Sunday, January 31, 2010

श्वेत बिंदु,रक्त बिंदु रहस्य-३

अभिभूत ही हो गया था मैं उस अद्भुत दृश्य को देखकर , मुझे कभी सदगुरुदेव ने बताया था की कायाकल्प के रहस्यों की तलाश में सिर्फ एक रस् शास्त्री ही नहीं बल्कि वैज्ञानिक भी लगे हुए हैं, और ये सत्य ही है की हमारे समृद्ध आयुर्वेद में ही इस विद्या का रहस्य छुपा हुआ है , चाहे निर्गुण्डी कल्प की बात हो, अंकोल कल्प की बात हो, या फिर सिद्ध श्रीमोदक , इन सबके मूल में ही पारद कही न कही दृश्य या अदृश्य रूप में विराजमान है . कायाकल्प का चिंतन भी इसके बिना संभव नहीं है. और कहा भी गया है की.............
वो सृजनकर्ता ,वो परम तत्व रस ही तो है . और यही वजह है की जीवन में पूर्णता की बात हो तो उसमे रस का समावेश करना ही पड़ेगा. और रस शब्द ही व्यापक अर्थ लिए हुए है . विद्या, मान-सम्मान, धन ,निरोगी काया आदि उसी रस का रूप है ...... रस युक्त वो परम शक्ति ,माँ पराम्बा, आदि शक्ति सरस्वती के रूप में उपास्य हैं.
खैर उस दृश्य को देखने के बाद मुझे श्वेत बिंदु और रक्त बिंदु के रहस्य को समझने की कही अधिक बैचेनी थी .......... जब हम फिर साथ में बैठे तो मैंने बगैर देर करे कहा की ... आप मुझे कुछ बता रहे थे . तो उन्होंने कहा की अरे धीरज धरो एक रस शास्त्र के पथिक को इतना व्याकुल नहीं होना चाहिए . जब सदगुरुदेव ने यहाँ भेजा है तो मैं तुम्हे शांत कर के ही यहाँ से भेजूंगा .हाँ तो मैं
श्वेत बिंदु और रक्त बिंदु के बारे में बता रहा था. निश्चय ही अब तक तुम समझ ही गए होगे की श्वेत बिंदु शिव वीर्य या पारद को कहते हैं ,पर अलग अलग सम्प्रदाय में इसके जो भिन्न भिन्न नाम रखे गए हैं उनके पीछे बहुत गूढ़ रहस्य हैं जो मैं वार्तालाप के मध्य तुम्हे बताता रहूँगा.
अब जो मैं बताने जा रहा हूँ वो ध्यान से सुनो और आत्म-सात करो क्यूंकि यही आंतरिक कीमिया की वास्तविक कुंजी है और रस-सिद्धों का परमलक्ष्य भी............
पशुं और मनुष्यों में क्या अंतर है ,क्या तुम जानते हो ?????
पशु को समय का आभास नहीं होता ,उसे ये मालूम नहीं होता है की समय के साथ साथ उसकी अवस्था में क्या परिवर्तन होता जा रहा है ,मनुष्य को समय का आभास भी होता है और होने वाले परिवर्तन की जानकारी भी . अब हम समय को जी रहे हैं या समय हमें ये कहना तो मुश्किल है एक सामान्य मनुष्य के लिए......
हम कालाग्नि में प्रतिक्षण जलते जा रहे हैं और हमें इसका पता भी नहीं लगता. ये कालाग्नि समय का ही रूप है और समय आत्मा का ही पर्याय है . हमारी दृष्टि क्षुद्र होती है अर्थात हमें एक निश्चित दूरी तक ही दिखाई देता है .या ये कह लो की वर्तमान काल में भी सिर्फ वर्तमान का वर्तमान ही दृश्यमान होता है. वो व्यतीत वर्तमान और अनागत वर्तमान को भी नहीं देख पाता. यही कारण है की कालाग्नि उसे जलती रहती है .भूत और भविष्य तो उसकी कल्प्नादृष्टि से भी परे है . तब ऐसे में पैदा होना और मर जाना ही उसकी नियति बन जाता है . लेकिन समय को पकड़ कर यानि अपने आत्म-ज्ञान को चैतन्य कर जो तीनों कालों को दृष्टि पथ पर सदैव बनाये रखता है , उसे भली भांति देख लेता है, वो कर्म के फलाफल से परे हो जाता है तब वो जीवन तो जीता है लेकिन दृष्टा बनकर कठपुतली बनकर नहीं, कालाग्नि उसका कुछ बिगाड़ नहीं पाती. ये अवस्था सिद्ध की होती है . अब या तो यहाँ रुक जाओ या इसके आगे बढ़ जाओ . इस जीवन से परे विगत जीवन या आगत जन्म को भी जो जान लेता है और आत्मज्ञान को उस स्तर पर ले जाता है जहाँ वो उन जन्मो के रहस्य से न सिर्फ अवगत हो जाता है बल्कि आत्म-प्रकाश में उन कर्म-फलों को भस्मी भूत कर कल्याणकारी हो जाता है ,ये अवस्था महासिद्ध अवस्था कहलाती है . पर जो सभी जन्मों से परे जाकर अपने मूल बिंदु को ही देख लेता है अर्थात उद्गम को ही खोज लेता है और अपने आत्म-प्रकाश को परम प्रकाश में बदल देता है ,तब उसकी विराटता से समस्त ब्रह्माण्ड ही आलोकित हो जाता है ,सर्व जन्म रहस्यों से परे ये परम ज्योति रहस्य को प्राप्त कर लेने की अवस्था ही परम सिद्ध अवस्था कहलाती है ,जहा वो ही कर्ता,वो ही पालक और वो ही विलय कारक हो जाता है. वो समय प्रभाव में नहीं आता बल्कि उसे समय अर्थात आत्मा का मूल ही ज्ञात हो जाता है और ज्ञान हो जाता है उस आत्मा की परिपूर्णता की.
वैसे तो तीनो ही स्तर पर आप को निर्जरा देह की प्राप्ति हो जाती है पर, वासना शरीर से ऊपर उठकर ज्ञान देह या देह विहीन देह दिव्य देह की प्राप्ति साधक के स्वचिन्तन का विषय है ..........
अब आप ये कहोगे की श्वेत बिंदु और रक्त बिंदु का इस बात से क्या लेना देना है .... तो आप ये समझ लीजिए की आत्मा को ही पारद या बिंदु कहा गया है, कालाग्नि से परे तो आप तभी जा सकते हैं जब आप की पकड़ आत्मा पर हो या ये कहे की आपकी आत्मा प्रकाशित हो , क्यूंकि देखने के लिए प्रकाश का होना अनिवार्य है . और आत्म प्रकाश में ही तो आप इस जीवन के तीनो कालो , या पूर्व जन्म, पुनर्जन्मों के कर्मो या उससे भी परे आत्म-उद्गम और गमन के रहस्यों को जान पाते हैं. पहले स्तर पर आपकी क्षुद्रता का त्याग हो जाता है और आप विराटता की और कदम बढ़ा देते हैं अंतिम अवस्था में आप स्वयं अपनी विराटता को जान जाते हैं.
और ये क्रिया असंभव भी नहीं है यदि हम श्वेत बिंदु का आश्रय ले लें तो......
इतना कहकर महानुभाव चुप हो गए ..........
मैंने कहा की ये बात तो सत्य है की रस के आश्रय को लेकर ही हम रसमय अर्थात पूर्ण हो सकते हैं पर ये क्रियात्मक रूप से कैसे संभव है???????????
उन्होंने कहा की सदगुरुदेव ने इस रहस्य को समझते हुए कहा था की “पूर्ण संस्कार युक्त पारद से जिसमे समस्त रत्नों का जारण और चारण किया गया हो ,दिव्य ओषधियों तथा सिद्धौश्धियों से जिसका मर्दन किया गया हो ऐसे पारद से अद्भुत संयोगो में पूर्ण शिव स्थापन तथा पूर्ण लक्ष्मी स्थापन क्रिया संपन्न कर रसेश्वर का निर्माण किया जाये तथा उस शिवलिंग में सप्त तत्वों “भू,भुवः,स्वः ,मह,जनः, तपः, सत्यम” का स्थापन कर यदि त्रिनेत्र मंत्र का जप किया जाये तो निश्चय ही प्राण चक्षु जाग्रत हो जाते हैं . और तब साधक के लिए विगत और आगत दोनों ही जन्म सहज दृश्य मान हो जाते हैं , न सिर्फ अपना बल्कि अन्य लोगो का भी.
ऐसे रसेश्वर को स्पर्श करते हुए जिस भी देवता का आवाहन किया जाता है ,वे प्रत्यक्ष होते ही हैं, पहले बिम्बात्मक और उच्च स्थिति में पूर्ण प्रत्यक्ष भी ,और ऐसा होता ही है .
ऐसे ही विग्रह पर आप बिंदु साधना, नाद साधना,दिव्य साधना,अक्षुण साधना,सिद्ध साधना,परमेष्ठी साधना,चिन्तापुर्ती साधना,अदृष्ट साधना, सिद्धाश्रम साधना,निरंजन साधना और परम साधना कर महा सिद्ध और परम सिद्ध अवस्था को प्राप्त कर सकते हैं. इन साधनों का महत्व तो वही जान सकता है जिसने इन्हें प्राप्त किया हो ,एक एक साधनाएं बेशुमार मोतियों से तोलने योग्य हैं. किसी भी एक साधना से जीवन परिवर्तित हो जाता है और देखने के लिए मिल जाती है एक नवीन आत्म-दृष्टि.
ये पारदेश्वर वस्तुतः आपका ही आत्म रूप होता है जिसे पिंड या विग्रह रूप में आप स्थापित करते हो, जिन सप्त लोकों के बारे में मैंने ऊपर बताया है वो सप्त तत्व आपके सप्त शरीर का ही तो प्रतिनिधित्व करते हैं .जिनका सम्बन्ध जैसे ही रस-लिंग से होता है आपका रस ,आपका बिंदु भी चैतन्य होते जाता है .और जैसे जैसे उसकी चैतन्यता बढती जाती हैं वैसे वैसे आपका आंतरिक कायाकल्प होते जाता है और दीर्घायुष्य के साथ प्राप्त होता है दृष्टा भाव भी.
यदि साधक ऐसी साधना नहीं भी कर पाए तो भी अकाल मृत्यु, अकाल कष्ट से मुक्ति तथा ऐश्वर्य युक्त जीवन तो मिलता ही है . एक भी उदाहरण मैंने अपने जीवन में नहीं देखा जब मेरे सद्गुरुवर के ये वचन मिथ्या हुए हों. शर्त बस यही है की रस-लिंग वैसा ही बना होना चाहिए जैसा की ऊपर वर्णित है .
(यहाँ एक बात बताना मैं अपना धर्म समझता हूँ की मैंने ऐसा ही रस-लिंग स्थापित किया है और आज जो भी कुछ मुझे मिला है वो इन्ही रस लिंगम के आशीर्वाद से ही है )

पुनः वार्ता को आगे बढ़ाते हुए महानुभाव कहने लगे की श्वेत बिंदु का ही दूसरा रूप व्योम तंत्र या व्योम विज्ञानं है जिसके द्वारा आकाश गमन और पक्ष्छेदन की क्रिया संपन्न होती है . तथा संपन्न होती है महा अचरजकारी “क्षं” गुटिका की प्राप्ति जो अन्य लोको से आपका संपर्क कर देती है........

अगले लेख में श्वेत बिंदु और रक्त बिंदु के द्वारा चक्र भेदन की गोपनीय प्रक्रिया का विश्लेषण ......


Rasa Darshana 11

A great day's starting could never be imagined on yesterdays night as we do not know what is hidden in the mysterious universal timesquare. dark night was just about to go and morning was about to start. one process but two form. everything was strange giving a signal of being something strange. Today, it was a day when I was about to see what I could wish, if I have seen before but everything happens on the appropriate time only

yes . I think it was just a time which has been fixed for me to be involved in the one of the mysterious incident of the universe. A great paarad sadhak and a secret trick. Previously I have heard about paarad bhakshan in which component scholar accomplishes maaran process on the ast sanskarit paarad and then they do the bhakshan processs but this time it was some other part.

when I went to him, He was all set to shaw me the process of inner alchemy. in his hand there was a small earther pot shaped vessel in which he was having a Asht Samskarit Paarad. he was just waiting for me. and as soon as I set down he took about 20 gram of mercury and placed it in a palm. He slowly slowly moved his thumb in a specific manner for half and hour and with a surprise that mercury gradually disappeared. and after half an hour there was no mercury at all in his palm. I asked him rather where the paarad went ? He smiled and said that this is the paarad sharir pravesh prayog in which sadhak prepared Asht Samskarit Paarad and with a specific procees he let this paarad enter in his body, direcly into veins. This paara is sidhh so it saves you from any diseases, provides success in meditation and through this kaya kalp also becomes possible. So inquired rather is it not harmful ? he explained that a mercury if not properly samskarised and process is done then one may die even but when the samskars are properly accomplished then mercury is no more wish and it becomes medicine.

he took this paara in his body for 1 full year. he asked me visit him again when it was nearly one year since i visited him. this time he was going to show me the same parad to be out from his body. He placed a big cauldron and placed some grated herbs and roots in it. then he placed his feet in thast couldron and slowly slowly the paarad was coming out from the point near to his thumb of feet. And in an hour the paarad was oozed out by the body. It was so much surprising that no one can even believe rather they watch it from their eyes even. He asked me to weight that paarad and it was complete 20 grams.

This type of process has been mentioned in some scriptures only and its very very rare to accomplish. I was fortunate to watch this complete process and the alchemy of the bosy through paarad.

****Raghunath Nikhil****

Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Hidden Key’s of Yakshini & Apsara Sadhna

What is beauty?? Hmmmm answer is pretty tough…Because it depends on us that how we define beauty? When we talk about beauty where our mind runs??? Instead of a common man’s thought, one sadhak thinks completeliness is known as Beauty, so it is said that -


Means truth is god (shiv) (lifes most difficult situation is when u digest the key animosity of your life and still experience the ultimate peace in your mind) and such experience becomes your life long experience which is unforgettable.That beauty takes u towards the completeness

Here Beauty does not relate to thought excitement or sex provocation. Sadgurudev always used to say that if you want to re-establish full happiness in your in your life, one must attempt the Saundarya Sadhna.Whenever we have discussion or talk about beauty, we always quote woman as best example. A woman is an immense and complete powerful creation of god with shaking energy. And besides Yakshini and Apsara who else can define the completeness of beauty.

There must be many sadhaks among us who have been attempted Yakshini and Apsara sadhna, but the count of unsuccess must be more than the successful ones... correct me if I am wrong???

Does that given method is wrong?? No not at all… Actually the reality is some thing different, as the particular method is accurate but for attempting that sadhna the exact background notion is missing…Infact we could not imbibe it properly.Do you know the reason behind the detailed explaination given in Patrika (magazine) regarding any sadhna or activity? It is because to understand and comprehend the significance of that sadhnas and to get ready by mentally and spiritually for cracking it. (Where the importance of that sadhna indicate us)

I am rightfully and confidently speaking because I got success in first attempt of the sadhna called Holika Yakshini.My family members and friend circle are the live evident of this incident.Till three years I relished and enjoyed the fruits of this sadhna. Look I am not saying this for my self satisfaction, rather I feel responsible and liable to embody my experience before you. May be Thousands of my disciple brothers are better than me.But why don’t know they hesitate to share such experiences with others (maybe there perspective is that all such benefits are for their purpose only)

Leave it… every one have there own point of view…. From shivratri to Holi is the appropriate period for this sadhna.Places like Guru Dham, Kamroop Kamakhya, any riverbank, Hrishikesh, kullu Manali, Pachmari or any hilly places but silent and peaceful are best...Because such Natural places leave their soothing effect and acclimatize us... such places attract the vital vibrations quickly than other places.

The Sadhnas of Shiv, Kuber and Bhairav helps us in these activities…And one more thing need to be understand i.e. for getting entrance in High stage of Tantra Sadhnas and for attaining the desired success such type of sadhnas plays very significant role… Now the question is why is it like that???

Apart from our world, there is other known world were nothing is impossible.But for entering their sadhak has to cross five peeths i.e. …

Aranya peeth
Shunya peeth
Shamshaan peeth
Shav peeth
Shyama peeth

After attempting the sadhnas of these peeths then only you become eligible for getting entrance in high stage of tantra sadhna. Now you would be feeling curious to know about meaning of the Yakshini, Apsara and Yogini sadhnaon… So I must tell you there are four Manliness (purusharth) of life i.e. Dharma, Artha, Kaam, Moksha. Among all of the four only those would be eligible to get the secret of Moksha who have crossed and followed the rest three of Manliness in complete sense. When you honestly and heartly experience the divineness of sex (kaam) then only you can achieve the last level Moksha. Before shyama peeth the first four peeths if you cross all seven fenal (pash) from the eight of it and sets you free… Bhay, Jugupsa, Moh, Ghrina etc...But Fenal like sex and rest also in same must be attempted in desired manner. Still you can’t set yourself free if the Shyama Sadhna success is missing. Because loneliness makes you realize the imtimate feel of woman along with the feel of the fear, attraction, infamy and flesh. And we know that not only we can convert the concupiscence form of marsh into love and affection but also can blossom and excel like lotus.

This test of magnificence is so terrible ordeal. During this sadhna period, the sadhak inspect sex provocation from inside and result in ejection of deadly lethal comes out. If sadhak stops at that point he can’t be successful, but traverse ahead he not only grow to be administrator for the universal power of majesty which swallow the magnificence in his life but also the opens the path of celestial sadhnas. It happens only when we attempt the sadhna with full of courage (veer bhav) via Vaam Marg. Warm marg doesn’t mean the itinerary of opposite behaviour against the nature rather means to achieve the ultimate power and happiness in life. Veer bhav does not means to read the eyes but also challenging all the difiiculties whatever comes into and fighting with fearless, glorious spirit. You should become the silent watcher (drishta) and should act like a lion that defeats his victim and won the game. That is called as Veer bhav. You don’t have to cross the four peeths if you stab this wonderful sadhna of magnificence and directly attain the completion of Shyama Sadhna.

In each sadhna there is a process of realization. Taking benefit from that sadhna or realizing that power in visble form are two different things. Therefore before accepting the challenge of Realization, you must have the Yantra or Gutika and the mantra related to them properly.
In this way each Apsara aur Yakshini sadhna has its own Keelan testament…In which via kernelword (Beejakshara) the Yantra is established and keelit, so they become bound to bow you success.
You should also follow& practice instigation. In that way you can enjoy the life with full of beauty and must success the human life as Sadhak…That’s all I pray to Sadgurudev for each one of you.


Friday, January 22, 2010

Hidden Secrets -2

With instructions of revered Sadgurudev fortunately I got the opportunity to go to Tihri. Sadgurudev had given a lot of chances to their disciples for combine journeys with him, which has given useful knowledge in very simple and experimental form. For example during the Kanyakumari journey the Shrishcheta sadhna of Bhagwati Lakshmi took exactly on the same mountain where Devi Lakshmi was emerge from the womb of sea (samudra ke garbh se) at the Samudra Manthan time and has chosen the Narayan as her husband. Similarly thousands of examples are carefully secured in mind of various disciples. In the same manner Sadgurudev prepared the various discples as Ekanthik Brahmin. As I was inclined towards the Tantra, Ayurveda and Ras Vigyan, thus he advised me to visit different place for extracting information. Whether you trust or not but it’s all up to your wish because I can’t claim anything. Honestly speaking it is entirely my true experience which I am sharing with you. But agreeing or not agreeing, its up to you.
I was not informed nor told that why I have been doing Tihri journey. Once I reached there I came to know that I am here to meet one great soul (mahan sadhak). Nighttime was just started and I reached his residential place. His age was app. 35-40. When I reached, at that time he was stepping outside for his evening prayers at pujan sthali and also allowed me to come along with him. As that compartment was seems to be normal but I felt some thing vivacious and mysterious about that room. At one side there was a bookshelf in which various types of books regarding Ras-vigyan, Astrology, Ayurveda and Tantra was kept safely. And at opposite side I saw two dead white snakes (which were already brought up in dead stage from woods. They are also found abundantly in forest of Tihri , Garhwal and are said to be very venomous) they were kept back in reverse position for flaming by a oil lamp placed down at floor. While a drop in liquid form was coming out from it and was gathered in sfatik bowl.
He was sitting on Mrig Charma asan and in front of him a huge frame photgraph of Shree Sadgurudev (sanyast) was their on the table. On other side the parad and paatra was kept over there. In an hour puja was completed, all the rituals like decoration with flowers done beautifully. After that denoting towards yantra, he started telling about the yantra which he received in1985 shivir. This yantra is composite of four yantras i.e. Karna-Pishachini, Vashikaran aur Swarna Siddhi respectively… During the shivir shree Sadgurudev told us, in present time no one would be able to understand the importance this yantra.. But whenever the prescribed sandha stated on this yantra would be accomplished successfully the results will be unbelievable and wonderful. Only I can say is the disappeared secrets of tantra has been released and given to you.
After that he kept quiet and we came outside from that mysterious room. After having food in night, then we again went to the same room and found that the snake were totally burn and was turned into the water form drip in that sfatik bowl. As that container was transparent. Surprisingly, the fragment was not at all bad.
After completing the midnight sadhna from 11.30 se 1.30, he told me that whatever you are going to watch today would be very surprising and unbelievable for you. But tantra comes when impossible things are converted into possible way by the power of Sadhnas. At that time I was totally blank, did not understand what he was trying to say and show me etc….
Suddenly someone knocked the door; he got up and immediately he opened the door. We saw an old aged man close 75-80, bended waistline; shriveled face with greyish hairs etc….
With all respect he welcomed him and asked for taking place. He then took him into another compartment and makes him asleep on to bed. It was made up of Shwet Palash. There was no other source of light other than the oil lamp in that compartment. He brought that sfatik bowl and kept on the table. After placing it he lamped the paarad light and started a specific mantra chanting. During this he took sfatik spoon and dipped three times of parad and mixed into the sfatik bowl.The moment it got mixed its starts boiling and slowly converted into blood colored liquid. In 4-5 minutes that paarad dissolves into that liquid and turned into a transparent blood colored form. He took three spoon of it one by one and poured into that old man’s mouth. Suddenly that old man fainted. He told me that he would be in the same position next afternoon. Again same procedure will be continued till the one week. Till the time he told me many secrets of tantra and Ras Vigyan. After one week when I saw that awakened old man, I was very surprised and stunned….. He was not at all him, previous image was totally changed and was transformed into not more than 30 year old man. He was full of his adolescence, the skin was fully toned and was glowing like anything, full teeth with shining face, coal black hairs and fully stretched and fragmented new body…It was unbelievable….
When that person gone, the sadhak mahoday told me that this activity is known as Rakt-Bindu kriya. In which via sanskarit paarad is used and along with that the kankavati mantra is chanted who is the ruling goddess of transformation and Kayakalp. In the same way when paarad is mixed and intead of paarad the sanakarit swarna is taken the in same quantity, then the whole liquid will again convert in transparent form and while the chanting of kankavati mantra if one drop of it dropped on any copper or silver coin and burned it on.It will convert into 100 tanch pious gold.And this is known as shvet bindu process. But I never used this process as i don’t have any affection towards money. Yes with Guru’s permission and blessing one can sink in the sea of sadhnas and have divine powers, for that soul should have a healthy body with healty mind. Then only you can convert this body into divine body. Therefore I take some empathy for achievement of all this just by Devi Kankavati.(Rakt Bindu is the Raj Of Goddess Parvati and Shvet Bindu is The semen Of Lord Shiv) they used in many process of kimiya(inner and metallic).
In next article you will find more secrets on the process of Rakt bindu aur shvet bindu and the hidden secrets of Inner Alchimia.

Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Hidden secrets of Ras-Tantra

During the discovering period of Ras-tantra and with blessings of beloved and revered Sadgurudev, I got introduced to such a surreal divine sources. Because of some genuine reasons it was kept secret and by the way of Gurumukhi parampara it got transferred time by time to all disciples. Well, along with this information I would like to tell u all that till the time all these was untouched from years n years. The reason behind this was the parameters which one should have for getting this precious knowledge was also unrevealed. Now it is possible to acquire benefit from this with blessings of Sadgurudev.

It is because Sadgurudev’s thinking is always exceptional from other erudite and savant persons. As per intellectual people the knowledge must be dispersed as per the deserving criteria set by themselves. But here our great Sadgurudev always used say that one who would be having a bit of fecundity (urvara shakti) there the litmus seed will turn into a budding, precocious fruitful tree. Therefore the judgment criteria should lie down there with the aspirant itself as he is the best judge of himself. Yes, only those can achieve the benefits who will imbibe and assimilate the experimental form of knowledge in desired manner.

•Commonly all the aspirant and disciple are curious to know more about the Art of flying (Khechratva ya akash Gaman ) and some of them who have little bit of knowledge also aware about the importance of Kumbhak which helps the body to uplift and fly in air. But do you know the fact that it is not possible by normal Kumbhak. Because due to kumbhak one can easily uplift the body in air but cannot be able to talk with anyone in this period. Even some of them loose their contact with outer knowledge. Apart from this there are chances of getting harm by the vertical atmosphere waves which results into downfall……By doing Kiraat Kumbhak the body becomes shunyamay. It enhance the power of Samagra body by miniature and transmit it in the better form.
By making the body in pure sanity and inserting air completely in any part of body termed as Kiraat kumbhak. By this kumbhak the body can be filled with impure air. And when we experience the hollowness (shunya) stage, in this process the outer senses also remain active and harmless. Even conversation is also possible. Along with reflection, appearance and sansparshan of tremendous potential and powerful tejorashi knowledge doesn’t get destroy.

But do you think is it that easy????

Hmmm answer is No…

But due to alchemy (parad) in Ras-Tantra (which already finished the journey from ras to rasendra – means sanskar of divyoshadhi is done sucessfully, Jaran of gold and stones ) This is how the formation of gutika takes place and during this phenomenon specially the Navarna mantra chanting is done. The Siddha kunjika stotra is also chanted for utkilan and siddhikaran. But don’t forget to pronounce the khaam kheem khoom khechari tatha.. matlab he devi khaam kheem…in the form of Khechartatva bestows the power of fling in air( she devi khaam kheem… ke roop me aap khecharatva shakti pradan karne vali ho)… .. aur ye kham beej hi ksham and it becomes the aakash beej which controls the gravity of body and gives u the divine power of khechratva. This is possible only by the Navarna Mantra. this must be done in sequential format under the instruction of revered Guru.

•The veryfirst atmosphere of Sunrise (suryoday) is know as Rik-Mandal. The sixteen rays of ruling power (adhishthatri shaktiyon) are known as Shodash matrakaon. And the complete form of Shodash matrakaon is called as Raaj Rajeshvari Shodashi Tripur Sundri. When utkilan is done and activity called abhishinchitikaran is going on, we get the knowledge of Surya Vigyan. It can also be done by the external equipment i.e. lens or can be successfully accomplished without help of any other external factors. For this the gutika is produced and siddha by the sampoorna varna mantra. Each varna contains individual power. Each of them consists of dhyan and mantra in individual form. Each one of them need to be excited till the time and by that varnatmak mantra we produce the gutika or Vigrah. In this way Gutika becomes the shunya siddha and after Padartha parivartan results into surya siddhi. Now the question is what is varnatmak mantra??? Now in short I would explain that there is no meaning of Varna ,but with that ‘Ka” if the addition of ‘pa+uu+ra’ is done then the word “Kapoor” is formed which have its own meaning and shape. In the same way when this gutika is inclusive of varnatmak mantra with the help of siddh shunya mantra, if you will ponder any thing in your mind right the moment you will find the identity of it and will appear in front of us.
In my next article you will find the information about Inner, Astral alchemy and Rakt-bindu, the secret of Shvet-bindu activities which would definitely introduce you all from the enigmatic and hidden secret dimensions of Ras-Tantra. May be then only all will understand the unrevealed aspect of Sadgurudev.


Sunday, January 17, 2010

The Hidden secrets of Ras-Tantra

Ras-tantra ke anvenshan kaal me sadgurudev ki kripa se mera sakshatkaar un adbhut sootron se hua jinhe ki ras siddhon ke Madhya abhi tak gupt hi raka gaya tha aur matra Gurumukhi parampara se hi shishyon ko pradan kiya jata tha, sath hi main ye baat bhi bata doon ki ye sootra anekanek barson se in sootron ko koi prapt bhi nahi kar paya……… kyunki jo mapdand in sootron ki jaankari ke liye sadhakon me hone chahiye the we bhi aprapya hi the……. Parantu Sadgurudev ki aseem kripa se punah ye sootra ham sabhi sadhakon aur shishyon ke Madhya uplabdh huye hain.

Kyunki sadgurudev ki soch anya vidvjano se bhinn hi rahi hai…..anya vidvano k mat jaha par ye raha hai ki pahle supatra ya kupatra ko dekho wahi Sadgurudev ka mat raha hai ki gyan ko bikherte chalo ,jisme jara sib hi urvara shakti hogi waha ye parishkrit beej swayam hi ankurit, pushpit aur pallavit ho jayega. Atah patrata ko sadhak ke liye chhoda. Labh to bas wahi utha payega jo is gyan ko prayogatmak roop se aatmsaat kar payega..

A. Samanyatah sadhakon ka khechratva ya akash gaman ke prati jigyasa swabhavik hai,aur we ye bhi jante hain ki aakash gaman ya khechratva ke liye kumbhak ka kitna mahatva hai kumbhak ke dwara hi sharirasth vayu ko rok kar apne sharir ko shunya me uthaya ja sakta hai aur vayu gaman kiya ja sakta hai ……. Par kya aapko ye pata hai ki samanya kumbhak se to ye sambhav hi nahi haikyunki kumbhak ke dwara shunya me utha to ja sakta hai,kintu utthit avastha me aap baat cheet nahi kar sakte,yaha tak ki koi koi sadhak to bahya-gyan bhi kho baithte hain,iske alava urdhva vayumandal me chalte huye samay samay par pratikul pravahshil vayu ka aghat lagne se patan ka bhay bhi utpann ho jata hai.parantu…………….Kiraat kumbhak kar lene par deh shunyamay ho jata hai. Samagra deh ko sankuchit aur prasarit karne ki kshamta ka vikas hota hai.

Deh ko shuddh kar uske kisi anga me vayu poorna kar rakhne ka naam hi kiraat kumbhak hai.isi kumbhak ke wara vishudh vayu ko deh me bhar liya jata hai. Aise me jab shunyasth hote hain, to bahya gyan bhi bana rahta hai aur pratikul vayu ka prabhav bhi nahi hota aur baat cheet bhi ki ja sakti hai..aise me ati-prabal aur shaktishali tejorashi ke darshan aur sansparshan se bhi gyan nasht nahi hota. Lekin kya ye itna sahaj hai ????

Nahi na…… par Ras-Tantra me Paarad ke dwara (jo ras se rasendra ki yatra poorna kar chuka ho- matlab jis par divyoushdhiyon ka sanskar ho chuka ho, ratno aur swarna ka jaaran ho chuka ho) gutika ka nirmaan kiya jata hai aur is dauran navarna mantra ka vishesh roop se prayog kiya jata hai . siddha Kunjika stotra jiska parayog sabhi mantron ke utkilan aur siddhikaran ke liye kiya jata hai usme ye panktiya jarur yaad rakhiye ki khaam kheem khoom khechari tatha.. matlab he devi khaam kheem… ke roop me aap khecharatva shakti pradan karne vali ho . aur ye kham bej hi ksham arthat aakash beej ban jata hai aur sharir ka gurutvakarshan aapke niyantran me kar ke aapko khechratva de deta hai aur aisa hota hai avashya hota hai navarna mantra ke dwara hi. Bas varno ka kram guru nirdeshanusaar parivartit karna padta hai.

B. Sooryoday ka pahla mandal Rik-mandal kahlata hai. Is mandal ki 16 kirno ki adhishthatri shaktiyon ko ham shodash matrkaon ke naam se jante hain aur in matrkaon ka samavit roop hi Raaj Rajeshvari Shodashi Tripur Sundri hain. Inka utkilan kar jab ham abhishinchitikaran ki kriya karte hain to hame sahaj hi soorya vigyan ka gyan prapt ho jata hai . ye kriya bahya upadaan jaise ki lence ke sath bhi ho sakti hai ya bagair kisi bahya upaadaan ke bhi sambhav hoti hai. Is prakriya ke liye aap jis gutika ka nirmaan karte hain wo sampoorna varnon ke mantron se siddh hoti hai . jitney bhi varna hain unki apni apni ek shakti hoti hain aur unka vishesh dhyan bhi tatha unka ek mantra bhi , in mantron ko poorna roopen jagrit kar jab us varnatmak mantra ke dwara jab ham Gutika ya Vigrah ka nirmaan karte hain to ye Gutika Shunya siddhi ya padarth parivartan hetu Soorya siddhi se hame yukt kar deti hai . ab ye varnatmak mantra kya hai???? To iske Vishay me sankshipt me itna kahna hi paryapt hai ki jaise ka varna ka koi arth nahi hota hai ,lekin us ka ke saath pa+uu+ra ka sanyog karaya jaye to kapoor banta hai jiska arth bhi hai aur akriti bhi . isi tarah varnatmak mantron se jab wo gutika yukt hogi to aap shunya manta ko uske samne siddh kar jis bhi vastu ya padarth ka chintan karenge wo shunya se aap ke liye srijit ho hi jayegi. Kyunki wo mantra us gutika se kriya kar aapke chintan me aaye huye padarth ke varnon ko sangthit kar ekroopta pradan kar astitva me la dega.

Agle lekh me Inner ,Astral alchemy aur Rakt-Bindu, Shvet Bindu kriyaon ka wo rahasya aapke samne udghatit hoga jo nishchay hi Ras-tantra ke Goodh aur Gopniya aayamo se aapko avashya hi parichit karvayega.shayad tab aap samajh paye ki Sadgurudev ke kai aise paksha hain jo ki ham samajh hi nahi paye ya kabhi hamne janne ki koshish hi nahi ki.
Aapka hi
