभग आग से ही होता है जैसे की जिन्न,जिन्नात आदि . ये खुद भी इबादत गार होते हैं. सैकडो हाजरात प्रयोग उन असाध्य कार्यों को भी साध्य बना देते हैं जिनकी कल्पना अभी नहीं की जा सकती.
पर ध्यान रखने वाली बात ये है की साधक को इन अमलों को करते समय बहुत ही साफ सफाई का ख्याल रखना पड़ता है. पूर्ण ब्रह्मचर्य , ईश्वर की इबादत में अपना मन लगाना पड़ता है और निर्भय होकर ही इन साधनाओं को संपन्न करना पड़ता है.
७ बजे से लेकर ११ बजे तक वो मुझे तंत्र की उन मुस्लिम पद्दतियों को समझते रहे और ऐसा आगे के ६ दिनों तक होता रहा , बाद में भी कई बार मैंने उनके द्वारा कई मुस्लिम तंत्रों को प्राप्त किया जो की पाक कुरान-ए-मजीद में वर्णित है और दुर्लभ ही हैं उनमे दी हुयी पाक आयतों का प्रायोगिक ज्ञान भी . मेरी स्मृति पटल पर अंकित उन के द्वारा दिए गए इन अद्भुत मुस्लिम तंत्र के सैकड़ों प्रयोगों के लिए मैं उनका कोटि कोटि आभारी हूँ .
पर उन जटिल प्रयोगों के नियमों का पालन करना संभव सामान्य तौर पर है ही नहीं. लेकिन इसका ये अर्थ है ही नहीं की मैं उन प्रयोगों को बताऊंगा ही नहीं. तंत्र-कौमुदी के हर अंक में मैं कुछ चुने हुए मुस्लिम प्रयोग बताता रहूँगा और उसी में मैं इन प्रयोगों को करते समय क्या नियम या सावधानी रखना पड़ता है तथा कैसे इन मन्त्रों के द्वारा सफलता पाई जा सकती है. हाँ एक बात बताना तो मैं भूल ही गया था की १९८८ में मेरी दीक्षा के पहले ही सदगुरुदेव ने मुस्लिम हाजरात शिविर लगाया था और सैकडो साधकों ने उनमें सफलता पाई थी . हजारों की संख्या में मुस्लिम साबर मन्त्र हैं जिनका सही प्रकार से यदि प्रयोग किया जाये तो आप अपना मनोरथ सिद्ध कर सकते हैं. मैं सदगुरुदेव द्वारा प्रदान किये गए उन सैकडो प्रयोगों में से जो की मेरे अनुभूत हैं में से २ प्रयोग दे रहा हूँ जो की आप कर के स्वयं अनुभव कर सकते हैं की कितने तीव्र हैं ये प्रयोग और इनकी पद्दति भी कितनी निरापद और सरल है .... बस ध्यान ये रखना की गलत कार्य के लिए यदि ये प्रयोग किये गए तो इनका लाभ मिल ही नहीं सकता . यदि विविध तंत्र सिद्धि दीक्षा गुरुदेव से प्राप्त कर लिया जाये तो बहुत अच्छा है. जो प्रयोग मैं यहाँ पर उल्लेखित कर रहा हूँ वे अत्यधिक सरल हैं कोई जटिल नियम नहीं हैं उन्हें सिद्ध करने या प्रयोग करने के लिए पर इन प्रयोगों की शक्ति निश्चय ही अद्भुत है. हालाँकि इन प्रयोगों को करने के लिए भी तारों की गणना का प्रयोग अन्य तांत्रिक पद्दतियों में की गयी काल गणना के समान ही होता है पर वो प्रथक विषय है जो की मैगजीन में समयानुसार लिखेंगे ही. यहाँ दिए गए प्रयोग बहुत बार के अनुभूत हैं , आप करिये और खुद ही इनका असर देखिये.
नियम- जिस आसन पर आप प्रयोग करें वो सिर्फ आपके द्वारा ही उपयोग किया जाये.
पवित्रता का विशेष रूप से ध्यान रखा जाये.
लोहबान धूप का प्रयोग किया जाये.
प्रयोग एक ही जगह पर किये जाये, ये न हो की आज यहाँ बैठ कर जप किया और कल किसी और जगह.
अमल (प्रयोग) नेक काम के लिए नेक विचार के साथ ही किये जाये.
१.यदि ऑफिस में बॉस से या किसी काम को करवाते समय अधिकारी वर्ग या व्यक्ति विशेष से दिक्कत आ रही हो तो शुक्रवार को सुबह ५ बजे नहा कर पूरी तरह पवित्र होकर निम्न मन्त्र को ३ दिन तक वज्रासन में बैठ कर साफ़ कपडे पहन कर पश्चिम की और मुह कर ५०० बार पढ़े और चौथे दिन १००० बार पढ़ कर अपनी हथेली पर लिख लें और जब उस दिन अधिकारी से मिलने जाये तो उसके सामने जाने के तुरंत पहले उसका ध्यान कर १५ बार पढ़ ले और जाकर खुद अंतर देखे.
“या रहमाना कुल्ली शयइन दराहिमहु”
२.यदि आपका प्यार आपसे रूठ गया हो या किसी और की तरफ आकर्षित हो रहा हो . या आपको ऐसा लग रहा हो की आप दोनों के बीच का प्यार कमजोर होने लगा है तो नीचे दी गयी आयत को आप ११०० बार ३ दिन तक ऊपर बताई हुयी विधि से ही सिद्ध कर ले और एक चीनी मिटटी की प्लेट में इसे केसर से ७ बार लिख कर उसे धोकर उस पानी को यदि आपके साथी को पिला दिया जाये तो निश्चय ही वापिस आपके सम्बन्ध पहले से भी प्रगाढ़ हो जायेंगे . यदि पानी पिला न सके तो किसी भी तरीके से उसकी बनी हुयी चाय या कोई भी व्यंजन पान आदि में मिलकर भी इसका प्रयोग किया जा सकता है.
“इन्नमा तुन्जिरू मनित्त-व-आज्जिक रा व खशि यर्रमहाना बिल गैबी फबश्शीरहू बिमग फिरतिन व अजरिन करीम”
तो करिये और करके खुद ही परिणाम देखिये. मैं अपने भाग्य को हमेशा सराहा करता हूँ और गौरवान्वित हूँ की मुझे सदगुरुदेव ने अपनी शरण और शिष्यता दी और दिया ऐसा ज्ञान. आप भी आगे बढिए और गुरु त्रिमूर्ति से ज्ञान के इन अद्भुत सूत्रों को प्राप्त कर जीवन को धन्य बनाये.
आपका ही
In Sadgurudev’s divine presence I always found wonders by the different ways of attempting sadhna’s and the divine knowledge, where any type of query arises in my mind the moment Sadgurudev answered it before. And surprisingly it was not just a single time infact have thousands of examples of such happenings. Neverthless I was very much eager for knowing the Muslim tantric wisdom. Oh yaaa my dad taught me various Amal (experiments). But whenever I tried to enhance my knowledge I was always found my self disappointed.Becuase every next person was bit reluctant to share this knowledge and then I used to count them in suspicious manner whether they had that knowledge or just predicting. Suddenly on one fine day I got one letter which was sent by Sadgurdev only and I was promptly called for Delhi. After travelling a tough journey of two days when reached over their, I was told that sadgurudev will meet me in evening.In evening after meeting everyone when called me then just hugged his feet… stand up... Where is ur diary hnnnn?
Ohh that’s in my Bag!!!
Go and bring it.
I woke up and was searching diary in my bag.But it should ve been in my bag then only I may found it naa..
Son, U didn’t brought ur diary, so why r u wasting time in searching it. Come here I already bought a dairy for u before only.
While taking that dairy from his hand I was think that he takes care of a single moment.
He said - U r searching for the processes of Muslim Tantra na… Its very extensive process of Tantras who’s succeeding rate is bit high and tough.
But why? – I felt with curiosity.
Son, Every action have reaction, like parallel action has opposite reaction too but the oppsosite is not that easy to digest. A divine worship at mosque in 5 evening intervals with pious mind is always leaves a terrific impact which controls the Agni Tatv completely.
I said – how is it possible?
Look the base of all such powers is directly related with fire as they produced from fire only like Jinn, Jinnnat etc… They themselves are Ibaadatgar. Thousands of Haajraat processes can convert the impossible into possible which are really beyond of our imaginations
But the remembering thing is while doing such process the Sadhak need to maintain the cleanliness vey much. He has to maintain the chastity, complete devotion, concentration towards god and have to attempt with full courage.
He told me about the muslim process of tantra from 7 pm to 11 pm, this schedule went for six days consecutively. Afterwards also I learnt various mislim tantras which are mentioned in Paak-e-Kuran-e- Majeed. Which are very rare and the Paak Ayaats process is also given. The wisdom of such wonderful muslim tantra is embossed on my mind and I thank him millions of times for it.
But following those rules n regulations in general sense is bit impossible.But it doesn’t mean that I ll not share with u all. In Tantra Kaumudi every single part I am going to disclose one by one process and along with the rules and regulation too…And how to achieve success in this. So not to worry…Oh I just forgot to tell u one thing, before when I had my Diksha in 1988, sadgurudev had conducted Muslim Haajraat shivir ans hundreds of sadhak got success in that shivir.Thier are thounsands of Sabar mantras in Muslim Tantras if we use it in desired manner so we can achieve our every single wish. Whatever thousands of processes which had been given by Sadgurudev and are personally experienced by me, from it I am going to give u two processes by which u can personally address their potential, aggression and free from misfortune.And just remember one thing if u use this process for any bad or wrong kind of work then it is unuseful as nothing will happen apart from failure.If u get Vividh Tantra Sidhhi Diksha form gurudev then it will be wonderful.Whatever processes I mentioning here are very easy to understand and no hard rules are their success.But they are simply unbeatable.Whereas for attempting those process the stars are counted are as like the other Tantrik procedures have the kaal ganana in them.But that’s a different matter which will discuss further via magazine. All are personally verdict so do by urself and u urself see the magic.
Rules – The Asan which is used by urself must be used be eclusively used by u only.
Please do take special care of purity.
Do use of Lohbaan Dhup.
Process must be done on a same single place. It should not be happened that today this place is used and tomoro the other place for mantra chanting.So keep it one.
Last but not least - use this process for pure, good and right work and attempt it with bonafide intentions.
1. If in office ur boss or ur colleges are creating problems for u then just do this process as told – Start this process on Friday morning around 5 o’clock with purity and chant the below mantra for 500 times for 3 consecutive days facing in west directionand onforth day read it for 1000 times and write it down on ur palm.on same when u ll be meeting just before that again read it for 15 times and see the wonders.

“Ya Rehmana kulli sha yin daraahimahu”

2.If ur love is annoyed from u or became attracted towards any other person or u feel some thing missing between u people or becoming ur relationship weak day by day then do this process – Read this Ayaat for 1100 times for 3 consecutive days exactly in same above manner. And write it down on bone china plate for 7 times and then wash it by the water and give that same water to ur partner and make him/her drink. Due to this ur relationship would become more stronger that before.If fail to make him drink then put it in any juice, tea or food item and serve him.

“Innmaa tunjiru manitt-va-aajjik ra va khashi yarrmahaanaa bil gaibee fabshshirahu bimag firtin va ajrin kareem”

So do it and experience the results personally.I always appreciate my fortune and feels proud that Sadgurudev adored me and made me his disciple and enriched me with great knowledge.So u also step forward and take wisdom from Guru Trimurti and make ur life full of prosper and happiness.

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****ARIF KHAN****

Monday, November 22, 2010

E- Magazine Tantra kaumudi

प्रिय मित्रों,
बहुप्रतीक्षित E- Magazine "तंत्र कौमुदी" के प्रथम अंक"लक्ष्मी और वशीकरण विशेषांक " के रूप में आप के हाँथ में आने की प्रतीक्षा के क्षण ,अब पूर्ण होने को हैं , दिसम्बर माह के पहले हफ्ते में आपके हांथो में आने से पूर्व कुछ झलकिया आप सभी के लिए ,
• वशीकरण विद्या की उपयोगिता आप के लिए जरुरी क्यों हैं ,आपके लिए संभावनाओ के द्वार खोलता हैं ये ,
• किसी को भी अपना बना लिजिये इस अघोर वशीकरण साधना के माध्यम से जो पहली पहली बार आपके लिए सामने आ रही हैं.
• क्या आज के युग में भी टोटका प्रभावशाली होते हैं लक्ष्मी आकर्षण के अनूठे ही प्रयोग
• आकस्मिक धन प्राप्ति का दुर्लभ प्रयोग जो आपकी प्रतीक्षा कर रहा हैं.
• हाँ आप भी पारद विज्ञानं में सिद्धि प्राप्त कर सकते हैं पर कैसे ? स्वर्णाकर्षण भैरव महा यन्त्र के गुप्त रहस्य जो पहली बार सामने आ रहे हैं, एक मनन योग्य लेख सिर्फ आपके लिए.
• हर कोई अमीर बनना चाहता पर , कैसे हो साधना के माध्यम से ये संभव ,लक्ष्मी साधना के गुप्त कुंजिया रूपी कुछ दिव्य महूर्त को आपके सामने ला रहा हैं.
• सूर्य विज्ञानं ,व पारद तंत्र के माध्यम से , दरिद्रता से छुटकारा पा कर वैभव शाली बना जा सकता हैं . क्या ये संभव हैं?
• मेरे पहले कुछ दिन सदगुरुदेव जी के चरणों में ....एक अग्रज गुरुभाई के संस्स्मरण ..सदगुरुदेव प्रसंग के अंतर्गत
• वशीकरण , चाहे वह किसी व्यक्ति या भगवती माँ लक्ष्मी का ही हो , पर क्या ये इस आकर्षण तत्व की मूल साधना के बिना संभव ही नहीं, आपके लिए इस मूल साधना के विषय में, साधना के रहस्य....... • जब चमत्कार को ही नमस्कार हैं, तब दातों तले उँगलियाँ दबाने पर विवष करने वाले अद्भुत मुस्लिम मंत्र के रहस्य सिर्फ आपके लिए
विशेष उपहार के रूप में क्रमशः
• पारदतंत्र कि अति दुर्लभ, सर्वथा पूर्ण गोपनीय यदि कोई ग्रन्थ हैं तो उनमें से सर्वोपरि नाम "सूत रहश्यम" का हैं, जो कुल १२१४ पेज का हैं , इस दुर्लभ ग्रंथ का नाम भी उच्च कोटि के पारद विज्ञानियों के लिए अज्ञात हैं. और इसमें जितने भी आयाम पारद तंत्र ,विज्ञानं से सम्बंधित हो सकते समाहित हैं , इस आप्रकाशित ग्रन्थ क्रमशः आपके सामने आ रहा हैं......
• साथ ही साथ यदि संभव हुआ तो अप्रकाशित "स्वर्ण रहश्यम" से सम्बंधित कुछ पेज भी आपके सामने आ सकते है

और भी बहुत कुछ , आपके सामने आने की प्रतीक्षा में .......
तो आप किसका इंतजार कर रहे हैं ,
यदि आप अभी तक इस ब्लॉग या ग्रुप के मेम्बर नहीं हैं तो आप जल्द ही रजिस्टर करें , ये सम्पूर्ण प्रक्रियां पूर्णतः निशुल्क हैं.

Dear friends.
Much awaited , upcoming Dec 2010 issue of
Tantra kaumudi” is in progress ,which is
Lakshmi and vashikaran visheshank
Some highlights of this issue just for you .
1. Why Vashikaran is so important in normal day to day life, and opening unlimited possibility for you.
2. Now the secreat of Very effective Aghora Vashikaran Sadhana revealed just for you.
3. Whether totaka s still works, revealing for attracting wealth.
4. Who do not want to get sudden wealth –one special sadhana can do it for you.
5. Yes, you can get the Siddhi in parad tantra through the hidden secreat of Swarnakarshan bhairav maha yantra , revealing first time just for you , how it is possible, read in …
6. Everyone wants to become millionaire, but when to start Lakshmi sadhana few knows, article just for you.
7. Is there any relationship. Between Surya vigyan and parad tantra to get riches, one special article for you.
8. My first few days with poojya sadgurudevji, senior Gurubhai revealing his touchy moment with sadgurudev ji , just for you in sadguru prasang.
9. Vashikaran, whether related to any person or goddess Lakshmi, but without the sadhana of basic tatv of Aakarshan , can it be possible , the secreat of this sadhana for you.
10. Unbelievable but amazing mantra of Muslim tantra only for you
Very special Gift for you …
11. “Soot Rahshyam” is the name of highly important but totally inaccessible and non publish personal notes containing 1214 pages of complete, all dimension of Parad tantra and vigyan field , still not known to even the higher level of scholar of this science and subject, this unpublished book ,opening the unlimited possibility of this Great Divine science ,first time in as a series in this e magazine is just only for you…
12. If, it is possible than some of the pages of this unpublished book “Swarn Rahshyam”, some of the pages may also appear in this e Magazine.

And much ,much more……..
So what are you waiting for ….
So if you are a not a free registered follower of this blog or Nikhil-Alchemy group . than plz do sign in (its totally free). If any difficulty in sign in plz let us know, through e mail or comment.

(Alchemical files and Mantras RELATED TO POST)
To visit NIKHIL ALCHEMY GROUP plz click here

(For sanskar upto 1 to 12 TH ) IS BEING ORAGNISED
For more information related to its schedules,fees, and other terms and condition
PLZ Click here to visit post "Important notice for Parad Sanskar Workshop –II "

"TANTRA KAUMUDI" Free E-Magzine bi monthly (only for free registered follower of this blog and Group memember) "Lakshmi and Vashikaran Visheshank" is going to be relesed
Soon on First week of Dec 2010.
(Containing, article on Ayurved,Tantra, yantra,Mantra, Surya vigyan,Astrology and Parad Tantra)

if not,a registered follower(Registration is totally free) of this blog , then
PLZ sign in, in follower section, appearing right hand upper or lower side of this page,

Friday, November 19, 2010

Important notice for Parad Sanskar Workshop –II

Last time some of our guru brothers, were not able to be part in first parad sanskar workshop .some because of not able to get visa on time, for some are not able to had leave for such a period. Even some are very lately read that info. Though we clearly mentioned that such a workshop would not be oragnised in future . on this matter ,All the mail and response we are getting continually , press us, think to again and again. What we can reply to all of them, so for all of you , this will be a golden opportunity.
So instead of pressing us, its you have to decide……..
Though he is busy in planning to next higher level parad sanskar workshop . But for them its gain loosing the opportunity , once they miss the chance by any reason, now will not be consider for higher level (from 13 to onwards). Its very basic that, without going through properly first 12th sanskar how can a person will be consider eligible for higher level sanskar. He think over that, again the same type of workshop will be organized. So you all win. Very soon this parad sanskar workshop will be organized .you already knew ,for that you have to email Arif ji .
Duration of this workshop will be 20 to 22 days only.
For the place of workshop (still not dicided) will be individually informed to whom, who will be going to selected by Arif ji.(we are not planning to go for same place)
Total workshop fees will be Rs 37,000 in Indian rupees this includes the lodging and food expenses .(no more extra hidden charge will be charged)..
Fees will be deposited in advance , before 10 Dec of 2010.
In this workshop about 15 people will be selected.
Parad sanskar from 1 to 12 th sanskar will be fully covered.

so why are you waiting for, contact him as early as possible
(what about us, who took part in previous workshop of similar nature ,I have only info that the people who, will successfully complete this workshop and off course from previous group(i belongs), will be eligible for considering higher level parad sanskar, but that will be in future. for that separate information along with necessary details regarding duration ,fees, place, and most important selection procedure for participants will be posted.)

पारद संस्कार कार्यशाला-II महत्वपूर्ण सूचना
( संस्कार के लिए १ से १२ संस्कार तक )

हमारे कुछ गुरु भाई जो की पारद संस्कार की पहली कार्यशाला मैं भाग न ले पाए थे, कुछ वीसा नहीं प्राप्त कर पायें थे , कुछ इंतनीजल्दी इतने दिनों की अवकाश भी नहीं ले पाए थे , साथ ही साथ , कुछ के लिए उन्हें ये सूचना बहुत ही देर से मिली/ देर से पढ़ पाए, उन सभी के द्वारा , हमें लगातार सम्पर्क किया जाता रहा हैं, हम अगले पारद संस्कार के कार्यशाला की योजना बनाने में व्यस्त हैं पहली कार्यशाला में तो ,बे समय पर अपरिहार्य कारणों से भाग नहीं ले पाए अब ये उच्च स्तरीय संस्कार की कार्यशाला भी वे भाग नहीं ले पायेंगे, कारण साफ हैं की उच्चस्तरीय संस्कार में भाग लेने के लिए इन प्रथम बारह संस्कारो में प्रवीणता जरूरी है ही,
गंभीर रूप से बिचार करने पर ये निष्कर्ष निकाला, कि क्यों नहीं एक और कार्यशाला के बारे में योजना बनाए जाये . तो इस हेतु आपके सामने फिर से पारद संस्कार (१ से १२ तक) की कार्यशाला का आयोजन किया जा रहा हैं, आप सभी जो अभी किसी कारण से भाग नहीं ले पाए हैं उनके सभी लोगों के लिए यह एक स्वर्णिम अबसर होगा.
इस कार्यशाला की अबधि मात्र २० से २२ दिन ही होगी.
कार्यशाला का स्थान (अभी निश्चित नहीं हैं) के विषय मैं उन सभी को, जो की चुने जायेंगे, व्यक्तिगत रूप से सूचित किया जायेगा.
केबल इस कार्य शाला में भाग लेने के लिए फीस ३७,००० रुपये (भारतीय मुद्रा में ) निश्चित की गए हैं , ( इसमें ,रुकने बा खाने , की व्यवस्था का खर्च भी इसी में शामिल हैं .)और इस फीस को आपको १० दिसम्बर २०१० के पहले , यदि आप चुने जाते हैं तो अग्रिम जमा करना होगा.
केबल मात्र १५ व्यक्तियों को ही भाग लेने की पात्रता होगी.
पारद संस्कार १ से १२ तक ही इस कार्य शाला के अंतर्गत होंगे.

तो अब आप किस बात का इंतजार कर रहे हैं.
(उन सभी गुरुभाइयों के साथ , जिनमे मैं भी था, उन्हें और आप को भी ये बताना चाहूँगा की, उच्च स्तर की पारद कार्यशाला ,जिसमे आगे के संस्कार सिखाएं जायेंगे, पर बिचार चल रहा हैं , तो उन्हें उसकी अबधि , फीस , कौन से संस्कार , स्थान , बा उस कार्यशाला में चुने जाने की प्रक्रिया के बारे में बिस्तार से , इसी ब्लॉग के माध्यम से बताया जायेगा ।

Important information :(Regarding free e magazine)
now the number of follower of our blog , just reaching our first magic figure 100. or till this post publish, more than that. on this happiest moment , a Free e magazine will be available for all the follower register (off course that is free too) in this blog. this 20 pages mag will cover astrology, tantra, mantra, yantra and sun science, ayurved and off course parad science. and this will not be a magazine for discussing the topic but will contain the sadhana what he get directly from Sadgurudev ji and our sansayasi guru brothers.
Not only this but very important book written by him (not published yet)” Soota rahasyam “of 1214 pages will be published in as a series. Soota is you already know, the highest stage of mercury after applying sanskars process. From mercury to ras, and ras to Rasraaj and from rasraaj to rasendra, then soota stage comes. And possibility that “Swarn Rahasyam “ some part can also come.
Not only this but, as the follower number increases , the free e magazine pages will be increases , like on reaching next 25 follower , 4 page will be added .. this will be the rule. again i would like to make it very clear to all of you mine fellow guru brother and sister is that, we are just your guru brother nothing more than that and we all ,always be the shishya. What more luck and blessing can be of us .what we got with the blessing of Sadgurudevji and his sanyasi shishyas and our own little experience in this great divine field, just providing in your kind heart and hand, keeping in mind that sadgurudevji divine knowledge is not just our property, Sadgurudevji is for every one,
and if you find it a single percent benefit for your life. this will be our offering to the divine holy feet of our Sadgurudevji. depending on your response, that e magazine will be bi monthly or quarterly be decided .
jai Gurudev

(Alchemical files and Mantras RELATED TO POST)
To visit NIKHIL ALCHEMY GROUP plz click here


Monday, November 15, 2010

Simplest Sabar mantra very important inthe time of real need

in mine previous post. The photograph was.. oops ..even I shocked to see that.. ha ha . is there any one, who still like my way of writing, please raise your hand, I start counting, ….only 1 person(me only)….... now ,I am sharing some very simple but very effective Sabar mantra with you all. One more thing in the end I will ask you ,any one mantra to repeat. It’s a test.. be ready for that …..

I just little elaborate the cause behind that. As one complete day ,we spend in visiting Ghoram ghati, in search of divines herbs, kand available there, and you already knew that what happened while returning . I was very worried, for the safety of not only me but all of mine fellow member, praying sadgurudevji for that continuously, fearing that some scorpion, or snake if could come our way what would happened,

as the darken darks. Feeling a little bit restless , only a two mobile’s touch was on our help for 20 people. I tried to memories some of the mantra, what I have read from Sadgurudev ji magazine and from other great ones, and also from other sources, (I really highly thankful to all of them , and producing the mantra mentioned by them, here, gathered from various sources ) either I was able to recall the mantra , or only the process, mine helplessness was very high.

I never ever thought that one day such a things can happened, one should not take any mantra or sadhana very easy, or just time pass, everything is has a value, in the time of need.

sabar mantra a great section of divinity created just for common person to achieve his goal, either material or spiritual, highly practiced by not even from village people, but to great savants of this divine field, its common faith that they are created by guru gorakhnath ji and later numerous mantra added by people belonging to every cast and religion, whichever belongs to him or other s,not easily to decide but all are very effective . You can get result within a second.

Not only to the problem related to common people like minor health problem to the problem can not discussed openly, all, are covered in that. Even mahavidya sadhana, yakshni sadhana, apsara sadhana and every imaginable field are covered in that, even “Agni shathai parad process” too covered in that ,all the parad sanskar can be done by this great branch of mantra.

Yes yes , shamshan awaking,……. to…. kapaal sadhana .. you can count… infinite mantra… but why ,I am writing this, you all are, already known this common facts,

For any poisonous insects biting :

” Om chande phuh.” ॐ चन्डे फु:

Repeat 21 times this mantra while rubbing your finger on the spot, surely within a few second you get relief.

On scorpion sting :

“Dhay bisa der” “धाय बिसा देर " is the mantra repeat only (with little loud) in front of the person , and asked him to touch earth with impact with either hand of feet, on doing the three times. He will get relief.

If snake comes :

start chanting “muniraaj aastik namh” or “मुनिराज आस्तिक नमः " on just a few times repeating of mantra, snake will go out of your sight.

Complete safety while thunder storm / strong wind blows. :

“Hukm shekh pharid kamariya ,nishi adhariya,

Aag pani pathriya teeno se to hi bacheya.”

हुक्म शेख फरीद कमरिया ,निशि अंधरिया ,

आग पानी पथरिया तीनो से तो ही बचेइया

Just repeat three time and make a clap sound from hand।

In any type of difficulty:

“Om pa me ae me hum” " ॐ पा में ऐ में हुम"

any time when you are in midst of any difficulty just repeat/chant 101 times , this great mantra.

To get relief from For headache :

“ Om jah hah sah “ “ ॐ जः हः सः"
Drink water already abhimantrit with 21 times of repeating this mantra.

To digest the food:

Agastya kumbhkarn cha shani cha badvanalam,

Aahaar pachanarthay ,smeret bheem cha panchakam.”

अगस्त्य कुम्भकर्ण च शनि च बदवानालम ,

आहार पचानार्थय ,स्मरेत भीम च पंचकम.”

Repeat the mantra 7 times while moving your hand on your stomach.

To get success while in journey:

“om peer bajarangi, ram lakshman ke sangi,

Jahan jahan jayen ,phtah ke danka bajaye,

Duhai mata anjni ki aan.

ॐ पीर बजरंगी , राम लक्ष्मण के संगी ,

जहाँ जहाँ जाएँ ,फतह के डंका बजाये ,

दुहाई माता अंजनी की आन

While doing work or on journey time repeat it as much you can , you will be blessed with success.

To get success in work:

Shur shiromani sahsi,sumati sameer kumar,

Agam sugam sab kaam karoon,kartal Siddhi bichar

शूर शिरोमनी साहसी ,सुमति समीर कुमार ,

अगम सुगम सब काम करूं ,करतल सिद्धि बिचार

Chant the mantra, some times . in the beginning of work.

I think for now, it is enough, when I asked Aarif ji, is there any special process, protecting from snake and other poisonous insects, why not Sadgurudev has not given us,” shiva shasthrakkshri kavach”, thrice appeared in mantra tantra vigyan old issue, is a boon for protecting not only us, but from the people around us, while returning I was praying to Sadgurudev ji, he was busy chanting this greatest kavach.

Point to be consider:

One of most important things of Sabar mantra is that , they totally depend upon your faith in your guru and off course in you too. Not all the process are so simple as I mentioned here, but require a high degree of carefulness, are you not remembering Sadgurudevji’s word mentioned in introcution in tantric siddhiyan. Some time while doing some greatest highly effective sadhana , person has to set aside his own daily routine sadhana like ma bhagvati gaytri mantra jap. Kindly go through that. But the mantra I collected and mentioned here not having such a pre condition.

If your faith in Sadgurudev ji ,and in you too, definitely they will works.

Second important things I like to share with you is that, without the pure sadhana articles/materials, acheving success in this type of sadhana, is almost impossible. But suppose you are not having any needed material, on the time of need, then what you will do?…have you not remember poojya sadgurudevji, already mentioned many times the power and utility of “Sabar yantra”, which can be easily get from poojya paad gurud trimurti ji at jodhpur. Is like a boon for us.doing sabar mantra jap in front of it, removes all the absence and negativity.

Some important ritual like bhairav sthapan etc.. are essential for higher level sadhana, and still can be got from Sadgurudev ji at jodhpur.

And also, though getting result in this type of sadhana is very easy, but on the path of some higher Sabar sadhana, if one should seek prior blessing of sadgurudevji, and get Sabar Diksha from him, what a great luck for him.

So I am spreading rose flower patels on the path for you, my dearest gurubrother and sisters. positively hoping that, at least you understand the power behind the Sabar sadhana . I pray that , sadgurudev ji bless you all ,for great success, and all of us very soon become his true shshyas .


Important information :(Regarding free e magazine)

now the number of follower of our blog , just reaching our first magic figure 100. or till this post publish, more than that. on this happiest moment , i inform you that Arif ji planning a Free e magazine for all the follower register (off course that is free too) in this blog. this 20 to 30 pages mag will cover astrology, tantra, mantra, yantra and sun science, ayurved and off course parad science. and this will not be a magazine for discussing the topic but will contain the sadhana what he get directly from sadgurudev ji and our sansayasi guru brothers. Not only this but, as the follower number increases , the free e magazine pages will be increases , like on reaching next 25 follower , 4 page will be added .. this will be the rule. again i would like to make it very clear to all of you mine fellow guru brother and sister is that, we are just your guru brother nothing more than that and we all ,always be the shishya. What more luck and blessing can be of us .what we got with the blessing of sadgurudevji and his sanyasi shishyas and our own little experience in this great divine field, just providing in your kind heart and hand, keeping in mind that sadgurudevji divine knowledge is not just our property, sadgurudevji is for every one,

and if you find it a single percent benefit for your life. this will be our offering to the divine holy feet of our sadgurudevji. depending on your response, that e magazine will be bi monthly or quarterly be decided .

jai Gurudev


(Alchemical files and Mantras RELATED TO POST)


To visit NIKHIL ALCHEMY GROUP plz click here


Sunday, November 14, 2010

Shamshan sadhana :Deepest hidden truth unrevealed yet

My Dearest friend,

lets begun the journey with me for the unlocking the closed door of this great section of Shamshan sadhana..when I listened it first time.. my heart full of love and gratitude towards Sadgurudevji, though I am not eligible for this knowledge , but his love knows no boundary…

I was sitting back seat of car (usually I have to sit there) ,Arif ji and shri Patel bhaiyya ji in front seat. In month of sept 2010, we were moving from Ahmadabad to Pali (Rajasthan) .Talk moving towards shamshan sadhana….usually Arifji have awake me , since I usually absorbed /felt in grip of mine thought. I tried to controlled it ,but it happens.

Am I not interested in shamshan sadhana, and wanted to do that…… he asked me,

yes I am …. I answered.

now my friends, in his words in coming lines, I am reproducing it (just for you)…

Small graveyard known as marghat and bigger one is as shamshan, the lord of marght is called as margheteshwer and for shamshan ..shamshan bhairav.., and one more power is there Dhoomralochan.. the sadhana and completed knowledge is must about them…

Why..? I asked.

Its must , unless ,I understand the difference between the doing sadhana in shamshan and doing sadhana in complete awake shamshan, till then no use. like doing some ritual in shamshan is ok, but doing sadhana in awake shamshan sadhana is very ,very difficult procedure , and should not be attempted in any circumstances, this is not the place for just tamasha. Who says if effect not happened than side effect would not be the result. if you are rubbing figure over a sharp knife, what will be the out come..

Ok ,

These marghatshwar.. some are with no hand , some totally blind, some deaf, some have no feet, the deaf one is most dangerous, since digbandhan will not get effected by him, you will be killed as he did not listen your mantra..but how do I know that who is.. blind who is not…

Have patience now.. he smiled.

Like the same name “Marghateshwar” sadhana is also famous (do not get confused by that ) successfully completed by any one ,has such an enormous power, lifting biggest rock is, just a play for him, but restriction is that he has to follow complete 1 month bramhacharya. And allowed to have physical relation with his own wife only two times in a month. But here, we are discussing Margheteshwer… those who attempted without his guru permission often get mad or died. So it’s the field gurugamya. Do I know is there sadhana named like rakkshas, Daitya sadhana, Pishach sadhana, Lankadhipati sadhana.

I kept silence..

Till I know fully sadhana of “aasan khilne ki”, complete digbandhan… I(Anu) should be keep a distance of that.

I knew digbandhan and suraksha chakra. And how to create it, I told him.

my dear brother is not so easy as it seems, suppose you circled the surakha chakra, and start the process, the dark forces out side that will not harm you its true, but what about the field inside the circle, definitely the forces already exists in that area will awake and what you would do..

I stunned.. is it true.?.

Why I should tell lie to you.

Have you know, there is kapaal sadhana, in that human head skull is fixed below the sadhak aasan, but its not true, not one but five such a kapaal is needed, and at the completion of that sadhana they would start talking.. one by one, any one who successfully complete the sadhana , will rule the world, but where are such a sadhak.

Similar case with pisach Siddhi and maili vidya Siddhi, you have to do lower type of bad karama, if you want to keep the power with you, what type of that karma.. I asked. like gambling and sexual impurity..but people who practiced the sadhana and use for the harming other often get punished highly, not only they, but their children also get affected,

But why ,any one practiced that.. I questioned.

Just to check sadhak courage.. not any other cause…

But sadgurudevji, also published a sadhana named Pisach sadhana.. I told, that will not be the case he mentioned, the sadhana coming from Sadgurudev not having any such negativity ,if he clearly instructed. He assured me.

Fot Daitya sadhana, one should be the devotee of shiva, since understand the difference between that Daitya and rakkshas are two different category.

But you yourself completed the Dhoomavati sadhana but you did not mentioned any such things. I asked, Anu bhaiyya.. that sadhana of mahavidya stage and completed under Sadgurudev direction, and in front of ma Dhoomavati where even the bhramharakkshasa stands.

Oops now I knew.. but Why all such dangerous sadhana needed.?

Plz go through the old issue of mantra tantra yantra, in that Sadgurudev himself instructed An Guru brother( a shishya of sadgurudevji) to go for that, whole one complete article published , sadgurudevji mentioned in length ,why such sadhana is needed.

Yes I read that article .i remembered that such one experience of our gurubhai regarding shamshan sadhana appeared in “sadhak sakkshi hain” column.

I read the article but could not get pre information of such things happened . I sadly said.

Not one ,but many such sadhana organized by sadgurudevji. He told me, Anu bhaiyya.. this is not the things for that people are being called opening, kindly understand. Was it not sadgurudevji mentioned many times , comes to have direct contact with him, and in person contact with him leads to such a direct interaction with his wisdom.

Now I can understand what I(Anu) lost.. its true that now ,when I knew that what the activity happened under his divine blessing, where I just fulfill mine duty, that today 4 round of rosary completed, mine task completed… I sadly told.

To get diksha is very easy but to become his shishya.. is like walking on a sharp knife… you have to be the shishyas of great Paramhansa Swami Nikheleshwaraanand ji is not so easy, you have to devote whole life……

So I request you all without having proper diksha and completed knowledge of this sadhana and under the guidance of Sadgurudev or expert please do not tried for this. This could be deadly.

I (Anu) am remembering one incident one of our senior gurubhai told me in person , sharing with you that

Now in his own words……..

Once, some one told him to do shamshan sadhana, he refused it but later he became ready. Just for providing assistance to his friend, who ,no not , where he get the mantra. he was standing near his friend in shamshan in dark night ,within 15 minutes , whole shamshan was having great wind flown ,every where, shouting sound came, remember they even not made any circled ghera (surakksha chakra or performed any other ritual).

He told me. Anu bhaiyya, it seems like 20/30 people standing near to us but not visible to us, my friend is in grip of his fear , his teeth get sounds, and it seems like anu max happened to him, even I, knew not any procedure to save him .in mid of puzzle, I cried with folded hand to sadgurudevji, hame bachao.. (pls protect us). Suddenly the big blast happened like thousand sun rays appeared. And within in minutes, everything again calm like nothing happened. I personally sent my un cautious friend to his home, next three years he did not comes out from his home, on seeing me, he always cried bhaiya roco roco,(brother please stop, stop). People of mine village understood that I did the things to mine friend.

When he (guru bhai) personally meet sadgurudevji, narrated whole story to him, sadgurudevji was very angry asked him… why he was there in shamshan.. he replied , just with the friend. Sadgurudev ji (very angry )slept him. Tu tamasha dekhne ke liye gaya tha. Kya wo tamasha ki jagah hain.(you went there for any show, is that is place for that). Now you saved because of mine diksha , but your friends ….

With 3 years his friend died.”

Anu bhaiyya kahan ho.. aarif bhai asking me.

I do not know… I smiled. i opened the door of car. We both stand taking each other hands. he smiled.

I am really lucky to have friend like you……..


Important information :(Regarding free e magazine)

now the number of follower of our blog , just reaching our first magic figure 100. or till this post publish, more than that. on this happiest moment , i inform you that Arif ji planning a Free e magazine for all the follower register (off course that is free too) in this blog. this 20 to 30 pages mag will cover astrology, tantra, mantra, yantra and sun science, ayurved and off course parad science. and this will not be a magazine for discussing the topic but will contain the sadhana what he get directly from sadgurudev ji and our sansayasi guru brothers. Not only this but, as the follower number increases , the free e magazine pages will be increases , like on reaching next 25 follower , 4 page will be added .. this will be the rule. again i would like to make it very clear to all of you mine fellow guru brother and sister is that, we are just your guru brother nothing more than that and we all ,always be the shishya. What more luck and blessing can be of us .what we got with the blessing of sadgurudevji and his sanyasi shishyas and our own little experience in this great divine field, just providing in your kind heart and hand, keeping in mind that sadgurudevji divine knowledge is not just our property, sadgurudevji is for every one,

and if you find it a single percent benefit for your life. this will be our offering to the divine holy feet of our sadgurudevji. depending on your response, that e magazine will be bi monthly or quarterly be decided .

jai Gurudev


(Alchemical files and Mantras RELATED TO POST)


To visit NIKHIL ALCHEMY GROUP plz click here


Parad sanskar workshop part २(concluding part)

Dear friend,
I am trying my best effort, but each time I found, I slip so many important point, so I have no option but to write down separate post for each sanskar in details so that many such a highly important point I can share with you in length ,which will be definitely benefitted for you .(I corrected three times, mine second part post, but either I managed mine way of writing or justify the subject and off course your valuable time so I valued your time highest compare to mine way …..now I am serious.
As the some of the helping staff and person gathered there ,having some disbelief on the authenticity of this parad tantra and some line of doubt appearing on their faces, swami shishyaanadji, made his mind to metal transformation, later he told me Sadgurudev always used to say that in this era of highly disbelief, if his shisyas come forward to show then it out be much proud things for him, and chamatkar ko naskar hain hi. he demonstrated the procedure with herbs only(and total times with different ways to us ) told clearly without the power of sadhan , this cannot be possible, though it seems miracles but based on higher science.,
every doubted one bow down to the sadgurudevji ‘s name. so that is still be possible it is ,for doubted heart.. now where is the faith lies in our generation, having doubt on every things is in our blood, how long sadgurudevji, purified our blood. At last he will sure success.
Approx 5oo hundred people, requested to be part of this workshop, only 15 gets selected by properly going through their horoscope, and their interest in the science and upper most the faith in sadgurudevji , no class or religion, age was the pre condition ,personally they contacted by phone . only than the green signal was given. if the success in this field is the fruit of previous karma, only than they selected, who else other than Sadgurudev, can change the fate.
One complete full day spend, in the visiting mountain of Goram ghat, almost 30 km we walked by on own feet, the day we never forgot, what we faced , while returning ,when we missed our way and travelled in the deep forest in the dark night with no torch and no water even no mobile signal ,and the forest animal sound all around , no fire, only plastic bottle sound help, almost we travelled 4/5 hours to reach the our destination where our jeep waited., what happened their, no one want to forgot, if you insist me then I will write in detail. And the divyashoddhi and siddhoushidi, what we saw their, will be covered in any coming article. With sadgurudevji blessing everyone safely come out . as Arif ji promised for that trip for introduction of divine herbs. the promised fulfilled.
Though daily sadhana process and in night time also a regular feature, every day 5 sholaka of Nikheleshwer stavan path is also a must part of days beginning.
So many mails we received, many of congrates but some with threats too, why such workshop was organized, we could not believe that, even when all the work was done under the divine shelter of sadgurudevji, and pooya gurutrimurti ji already informed about that with their consent this work started, even after that so many negative mails, we already had some impression about that, but the some of our bhai, made negative remarks and some made us cautious, now we understood the problems .but where sadgurudevji ‘s blessing then success will automatically comes, his blessing is not a things for us but all of our life totally and only depends upon it.
Who would believe except the person present there, Three serious accidents in a rows, such a serious one, in last accident, next two days glass particle coming out from his(Aarif) eyes, sometime furnace not reaching the temp as it should be, sometimes mercury filled earthen pot blast, that was not the things that should happen, is it just normal phenomena, we all are very upset over that.
Was there any reason beyond our logic, yes. …But who could do that, when Sadgurudev divine blessing shelter was there, even daily gurumantra, Nikhil stavan was going on. “Every shakti whether dark or pure had its own power” he replied. But sadgurudevji…. He again told me..had I forgot famous incident in that kapali baba used highest deadly tantra shakti on sadgurudevji in tantric sammelen. Even Sadgurudev had to back two step to bear such an enormous amount powered dark forces of 52 bhairav proyog.
But who was doing,.. I asked ? do not think over that.. he replied with very serious tone. I could understand that pain behind the voice, small important work under Sadgurudev blessing faced such a criticality, so much how much pain, struggle Sadgurudev himself faced, when he alone stand up again all the dark forces and still he is .next 4/5 days all the wound healed. No sign of that. The workshop Place was informed to participant just three days before. even after taking such a precaution this things happened.
Were you all right ,I asked Arifji, with smile he replied, only bunch of flower are not expected many times brick stone also a part of life. is the teaching of sadgurudevji for all of us. So its ok. Not to worry..
Your love ,response, good wishes are our torch. Uppermost our divine father Sadgurudev ji..surely all the event taught us a lot if,we were ready to learn from that. Loin never teaches his young club in bed made of roses.
The 11 th sanskar and 12 th sanskar are very secretive and very difficult even ras granth kept a silence over that . Three way we did that. parad and (the virya of bhagvaan shiv and gandhak/sulpher is the raj of ma parvati) their sanyog, how much difficult you can understand. Very tedious process, time consuming .
Even kachhap yantra most highly recommended and inter dhroom jaran not producing the result, same sulpher comes out after the process complete thrice . Reason in previous paragraph I already mentioned. Later arif ji asked us to do the process by the very different process mentioned highly practiced in kapalik marg .where in the beginning we started with 6.5 kg of mercury now only 100 gram of mercury is used. 6 gun jharan, 32 guna jharan, and 64 gun jharan we did that. same process demonstrated many time so that each one of us very clearly understand the process. why not with 1 kg of mercury this process can be completed. That’s not possible since this sanskar gandhak jharan is very time consuming and success of it totally depend upon the blessing of Sadgurudev and bhagvaan shiva. The sulpher used for that is beyond our capability within the time limit.
Now the ultimate 12 th sanskar Abhrak satav grasan comes. even 4 month is very less for preparing the essential item used in this sanskar, it great luck of us that all the required material is already made available to us. But even though how to prepare oil from human hair only. Such a bad smell was spreading all around that no one could sleeps in that hall or even the roof of the structure. slowly after the 5 hours some drop of oil comes from the distillation apparatus. But getting abhrak stav from raw abhrak.. total 100 kg wooden coal and 30 kg of stone coal is used furnace temp rising more than 1600 degree, colored famles comes out, we all instructed the monitor the flame.. each color change practically be described by arif ji, whole night the process running.
Ooops the small ball made from cow dung (80 kg) and dhnyaa abhrak, gud and ghree, guggle and many more, we made from our own hand after mixing hand. How to make dhanya abhrak. From abhrak.. ooops such a complex subject even my self needed 6/7 times in details even to understand it what was going there. now I can understand why people even of high level in parad field can only say ar described the process in words but if asked them to show that in practical hardly a few get successful though a lot can self claim.
It fills my heart the joy unspeakable when, the night comes when he is going to give the ultimate gift from his side to all of us as he mentioned in importance of workshop. the famous miraculous mirror making process in that we can directly contact any ras siddh and and able to talk them in person. This is the most hidden secreat til now ,since sadgurudevji himself given him the process, very few people only listened about it, no where I mean it, no where ,how that can be possible ,is mentioned, in any shashtra.
Such a tedious and time consuming process for preparing the ultimate article of mirror, cannot be so easy, please remember that for each things you have to pay in this world, nothings comes free. higher the knowledge the higher you have to pay, even your own life. Is the pre condition, very famous
saint kabeer das ji told.. sadho this is not our mausi home………….
At first uphass(overlooked ) then opposition and lastly the acceptance are the three teps in that everyone has to go, who are things from the time ahead…. Famous words from Greatest swami Vivekanandji.
Lastly the day arrived. When arifji, finally reveled the more confidential mantra used in sanskar to us and clearly described them fully two three times. though people can claim that they achieved success upto a level but beyond that theses mantra will unlock the secreat. Now rest upon us how we take the things.
We all are moving to jodhpur to celebrate deepawali function in the Sadgurudev home, taken bless from the poojniya mataji and off course from guru dev trimurti ji too, we spend whole night in sadhana bhavan . along with other guru brother, we just like a small wave in big ocean of sadgrudev millions of childrens.
On the 6 th nov , see off each other with smile…..we will again meet ….we are friend for life… now the journey is started ….. again each one again busy in his daily business.
Thanks a lot for reading up to here. i will surely provide in length ,various details, discussion regarding sadhana and parad tantra held there. But that will covered in one sanskar in one post. I understand that ,such a technical subject, how can I summarize in just few lines.
I am just praying for your success to sadgurudevji ,in every possible good field. sampoorna guru parivaar blessing falls upon us.
Who know one day again, I will be talking and sitting next to you in person, regarding parad sanskar.. so even though ,till now, I knew ,this will not be easy to digest, but its all yours..
I am waiting for the day….are you not waiting for me..
I know , you toooooo..
Anurag singh
Important information :(Regarding free e magazine)
now the number of follower of our blog , just reaching our first magic figure 100. or till this post publish, more than that. on this happiest moment , i inform you that Arif ji planning a Free e magazine for all the follower register (off course that is free too) in this blog. this 20 to 30 pages mag will cover astrology, tantra, mantra, yantra and sun science, ayurved and off course parad science. and this will not be a magazine for discussing the topic but will contain the sadhana what he get directly from sadgurudev ji and our sansayasi guru brothers. Not only this but, as the follower number increases , the free e magazine pages will be increases , like on reaching next 25 follower , 4 page will be added .. this will be the rule. again i would like to make it very clear to all of you mine fellow guru brother and sister is that, we are just your guru brother nothing more than that and we all ,always be the shishya. What more luck and blessing can be of us .what we got with the blessing of sadgurudevji and his sanyasi shishyas and our own little experience in this great divine field, just providing in your kind heart and hand, keeping in mind that sadgurudevji divine knowledge is not just our property, sadgurudevji is for every one,
and if you find it a single percent benefit for your life. this will be our offering to the divine holy feet of our sadgurudevji. depending on your response, that e magazine will be bi monthly or quarterly be decided .
jai Gurudev


(Alchemical files and Mantras RELATED TO POST)


To visit NIKHIL ALCHEMY GROUP plz click here


Saturday, November 13, 2010

Parad sanskar workshop(our first concrete step on the path divine…. parad science…)

पारद संस्कार कार्यशाला
part 1
( दिव्य पारद विज्ञान पर हमारा पहला ठोस कदम ...)
मेरे प्रिय मित्रों ,
दीपावली की ढेर सारी 'आप सभी को शुभकामनाएं . सदगुरुदेव जी आशीर्वाद के साथ आपकी शुभ कामनाये पूर्ण हो (निश्चय आपके प्रयास भी बहुत आवश्यक होंगे ) . जैसा कि आप पहले से ही जानते हैं कि पारद संस्कार की 40 दिन कार्यशाला पूर्ण हुए हैं .मैं आप सभी को धन्यवाद देता हूँ , आपकी शुभकामनाएँ और सहायता के सभी के बिना, यह बहुत मुश्किल काम था
पिछले 50 वर्षों मे जो की संभव नहीं हो पाया था , उसे सफलता पूर्वक करने का प्रयास किया , .
मैं अपने सभी साथी गुरु भाई और बहनों को भी धन्यवाद देता हूँ. इससे पहले की मैं इस कार्यशाला के बारे में लेखन प्राम्भ करूं, मैं ह्रदय से से आप का समर्थन आपके अपने ब्लॉग पर पाने के लिए धन्यवाद देता हूँ..
महत्वपूर्ण जानकारी: (नि: शुल्क पत्रिका)
अब हमारे ब्लॉग के फोलोवर की संख्या पहला जादूइ 100 के अंक तक पहुंच गए हैं या जब तक यह पोस्ट पुब्लिश हो उससे भी अधिक. अधिक. इस खुशी का पल पर मैं आपको बताना चाहता हूँ कि आरिफ जी इस ब्लॉग में सभी फोलोवर रजिस्टर (बेशक कि फ्री भी हैं ) के लिए एक नि: शुल्क पत्रिका की योजना बना चुके थे बस हम इंतज़ार कर रहे थे की जैसे ही ये संभव हो आप को बताया जाये . यह 20 पृष्ठों पत्रिका मे ज्योतिष, तंत्र, मंत्र यन्त्र, और सूर्य विज्ञान, आयुर्वेद और पारद विज्ञान को कवर किया जाएगा. और इस विषय पर चर्चा ही नहीं बल्कि पूर्ण साधना भी प्रकाशित होगी , ये साधना और ज्ञान जो की पूज्य सदगुरुदेव जी और हमारे सन्यासी अग्रज गुरु भाइयों से सीधे प्राप्त हुए हैं उन्हें दिया जाएगा. हर नए २५ फोल्लोवेर के बढ़ जाने पर इस फ्री पत्रिका के पेज और बढ़ा दिए जायेंगे . यही नियम रहेगा .
फिर भी मैं इसे आप सब के लिए स्पष्ट करना चाहूँगा हम सभी आपके केबल मात्र गुरु भाई हैं इस्ससे ज्यादा कुछ भी नहीं, हम हमेशा शिष्य ही रहेंगे, इससे बड़ा हमारा सौभाग्य क्या हो सकता हैं. प्रिय साथियों, हमे जो भी ज्ञान सद्गुरुदेवजी और उनके सन्यासी शिष्यों से प्राप्त हुआ हैं इसमे हमारे अपने अनुभव भी हैं , आपके साथ हम बाँट रहे हैं इस ज्ञान को आप अपने मन , ह्रदय मैं स्थान दे , इसे कृपया ध्यान दे की सदगुरुदेवजी का दिव्य ज्ञान केबल हमारी ही संपत्ति नहीं है, सदगुरुदेव जी हर एक के लिए है ,
और यदि आप इसे अपने जीवन के लिए एक प्रतिशत लाभ पाते हैं. यह हमारे लिए सदगुरुदेव जी के पवित्र चरण कमलों मैं छोटी सी भेंट होगी . आपकी प्रतिक्रिया के आधार पर, कि ये पत्रिका द्वि मासिक या तिमाही होगी फैसला किया जायेगा , अन्य गुरु भाइयों के साथ हर दिन मैं भी बड़े ही उत्सुक्कता से ब्लॉग हिट देखता था. मुझे अभी भी बहुत आश्चर्य होता था कि सिर्फ पिछले तीन महीने में कुल २१००० हिट से अधिक तक पहुंच गई , (यह सिर्फ किसी विशेष लेखों पर एक क्लिक गिनती है, और मोबाइल उपयोगकर्ताओं कितना हमरे ब्लॉग को एक्स्सस करते हैं उनकी गिनती हमें ज्ञात नहीं है) .
मैं मेरी अपनी आँखों पर विश्वास नहीं कर सकता है. आपका इतना बड़ा समर्थन है हमें , हम अपने ह्रदय से आप सभी को स्नेह करते हैं. और मैं इससे ज्यादा क्या कह सकता हूँ..
पारद संस्कार कार्यशाला:
एक और बात, बहुत ही हम सभी के लिए आश्चर्य की बात है की , "कार्यशाला की जानकारी है, और कार्यशाला के महत्व" हर 20 से 30 लोगों के द्वारा पढ़ा जाना ,पारद संस्कार कार्यशाला के क्षण आप सभी मेरे अपने के साथ बांटूं है. हालांकि मैं भी एक सदस्य के रूप में कार्यशाला में भाग लेने गया था , लेकिन मैंने हमेशा हर गतिविधि पर कड़ी नज़र रखी . और यहाँ, मैं सिर्फ सकारात्मक बिंदुओं की ही नहीं लेकिन नकारात्मक बिंदु भी चर्चा करेंगे, क्योंकि मैं इसे भाग लेने वाले सदस्य के पहले , एक आलोचनात्मक दृष्टि से पहले देखता हूँ .
पूज्यपाद सदगुरुदेव जी के आशीर्वाद के साथ, हम केवल १२ संस्कार (अभ्रक सत्व ग्रास) संस्कार तक ही नहीं बल्कि १३ वे संस्कार तक पूरा कर लिया है जिनमे अभ्रक सत्व चारण ,अभ्रक सत्व जारण और अंतर गर्भ दृति पूरा किया . रस शास्त्रों मैं इस बात का उल्लेख हैं ही लोग दृति करने के प्रयास मैं ,खुद ही द्रुत हो गए , पर नहीं कर पायें. इस दौरान .जब मैं स्वयं एक प्रसिद्ध फार्मेसी राजस्थान के प्रबंधक से मिलने गया ., उसने मुझसे कहा .. गुरु और भगवान् शंकर के आशीर्वाद के बिना यह संभव नहीं हो सकता है क्या और अधिक सबूत के लिए आवश्यक है. मेरे और आप जैसे सभी अपने बच्चों को सदगुरुदेवजी का आशीर्वाद हमेशा रहता हैं.
यह काम हमारे प्रिय सदगुरुदेव जी का सपना है, और उनके आशीर्वाद और उनकी उपस्थिति के बिना यह सफलता नहीं मिल सकती थी. इसलिए इस दिव्य काम पर गलती खोजने अच्छा नहीं था, लेकिन आरिफ जी , मुझे कहा की निष्पक्ष आँखों से सभी प्रक्रियां को देख कर मैं लिखूं
इसके लिए मुझे सिर्फ 3 या 4 लेख मैं बात पूरी करना हैं , जहां प्रत्येक घंटे मैं इतनी जानकारी दी जाती थी की उसे एक पोस्ट में कवर नहीं किया जा सकता है, को 40 दिन की गतिविधि संक्षेप करने के लिए मुश्किल है.कम से कम मेरे लिए तो कठिन हैं ही . मैं इसे 3 / 4 लेख और मेरे द्वारा कवर नहीं किये जाने भाग को मैं अपने अगले पोस्ट मैं पार्ट , पार्ट आपके सामने रखने का प्रयास करूंगा .. हम सब स्टेशन पर एकत्रित थे जिनमे आरिफ जी, रघुनाथ निखिल जी और आठ राज्यों से गुरु भाई एक झारखंड, एक चेन्नई से, चार पंजाब से , महाराष्ट्र से, मध्य प्रदेश , गुजरात से, उत्तर प्रदेश. भी. और मैं अनु आप सभी की और से ....( हैं ना )

या आप यह कह सकते हैं, एक आयुर्वेदिक (श्री आदित्य अवस्थी) चिकित्सक, एक एलोपैथिक चिकित्सक (डॉ. गुरिंदर सोढ़ी जी), एक गुरु भाई फैशन डिजाइन में पढ़ रहें हैं , दो लोग सॉफ्टवेर इंजिनियर ,तीन उद्योग क्षेत्र के सम्बंधित थे , उम्र के हिसाब से कहूं तो 24 साल से 75 साल तक के व्यक्ति शामिल थे. अधिकतम संख्या को 15 किया था लेकिन बाद में पाया गया कुल १९ सदस्य हो गए थे .
अन्य सभी की तरह मुझे भी थोड़ा चिंतित तो था ही , की कार्यशाला , कहाँ होंगी और कैसे संस्कार की प्रक्रिया पूरी होंगी . कार्यशाला राजस्थान के पाली शहर की जगह के पास हुई . हम एक आश्रम पर रहे, अब आप 40 दिनों के लिए है कि ऊँचे पहाड़ और जड़ी बूटियों दिव्योशिधि और सिद्धोशिदी से घिरा हुआ स्थान पर . मुझे कुछ भी जड़ी बूटियों के बारे में पता नहीं था.और मेरा रघुनाथ निखिल जी से विस्तार से मिलने के लिए अवसर. था, और साथ अन्य गुरुभाई यों से भी . थोड़ा झिझक के साथ, हम लोग एक दूसरे से परचित होते गए , सभी सदगुरुदेव जी के बच्चे जो हैं. और जब ४० दिन बाद बिछड़ने का समय आया तो और हमारे चेहरे पर मुस्कान तो थी मन मैं थोडा सा दु: भी था .इसे ही सदगुरुदेवजीका जादू कह सकते हैं बे अनजाने लोंगों को भी एक सूत्र मैं जोड़ देते हैं जीवन भर के लिए
आधुनिक समय में, 40 दिन, जैसे दूरदराज के इलाके में जा कर सीखना. बड़ा सवाल था, लेकिन 19 व्यक्ति ऐसा करने के लिए मन बनाया था .
अब यात्रा शुरू हो रही हैं
. सुबह सूरज उग रहा था , तो हमारे दिल में एक सूर्य हमारे सदगुरुदेवजी के ज्ञान रुपी आशीर्वाद, के रूप में ...
भाई उठो ... भाई, बुला रहे थे . मैं जानता था कि वह अपनी नित्य साधना कर चुके थे ... जब तक गुरु पूजन पूरा हो वह पानी की एक भी बूँद तक ग्रहण नहीं करते थे.
मेरी चाय ... मैंने पूछा?
भाई कुछ तो शर्म करो .. आरिफ जी ने कहा ..
लेकिन मैंने देखा .. मोहिन्दर भैया , डॉ सोढ़ी जी मुस्कुरा रहे थे
हम बना रहे हैं ......
धीरे से और ध्यान से मैं जमीन पर पहुंच ... ( हम सभी छत पर ही सोये थे )
मुझ भूल गये .. मैंने पलट कर देखा तो , ब्रुश कर रहे , अपने रघुनाथ जी मुस्कुरा रहे थे..
पहले दिन आरिफ जी ने पूज्य पाद सदगुरुदेव जी का पूर्ण पूजन फिर , भगवान् रशेश्वेर ,माँ रशेश्वेरी , स्वर्नाकर्षण भैरव , रस सिद्ध परम आचार्य और आचार्या का भी पूर्ण पूजन सम्पन्न कराया . आप सभी को इन आचार्य और आचार्या के नाम के बारे मैं पहले से ही पता हैं , सदगुरुदेव जी की प्रशिद्ध किताब स्वर्ण तंत्र मैं पूर्णता के साथ उनका उल्लेख हैं. हम सभी इस पूजन के दौरान पीली धोती और गुरु चादर गुरु माला ध्ह्रण किये हुए थे. पूरा पूजन होने मैं घंटे से अधिक समय लग गया था . हम सभी ने केबल अपने ही लिए बल्कि सभी की सफलता के लिए प्राथना की .इन सम्पूर्ण पूजन में खरल को रस क्रिया में सफलता के लिए सिद्ध करना और उसमे धनदा स्थापन अत्यधिक दुष्कर कार्य ही था.
बहुत दिलचस्प तथ्य है कि कांजी जैसे आवश्यक सामग्री भारी मात्रा में, मूलिका का रस, और दूसरी आवश्यक सामग्री पहले से ही तैयार रखी थी., सदगुरुदेवजी के आशीर्वाद के आलावा और क्या कहा जाएँ. आन्य्था हमारा बहुत समय ख़राब होता पर सदगुरुदेवजी हैं तो उनके बच्चो को क्या भय . गुरु मंत्र करने के बाद हमने अपने कपडे बदल लिए. हमें हमारा भोजन खुद ही बनाना था , मन मोहिंदर भैय्या , राजू भाई, डॉ सोढ़ी जी ने ये अपने उपर ले लिया , इन लोगों ने अपनी तरफ से कोई कसार बाकि नहीं छोड़ी . शेष दिन तक खाने से लेकर चाय तक चाहे रात मैं ही हो , इन लोगों ने ही हमारे लिए संभव कर दिखाया .
क्या कारण थे जो पिछले 40 वर्षों में इस तरह के एक कार्यशाला नहीं व्यवस्थित किया गया था ,पारद विज्ञान से सम्बंधित कार्य संस्कार और सदगुरुदेव जी के पारद विज्ञानं का सपना आदि पर , सायं काल समय पर आरिफ जी केबल हमारे प्रश्नों के जबाब दिए वह धैर्यपूर्वक सभी प्रश्न के उत्तर दिए , उन्होंने कुछ सदस्यों 'बा सा "का परिचय (एक 70 साल का जवान , जो की अच्छी तरह से धातु भट्ठी पक्ष में निपुण हैं ) का परिचय कराया ).
रात के समय में, बड़े नवनिर्मित हॉल की छत पर, हम इकट्ठा हुए . बड़ा मजेदार रत थी ठण्ड तो थी ही सभी कम्बल , रजाइयों मैं दबे हुए . वहीँ मैं सोच रहा था की कैसे होंगे १२ संस्कार क्या क्या होगा,
. नाम जैसे पातन, मर्दन ,रोधन ,अभ्रक सत्व पातन ,एक दूर देश पक्षी की तरह लग रहे थे , लेकिन सोचा कि जवाब समय के ही साथ ही मिलेगा
रोम एक दिन मैं तो नहीं बना था .. ( इसलिए , मैं यह रात में बना रहा था )
हालांकि अपने कुछ गुरुभाई में से singruf से पारा निकाल लेते थे पर बिस्तार से . उनका भी ये पहला अनुभव था .
इसकी मेरे लिए बहुत खुशी की बात थी की ,मैंने कई बार पर आरिफ जी से अनुरोध किया था कि मैं पारद के बारे में ज्यादा नहीं जानता बे हमेशा मुस्कुराते ........ भाई बस इंतज़ार करो.......
उन्होंने अपना वादा पूरा किया , अब एक सूर्य आकाश मैं उग रहा था और हमारे मैं और ह्रदय मैं सदगुरुदेव जी के ज्ञान रुपी सूर्य उग रहा था , वोह सूर्य तो शायद डूब भी जायेगा पर ये नहीं .
शेष अगली पोस्ट पर .साय काल के 5 बज रहे हैं ,
अब हस्ते हुए इतना कहूँगा की आप कैसे हो ...
आप सभी को ढेर सारी पूरी ट्रेन भर कर मिठएयों भरी शुभ कामनाएं,
वैसे मेरे लिए भी थोड़ी सी छोड़ देना.
Dear friends,
happy deepawali ‘s good wishes to all of you, with the sadgurudevji blessing ,in this year all your good wishes be fulfilled (off course your effort is also needed too). as you are already aware that the parad sanskar 40 days workshop is completed now. on this moment, i thank you all ,without all of your good wishes and support, this very difficult task, which was not ever tried , completed successfully, which was not attempted, in last 50 years.
i also thank to you fellow guru brother and sisters. before, I start writing about the workshop, i again thank you all for the support you have provide on your own blog.
Important information :(Regarding free e magazine)
now the number of follower of our blog , just reaching our first magic figure 100. or till this post publish, more than that. on this happiest moment , i inform you that Arif ji planning a Free e magazine for all the follower register (off course that is free too) in this blog. this 20 pages mag will cover astrology, tantra, mantra, yantra and sun science, ayurved and off course parad science. and this will not be a magazine for discussing the topic but will contain the sadhana what he get directly from sadgurudev ji and our sansayasi guru brothers. Not only this but, as the follower number increases , the free e magazine pages will be increases , like on reaching next 25 follower , 4 page will be added .. this will be the rule. again i would like to make it very clear to all of you mine fellow guru brother and sister is that, we are just your guru brother nothing more than that and we all ,always be the shishya. What more luck and blessing can be of us .what we got with the blessing of sadgurudevji and his sanyasi shishyas and our own little experience in this great divine field, just providing in your kind heart and hand, keeping in mind that sadgurudevji divine knowledge is not just our property, sadgurudevji is for every one,
and if you find it a single percent benefit for your life. this will be our offering to the divine holy feet of our sadgurudevji. depending on your response, that e magazine will be bi monthly or quarterly be decided .each day i along with other gurubhai , checked the blog hits, i was /still am very surprised that in just last three months total hits reaches to more than 21,000 fig ( this is just a click count on the specific article, not all accessing the blog, and in that mobile users counting is not known to us. )
i could not believe , in mine own eyes. Your’s such a huge support, i am just offering my deepest heart feeling to you all, what more i can say.
Parad Sanskar’s workshop:
one more thing , very surprising to all of us, the post named" information of workshop , and importance of workshop" every day read by 20 to 30 people. i think it s the good times to share the parad sanskar workshop s moments with you all. though i also participate in the workshop as a member ,but i always kept a close eyes on each and every activity. and here ,i will not only discuss the positive points but negative point too, since i first go through the process with not as a workshop mode but mine criticizing ability always comes first.
with the blessing of sadgurudevji, we have completed not only 12 sanskar (til abhrak satav grasan )but upto 13 th (like abhrak satv charan, abhrak satav jajaran and antah garbh druti. for that ras shartra mentioned that people attempting to do druti, already drut (passes) to other world. when i personally meet manager of famous pharmacy situated in rajsthan, he told me.. without the blessing of guru and bhagvaan shanker this can not be possible. what more proof is required for sadgurudevji blessing to all his children like me and you.
this work is of our beloved sadgurudev ji dream, and without his blessing and his presence it will not got the success as it happened. so finding fault on this divine work was not good, but arifji, told me go through all the phase with impartial eyes.(but i have only two eyes... )
its very difficult for me to summarize 40 days activity in just 3 or 4 article, where each hours passes with so much info that cannot be covered in one post. anyway, i would tried to summarize it in 3/4 article and part not covered by me ,will be appeared in mine post or in a part of other article..we all gathered on the station, Arif ji, raghunath nikhil ,and guru brothers from eight states are there, one from Jharkhand, one from Chennai, 4 from Punjab, one from Maharashtra, mp and Gujarat,UP. too .and off course me from your side.....(is n’t it)
or you can say two It brothers from It software field , one an practicing Ayurvedic doctor ( shri Aditya Awasthi )and one is allopathic physician(Dr Gurinder sodhi ji ), one is studying in fashion design, three belongs to industry field .age wise i should say from 24 yrs to 75 years. though max number had to be 15 but later found it exceeded to 19.
with all other participent ,me too little bit worried, where and how the process of sanskar was going to be, the workshop happened near the place of pali city of Rajsthan. we stayed on a ashram , now coming 40 days had to be passed on that place surrounded by deep mountain and rich herbs divyoshidi , siddhoshidi there.i also not knew about herbs .its mine first turn to meet in detail raghunath ji, and with other gurubhais ,with little hesitation, things go well, and in last days though smile on our face but also having sorrow a little bit to miss them, this is the magic of sadgurudevji.
40 days , to be stayed in such remote area. in modern time, was the big question, but 19 person made up their mind to do so. now the journey started. as the morning sun rises, so our sadgurudevji blessing on us, in our heart...
are bhai utho... bhai calling us ,i knew that he had performed his nitya sadhna krama ,(i knew it already).since til the guru po0jan he not completed, he will not a drink a single drop of water.
where was mine tea... i asked?
bhai kuch to sharam karo.. arif ji replied..
but i saw downstairs ..mohinder bhaiyya , dr sodhi ji smiling on me.
are bhai hum se to bolo......
slowly and carefully i reached the ground...( I was on the roof)
mujhe bhool gaye.. i listened, the voice i turned, found raghunath ji brushing his teeth and smiled on me.
Day first arifji, as mentioned in mine earlier post (importance of workshop). Completed the all ritual like poojan to our sadgurudevji in details so the bhagvaan Rasheshver and ma Rasheshwery. lord swarnakarshan bhairav , and all the divine sidhha and archarya poojan in details with include an tuff procedure( the sthapan of Dhanda shakti in own kharal patra)
you all already knew their names as mentioned in sadgurudevji famous book named swarna tantram.it took more than 2 hours to complete .we took a little rest, though remember that we all wear yellow dhoti and guru chader and having our guru mala in our hand, prayed to sadgurudevji for success of not only to us but all mine fellow brothers too.
its very interesting that huge quantity off essential material like kanji , juice of muli, and others are already prepared there ,with sadgurudevji blessing we could start our work with any delay, other wise too much time wasted . after the pooja and completion of guru mantra. we changed our cloths. in Capri ,t shirt are a regular feature there. we had to prepare our food, but man mohinder bhai , raju bhai, and dr sodhi ji, took that responsibility on their hand, for remaining days they did their best. first days totally spend on arranging things, arif ji devoted too much times .
why we were there, why in last 40 years such an workshop was not arranged ,sadgurudevji dream on parad science, evening times ,we also asked our questions to Arif ji ,what were things on that time. he patiently provide answer to all the query, he also introduces some of the member like “ba sa” (A 70 years old young man well versed in the metallic furnace side) who also provide their help to us, and educate us.
in night times, on the roof of big newly constructed hall ,we gathered. we chatted a lot ,too much cold there so amazing experience , i also thinking that how 12 sanskar going to completed. names alike abhrak sat patan, marden , sweden, rodhan, like a distant land bird. i thought a lot but time would be the answer,
Rome was not built in a day..(thats why i was building it in night)...
necessary article like special goggle to protect eyes, essential medicine, singruf (male ,female).were waiting for us. though some of the gurubhai who successfully get mercury from singruf (they already keep in tough with arif ji).but in details .their first experience.
its matter of great joy for me to in person, that i requested arifji on many times that i new not much about parad science, he always smiled and used to tell me , brother just wait. he was fulfilling his promise to not only me but others too. Now
sun is not only rising and shining but sun of sadgurudevji divine knowledge and blessing rises in our heart too...
now not only coming 40 days but rest of life , all the participent would be mine brother ,friends eleder/ youngers.
jai gurudev..
... continuous....


(Alchemical files and Mantras RELATED TO POST)


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