Saturday, October 30, 2010

Tantra Vijay-15 Vishalakshi Akarshan Sadhna(Ultimate Sadhna To Attract Everyone)

सदगुरुदेव के साथ बिताए हुए दिनों की याद में खोया हुआ मोहन मुझ से अपने जीवन के वो पल, वो घटनाए बाँट रहा था जो उसके जीवन की निधि थी. रोमांचित सा हो कर के सुन रहा था मै उसकी दास्तान. तंत्र की विलक्षण साधनाओ की खोज में जब में घूम रहा था उसी समय मुलाकात हुयी थी मोहन से. दिखने में तो ३० साल से ज्यादा उम्र नहीं थी पर ये तो गुरुदेव से प्राप्त कयाकल्प का चमत्कार था , उम्र तो उसकी ५० के करीब थी. न जाने किस प्रेरणा के वशीभूत वो मेरे ही इंतज़ार में था, सर्दियों की राते थी वह. खाली जेब से निकल पड़ा था में हजारो मिल दूर ,किसी अज्ञात संकेत के इशारे पर. अचानक मोहन से हुयी मुलाक़ात शायद उस संकेत का आखरी छोर था. उस झील के किनारे रात में चांदनी भी चारो तरफ बेठ कर सुन रही थी उस रहस्यमय साधक की दास्तान.
“सदगुरुदेव के महाप्रयाण के बाद में हिमालय स्थित भैरव महा पीठ के पुजारी ने कई बार सदगुरुदेव को वहाँ अपने शिष्यों के साथ साधनारत पाया हे. एक दिन जब में बहुत उदास हो गया था तो रो पड़ा गुरुदेव की तस्वीर के सामने की आप क्यों हमें छोड़ के चले गए ...तभी चारो तरफ अष्टगंध की सुगंध फ़ैल गयी, जब नज़र ऊपर उठाई तो सदगुरुदेव सामने खड़े थे , कठोर भावमुद्रा से उन्होंने कहा ‘क्यों रो रहा हे ,मै सदैव उपस्थित हूं ’ और वे एकदम से अद्रश्य हो गए ...
निखिलेश्वरानन्द स्तवन का पाठ करते हुवे कई बार सदगुरुदेव ने मुझे अपने सन्याश स्वरुप में दर्शन दिए हे. इससे बड़ी साधनात्मक उपलब्धि क्या होगी.”
रात बढ़ चुकी थी और ठण्ड भी. बुखार से बुरे हाल थे मेरे फिर भी उसकी बातो में ही खोया हुवा था. उसके चहरे पर गज़ब का आकर्षण था. कुछ ऐसा की देखते ही उसे कोई भी अपने से श्रेष्ठ मानने के लिए बाध्य हो जाए. समझते देर न लगी की कोई तो आकर्षण साधना कर रखी हे उसने.
“यही पास ही में एक मंदिर हे. उसमे देवी की आधे फीट की प्रतिमा हे. एक दम जिवंत, वहाँ पे जो भी साधनाए करे वो सफल होती ही हे. लोगो को तो मालूम भी नहीं हे की वो विशालाक्षी का स्थान हे. देखना चाहोगे ?”
मेने सर हिला के सहमति दर्शायी तो वे एक तरफ चल दिए. में भी पीछे पीछे चल पड़ा. रस्ते में एक सन्याशी के वहाँ कुछ देर रुके जो कर्णपिशाचिनी साधना में सिद्धहस्त थे. वे दोनों कुछ देर बाते कर रहे थे. सन्याशी ने मेरी तरफ देखा भी नहीं इससे में अकड गया. बहार आते ही मोहन मुस्कराहट के साथ आगे बढ़ गए. रस्ते में ही बताया उसने की आकर्षण साधना आज के युग में बहोत ही उपयोगी हे. चाहे वह देश का नेता हो या एक छोटा सा नागरिक. अगर आपका व्यक्तित्व आकर्षक हे तो हर कोई आपकी बात मानने के लिए बाध्य हो जाएगा. ऐसे व्यक्तियो को मान सम्मान प्राप्त होता ही हे और भौतिकता में सहज वह सफल हो सकते हे. आकर्षण के लिए कई साधनाए हे जो की सरल और सहज हे.
मंदिर आ चूका था और उस जिवंत प्रतिमा का दर्शन कर धन्य हो गया में. सुनसान पड़ा वो मंदिर मुश्किल से किसी के ध्यान में आ सकता था. एक हफ्ते तक वो विलक्षण व्यक्ति से जो ज्ञान मिला वो तो शब्दों से परे ही हे. सालो बीत गए आज, फिर मिलना नहीं हो पाया उससे. लेकिन आज भी उसका वो चेहरा नहीं भूल पाया हू ...जो आकर्षण से भरपूर था.
आकर्षण की एक विशेष विशालाक्षि साधना जो की बहोत ही सहज हे.
ये साधना बुधवार से शुरू की जाती हे. इस साधना में रात्रि के ११ बजे बाद रोज २ घंटे मंत्र का उच्चारण किया जाता हे. इसमे जाप संख्या निर्धारित नहीं हे, माला भी आवश्यक नहीं हे. सामने एक दीपक लगा हो और वो लगातार २ घंटे तक चलता रहे. उसकी लौ पर देखते हुए मंत्र जाप हो. ये साधना ८ दिन तक नियमित करे. अगले बुधवार तक एक ही स्थान पर निश्चित समय पर मन्त्रजाप हो. रोज मंत्र जाप से पहले विशालाक्षि देवी को मन ही मन प्रार्थना साधना में सफलता करके ही साधना में प्रवृत हो.
मंत्र : हूं हूं फट फट हूं हूं
दिखने में ये मंत्र भले ही सामान्य लगे पर इसका प्रभाव आपको कुछ ही दिनों में दिखने लगेगा. साधना खतम होते होते चेहरे पर और विशेष कर आँखों में एक विशेष आकर्षण आ जाता हे जिससे सभी प्रकार से सफलता प्राप्त होती हे.
जय गुरुदेव.
Being lost in the days which he passed with Sadgurudev, Mohan was sharing me those moments, those incidents which were actual wealth for him. I was excited and willingly listening to him. When I was roaming to search rare sadhanas of Tantra, at that time I met Mohan. Looking at him, He seems to be just 30, but it was result of Kayakalp given by Sadgurudev; his actual age was nearly 50. Can’t say by which intuition he was waiting for me, those were winter days. With empty pockets I went thousands miles away, directed by unknown prediction. I guess it was last dot of that unknown sign to meet Mohan. Moonlight spread around us on the bank of pond was even interestingly listing to that mysterious sadhak.
“Priest of Bheirav Mahapeeth situated in Himalayas has seen Sadgurudev with his disciples performing their sadhana, though after sadgurudev passed away from his mortal form. One day when I became very sad, I went in front of sadgurudev’s picture and cried a lot that why you left us that time only aroma of Ashgandh spread, When I looked infront, Sadgurudev were standing there in air, in hard voice he said ‘ Why are you crying, I am here only’ and he became invisible instant...
While reading Nikhileshwaranand Stavan I got his Darshan many time in his sanyash form. What could you say more spiritual attainment then this. “
Night and cold both turned on. I was very weak with fever but at same time was lost in his talk. There was a great attraction in his face. Something which let anyone feel that he is more ahead than us. It took me no time to understand that he did some sadhana on attraction.
“Near only, there is a temple. There is a half feet idol of goddess. Like alive, whatever sadhana if performed there, it does gives results. People do not know that that is a place of devi vishalakshi. Want to see?”
I accepted by nod and he started walking in one direction, I too went on after him. In between we stopped at a sage who was accomplished in Karnpishachini Sadhana. Both of they, talked for a while. Sage didn’t even look at me, so I became irritated. After coming out with smile Mohan started moving. In the way to temple, he told me that Aakarorshan Sadhana is very important in this time for everyone. Whosoever he may is a leader or a common man. If there is an attraction in your personality, everyone would be bind to agree with you. Such people do always get respect in society and he becomes a successful material man. There are so many sadhanas of attraction which are easy and straight.
Temple came and I became glad by receiving blessing. The temple was very difficult to come in note of common public. The knowledge which I got from that mysterious man cannot be described in the words. Many years passed, but it became not possible to meet him again. But today even, I have not forgot his face...full of attraction. There is one easy Vishalakshi sadhana for attraction.

This sadhna could only be started on Wednesday. In this sadhana 2 hours mantra chanting is needed after 11 pm. There is no fix counting if rosaries. A lamp should be light in front; Mantra jaap should be done by looking at the light of lamp. The sadhna should be repeated till 8 days. Till next Wednesday mantra jaap should be on same place and same time. One should pray to Devi Vishalakshi for success in sadhana before starting mantrajaap daily.
Mantra: Hum Hum Phat Phat Hum Hum
Although this mantra seems very common but you can see power in few days. after finishing sadhana one will get attraction on whole face and especially in eyes through which success could be generated very easily in every field.
Jai Gurudev.


(Alchemical files and Mantras RELATED TO POST)


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Saturday, October 23, 2010

Tantra Vijay-14Surya sadhana(Through which I became successful and became free from all eye disease)

आदि काल से सूर्य पृथ्वी का आधार रहा हे. सूर्य को वेदों में देवता कहा हे. आश्चर्य यह हे की इतने उग्र होने के वरन, उन्हें सोम्य देव कहा गया हे. अति सुन्दर, स्वेत वस्त्रधारी सप्त अश्वो से संचालित रथ पर सवार सौरमंडल के वेअधिष्ठाता हे और सभी ग्रह उनके वशीभूत हे. कप्लना से परे ही तो हे वो जीवन जो बिना सूर्य के संभव हो. आदिऋषियो ने उनके रूप का कई अलग अलग सूक्ष्म विवेचन किया हे. सूर्य विज्ञानं के बारे में तो हर कोई जनता हे कीसूर्य की रश्मियाँ सब कुछ प्रदान करने में समर्थ हे. सूर्य को पुत्रदा भी कहा गया हे, उनकी कृपा से पुत्ररत्न की प्राप्तिहोती हे. और कोई जगह उन्हें वाक्सिद्धि प्रदायक की संज्ञा भी दी गयी हे, जिससे सूर्य के साधको को शाप या वरदानदेने की क्षमता मिल जाती हे.
कर्ण के बारे में कोन नहीं जानता. सूर्य की उपासना से उनकी सामर्थ्यता इतनी हो गयी थी की वे रोज हजारो लोगोका कल्याण करते रहते थे. सूर्य के द्वारा प्राप्त कवच और कूंडल ने उसको आखिर तक विजयी बना के रखा था. पतंजलि, कणाद और अत्री जेसे महाऋषियों ने सूर्य साधना को सारभूत साधना कहा हे. यहाँ तक की ब्रम्हांडस्थापत्य जेसी दुर्लभ क्रिया भी सूर्य मन्त्र से की जाती हे. चाकसुसोपनिषद में सूर्य की प्रसंशा ही प्रसंशा की गयी हेऔर कोई भी नेत्र रोग हो सूर्य की कृपा से उसे तुरंत ही दूर किया जा सकता हे.
तंत्र मार्ग में और खास करके योग-तंत्र में सूर्य साधना को अत्यधिक महत्त्व दिया गया हे. कई तंत्र साधक केवलमात्र सूर्य की साधना से उच्च आध्यात्मिक स्तरों को प्राप्त कर चुके हे. सूर्य साधना के बारे में ये भ्रान्ति हे की येसाधना गृहस्थ लोगो के लिए कोई उपयोगी नहीं. ऐसा बिलकुल भी न होके सच्चाई ये हे की सूर्य साधना भोग औरमोक्ष दोनों को प्रदान करने वाली हे. आप खुद ही सोच सकते हे की जो सूर्य हमें प्रतिक्षण जीवन प्रदान करता हे , उसकी साधना भला हमें केसे फलीभूत नहीं हो सकती ?
सदगुरुदेव ने कई एसी सूर्य साधनाए प्रदान की हे जो दिखने में तो सामान्य हे मगर जिसको करने के बाद आप खुदही आंक सकते हे की जीवन में केसे बदलाव आ रहा हे और केसे उन्नत्ति का रास्ता अपने आप ही सामने आ जाताहे. दैनिक जीवन और अध्यातिमिक जीवन में सूर्य देव की महत्त्व को कम करके नहीं देख सकते अनेकों महायोगीऔर महापुरुषों को आप देखे आप पाएंगे की उनके जन्म दिवस अधिकांशतः १५ अप्रैल से १५ मई (सूर्य उच्च राशिमैं होंगे ) तथा १५ अगस्त से १५ सितम्बर के मध्य(सूर्य स्व राशिस्थ ) मैं आप पाएंगे ,जैसे भगवान राम, भगवानहनुमान ,सदगुरुदेव जी, अदि शंकराचार्य. कारण ये हैं की सूर्य ,आत्मा तेज के प्रतिक हैं ,भला आत्मा की तेजस्विताके बिना कोई ठोस उपलब्धियों की प्राप्ति संभव हैं. चाहे क्षेत्र जो भी हो ,यहाँ तक की भगवान हनुमान द्वारा सूर्य देवको निगलने की घटना भी वास्तव मैं सूर्य देव को आत्मसात करने की घटना के प्रतिक हैं.
ये साधना रविवार से ही प्राम्भ करे. ये साधना दिन के समय में ही चाहिए मेरा मतलब है की सूर्योदय से लेके तकके दोपहर काल में ही ये साधना कभी भी सम्प्पन कर सकते हे. ये साधना मात्र ४ दिन की हे और रोज २५ माला मंत्रजाप हो. रोज एक ही समय पर मंत्रजाप करे. सामने सूर्य देव की मूर्ति या चित्र जो भी उपलब्ध हो उसे स्थापित करेऔर सामान्य पूजा करने के बाद कोई भी माला (जो की पहले कोई साधना में उपयोग न की हो ) से २५ माला मंत्रजाप करे.
मंत्र : ओम ह्रीं श्रीं घृणिम् सूर्य आदित्यः श्रीं ह्रीं
इस मंत्र में इच्छापूर्ति प्रणव ओम, मोक्ष प्रदाता माया बीज ह्रीं एवं लक्ष्मी प्रदाता श्रीं बीज सम्पुट के साथ ही सूर्य कोआदि देव मानकर प्रसंशा की गयी हे. अगर साधक समर्पण और विश्वाश के साथ ये साधना करे न केबल सूर्य देवकी निरंतर कृपा उस पर हमेशा बनी रहती हे. बल्कि जीवन मैं पूर्ण सफलता साथ ही साथ नेत्रों से संबंधित समस्तरोगों को दूर करने मैं भी पूर्ण सफलता पाई जा सकती हैं . इसके लिए यदि आप इस साधना के साथ साथचाक्षुष्मती स्त्रोत का पांच पाठ नियत प्रति करें ,तो निश्चय ही नेत्र रोगों से मुक्ति में पूर्ण सफलता प्राप्त होती हैं.
जय गुरुदेव *******************************************************************

Since dawn of time, sun has remained base of Earth. Sun is mentioned as god in Vedas. It is surprising that being such ugra dev, even he is in category of Saumy devtas. Very handsome, Wearing white cloth, being on cart ride by seven horses, he is controller of solar system and every planet works under him. One can’t imagine life which is possible without sun. Ancient sages have described his form in various macro ways. Everyone is aware about Sun science that sun rays are capable of giving anything. Surya is also called as ‘Putrda’, who can give son when being worshiped. And at many place he is mentioned as Giver of ‘ Vak siddhi’ means those who worship god sun, could became capable of giving boon or curse.
Everyone knows about ‘Karn’. Through worship of Sun he became so much capable that he used to help thousands of people daily. He had remained winner for his whole lifetime with the help of “Kavach &Kundal” given by sun. According to our ancient sages like Patanjali, Kanad and atri, sun sadhana is abstract of sadhanas. Even rare process like ‘Bramhand sthapaty’ (Establishing Universe in self’) is possible through mantra of Sun. Sun has been highly appreciated in Chakshusopanishad and any of the diseases related to the eye could be vanish through blessings of Sun.
In the tantra field and more specifically into Yog-tantra sun contains Major importance. Many tantra sadhak attained higher spiritual level through sadhana of sun only. It is misconception that sadhana of Sun is important only for sages. There is nothing like that and sun sadhana is provider of bhoga and Moksha both. You your self can understand that how it is possible that the sun which gives life in every moment, the sadhana of same Sun will not be appropriate?
Sadgurudev gave many sun sadhanas which seems very simple but after doing it, you can judge the changes in your life and how the way of success comes to you. not only in daily life but in spiritual life too ,you can not underestimate the importance of sun,many great yogis and spiritual giants,if you just go through their bith date, find that ,their birth date find in betten the 15 april to 15 may ( the period belongs to sun exalation sign) and 15 th august to 15 th sept.(period belongs to sun own sign) like sadgurudevji, Bhagvaan Ram, bhagvaan Hanumaan ,adi shankaracharya. reson behind is that sun is the representative of aatam tej, without the aatam tej ,how can it be possible to have concreate gain either in material life or in spritual life. The famous incident of eating the sun by Bhagvaan hanumaan also representing the same importance of sun.
this sadhana can only be started by any sunday,here i mean that any time beteen sun rise to mid day. the sadhana is of 4 day.y daily jap of 25 round rosarary is required.mantra jap of this sadhana be started the same time as of first day.the photograh or statue of lord sun,whatever you have ,place in front of you,and daily samanya poojan(general prayer routine) be followed and after that mantra jap of 25 round of rosary be started.the rosary can be of any type but should not be used in any sadhana.
Mantra: ओम ह्रीं श्रीं घृणिम् सूर्य आदित्यः श्रीं ह्रीं om hreem shreem ghrinim sury aadityah shreem hreem.
this mantra have wish fulfiller pranav om,final libration provider maya beej hreem, and wealth provider lakshmi beej shreem alongwith the worship of lord surya as adi dev.if this sadhak perform this sadhan with full devotion and faith ,surely, not only the belssing of Bhagvaan surya is always with him but achieves success in material life , and completely removal of all disease realted to his/her eyes.for that it would be much better if sadhak daily recite 5 times the chakkshshmati strota daily,then surely all type of disease related to eye can be completely removed.
jai Gurudev


(Alchemical files and Mantras RELATED TO POST)


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Thursday, October 21, 2010


( गुरुदेव के सन्याशी शिष्यों और उनके साधनात्मक ज्ञान के बारे में तो काफी कुछ प्रचलित हे. हमारी यह इच्छा रही हे की हम ऐसे ही वरिष्ठ सन्याशी गुरुभाइयो एवं उनके साधनात्मक उपलब्धियों को आप सब के मध्य रखे. ताकि हम समझ सके की सदगुरुदेव ने प्रेम के वशीभूत न जाने कितने हीरक बिखेरे हे , अब ये तो हमारे ऊपर निर्भर हे की हम कितना और क्या क्या समेट सकते हे.)
श्री राघवदास बाबाजी के बारे में कुछ भी कहना या लिखना सूर्य को रोशनी दिखने जेसा हे . चहरे पर हलकी सी मुस्कान, लंबा दुबला परन्तु बलिष्ठ शरीर, उल्झी हुयी जटाऐ, दीप दीप करती सूर्य ओर चंद्र के प्रतिक सम दिल तक उतरने वाली आँखे, एक गमछा लपेटे हुए, वे एक ऐसे भव्य व्यक्तित्व हे जिनके सामने उच्चकोटि के योगी भी हमेशा नतमस्तक रहते हे. उनका विनोदी ओर अत्यंत प्रफुल्लित स्वाभाव दिल को छू लेता हे. हमेशा यथा संभव अपने आपको सामान्य बनाये रखते हुए कुछ एसी माया बिखेरते रहते हे कि लोग एक बार धोखा खा ही जाएँगे कि योगीजन वंदित राघवदास बाबा यही हे ?...
राघवदास बाबाजी कि उम्र क्या हे कोई बता नहीं सकता, यदा कदा से जानकारी मिलती हे कि उनकी उम्र २०० साल के ऊपर ही हे. परमहंश निखिलेश्वरानंदजी के वे वरिष्ठ सन्यासी शिष्य हे. साधनाओ के क्षेत्र में राघवदास बाबाजी ने जो कीर्तिमान कायम किये हे , वहाँ तक पहुचने का साधक ख्वाब भी नहीं देख सकता. राघवदास बाबाजी सदगुरुदेव के सन्याश काल में साये कि तरह साथ रहते थे, इसी लिए गुरुदेव ने इनका नाम राघवदास (हनुमान) रखा था. कई लोग इनको श्याम बाबा के नाम से भी जानते हे. राघवदास बाबाजी का नाम सायद हम गृहस्थों के बिच नया हो सकता हे, मगर सदगुरुदेव से जिन्होंने अघोर एवं पारद क्षेत्र में ज्ञान प्राप्त किया वे लोग इस नाम से भली भांति परिचित है.....ऐसेही हमारे एक अग्रज गुरु भाई के बारे में कुछ तथ्य आपके सामने रखना चाहूँगा.
श्री राघवदास बाबाजी सदगुरुदेव के निदर्शन में ही १०८ पारद संस्कार को सिद्ध कर चुके हे. उन्हें पारद स्वरुप कि भी संज्ञा दी जाए तो कम ही हे. पारद सूर्य प्रक्रिया के बारे में सिर्फ कुछ साधको को जानकारी हे. पारद सूर्य तंत्र के अंतर्गत पारद के ऊपर होने वाली सभी प्रक्रियाए सूर्य कि किरण मात्र से सम्प्पन कि जाती हे जिनमे धातुपरिवर्तन से ले करके विभ्भिन गुटिकाओ के निर्माण शामिल हे. पारद सूर्य तंत्र में ये सिद्ध हस्त हे ओर पारद को सूर्य कि रश्मियों से शुद्ध कर गुटिका निर्माण करना एसी जटिल प्रक्रियाओ को उन्होंने मेरे सामने कुछ ही क्षणों में करके दिखाया था. संस्कारो के क्षेत्र में उन्होंने कई एसी विधियो कि रचना कि हे कि शायद एक बार तो विश्वाश भी न आए. एक साथ एक ही संस्कार में १ से १८ संस्कार करना या फिर सिर्फ वायु विज्ञान मात्र से पारद में से खेचरी गुटिका बनाना, सब बाये हाथ का खेल ही तो हे बाबाजी के लिए. सन १९८३ में जब वे जोधपुर गुरुधाम में पूज्य गुरुदेव से मिलने पधारे थे तब सिर्फ स्वमूत्र से उन्होंने ताम्बे के टुकड़े को सोने में बदल दिया था. बाबाजी के बारे में प्रचलित हे कि यह वही योगी हे जिन्होंने विश्वनाथ शिव मंदिर के लोहो के भरी दरवाजों को कुछ ही मिनिटो में सिद्धसुत के माध्यम से सोने में बदल दिया था. वनस्पति तंत्र में ऊनकी जो महारत हे वे शब्दो से परे हे . उन्होंने इस क्षेत्र में नए तन्त्रो कि रचना कर जिज्ञासु साधको को कई नयी उपलब्धियां प्रदान करने में सहयोग दिया हे. वनस्पतियों से धातुओ को अलग करके उनका प्रयोग करना या विभ्भिन यंत्रो का निर्माण सिर्फ वनस्पति के माध्यम से करने... ये सब तो बाबाजी के लिए खेल मात्र ही हे. प्रारंभ में योगमार्ग पर रहे राघवदास बाबाजी अष्टांग योग में पूर्णतः सिद्ध रहे हे, जिनमे ह्रदय चक्र ओर नाभि चक्र जेसी दुर्लभ सिद्धिया प्राप्त कर चुके थे जो कि सहश्त्रार भेदन के बाद ही संभव हे. मगर बाद में राघवदास बाबाजी ने अपना मुख्य क्षेत्र पारद ओर तंत्र को ही बनाया.
तंत्र के क्षेत्र में वे सिद्धहस्त हे. सौम्य महाविद्या साधना को सिद्ध करना भी अत्यंत जटिल हे मगर उन्होंने तो उग्र मार्ग से एक ही साल में ४ महाविद्याओ को सिद्ध किया था. औघड साधना, स्मशान साधना में निष्णांत हे वह. श्री बाबाजी हिमालय, नेपाल, अरावली, पंचमढ़ी, गोरखपुर आदि अधिकांश सिद्ध साधना स्थलियो में साधना कर चुके हे. वे सशरीर सिद्धाश्रम में कई बार जा चुके हे ओर अन्य दिव्य आश्रमो में भी उनकी बराबर गति हे. पारे कि एक बूंद भी इंसान के लिए मृत्यु साबित हो सकती हे मगर राघवदास बाबाजी का नित्य आहार ही ५-१० तोला कच्चा परा हे. देखते ही देखते वे पारे को गटक जाते हे. कामाख्या के आसपास का जंगल ही कार्यक्षेत्र रहा हे उनका. नाग्बुद्ध एवं सिद्ध नागार्जुन जेसे रसाचरयो से निकट का संपर्क हे उनका.
कई बार साधको को उन्होंने दर्शन दिया हे. उनकी गति अदभूत हे. एक ही समय पर उनको कई जगह देखा गया हे. कुछ साधको को अनुभव हुआ हे कि सिर्फ याद करने मात्र पर ही वे उपस्थित हो जाते हे.
मेरी इतनी सामर्थ्यता नहीं हे कि में उनके बारे में कुछ भी लिख सकू. पर में चाहता था कि सब को मालूम रहे ही गुरुदेव के शिष्यों कि सामर्थ्यता कितनी हे. इसी लिए याचना के साथ इस लेख को आपके सामने ला रहा हू. जब बाबाजी को एक गुरुभाई ने मुलाकात के क्षणों में प्रश्न किया कि बाबा आप सबसे मिलते क्यों नहीं ? तो उन्होंने जवाब दिया कि “ इससे क्या होगा ? लोग मुझसे सिर्फ इस लिए मिलना चाहत हे कि मेरी आयु २०० वर्ष हे?! ...इससे ज्यादा कुछ भी तो नहीं .”
सायद कोई वेदना सता रही हे उनको. एक अलग प्रसंग में उन्होंने मुझे कहा था कि “मेरी जोली में तो सब कुछ भर दिया हे सदगुरुदेव ने. मगर में चाहू भी तो किसको दू ये सब ? कोई टूटे हुए पात्र में दिया जलता हे क्या ?”
आप सब लोग सायद ये समज रहे होंगे कि वे क्या कहना चाहते थे। मुझसे भी ओर आपसे भी। ऐसे ही महान साधक एवं शिष्य को हम सब कि ओर से कोटि कोटि वंदन. आपके द्वारा प्राप्त ज्ञान हमारी साधनास्वप्न के स्तंभ हे..
(There are many things famous about sanyashi disciples of sadgurudev and their knowledge in the field of spirituality। It was our wish to share with you something about our senior sanyashi gurubrother and their achievements in the sadhana field. By which we can understand that so many diamonds been spread by gurudev being affected by love, but now it is on us that how much we can gain)
To write or to say something about poojya shri Raghav Das babaji is like showing earthen lamp’s light to sun, always with soft smile, tall ,thin but mescular body, his jata like hairs scattered on his shoulders, penetrating eyes to heart lighting like sun and moon, wearing a Gamchha( small cloth around his waist). he is having such a personalty that even highest yogis bows down. his sence of humour and ever joyful nature touch everyone’s heart , whosoever come to his contact. always living with so much simplicity and spreading his maya in such a way that people often gets illusioned. he is none other then ,but shri RaghavDas babaji.
how old is RaghavDas babaji,no one can tell us, information received from various sources tells us, his material (physical or bodily) age is more then 200 years. he is among the senior most sanyasi disciple of Paramansa Nikhileshwaranandaji, he has achieved so much hights in sadhana field , that ,no sadhak can ever dream to reach there, Poojya RaghavDas babaji had always remained with poojya sadgurudevji like his shadow,thats why poojya sadgurudevji gave him name “RaghavDas” (hanuman).some people know him as Shyam babaji. His name may be new for we house holder material people but it is very well known name for those who had been into field of tantra and parad vigyan under sadgurudev’s guidance. Like way, I would like to share something about one of our senior guru brother..

in the direction of poojya sadgurudevji RaghavDas babaji had already got mastery in 108 sanskar of parad. if ,he is consider as Parad swarup( having form like mercury), that will not be oversay. very few sadhak have a knowledge of “Parad Surya Prakriya”, in this parad surya tantra all the sanskar process can be done only with rays of sun, that includes metallic transformation to making of various divine parad gutikas. he is well versed in the field of parad surya tantra and he showed to me some of the very complex process of making of divine parad gutika’s after purified parad with sun rays within some seconds.he also has developed such methods ,one can hardly believe on that. to complete parad’s 18 sanskar in one sanskar’s process,or making of khechary gutika with the help of vayu Vigyan. all these process is like child’s play for him. in 1983 when he visited Jodhpur to meet his beloved poojya sadgurudevji,then he converted a piece of copper to gold by his self urine only. this is also very famous fact about him that he is the same yogi who had converted the iron gate of kashi vishwanath temple into gold in minites with help of siddhsut. his mastery over the vanaspati tantra( a tantra who deals with the various divine herbs) is can not be expressed in words. he also have develop many new tantra to help new aspirants to get success, in this field. to seperate various divine herbs from metals or through using only these herbs to make yantras, is like a childs play for him. in the begining, RaghavDas babaji also gets full mastery over Astaang that he successfully achieved very rear siddhi in hradya chakra and in Nabhi chakra process,that can be possible only after Shahastradhar bheden. But then after he made his main way in tantra and paarad vigyan field.
he is an accopmplished sadhak in tantra field,to get siddhi in mahavidya in soumya process way is very very difficult and complex, but he achieved siddhi in Urga marg(process) way in four mahavidya in a year .he is well versed in Aughad sadhana , and in shamshan sadhana process. shri RaghavDas babaji already did sadhana in many sadhana field of Himalaya, Nepal, Aravali,Panchmadhi,Gorakhpur, and also visited Siddhashram many times in his material body too. and the same goes for other divine ashrams even. single drop of mercury can cause death to person,but eating daily 50 to 100 grm of mercury is food of him. his working field is mainly the forest places around ma kamakhya maha peetem. he is in very close contact with rasachary like Nagbuddh and siddh nagarjun.
he has given his divine darshan to many sadhak, he can be seen with same body in different places at same time.even by remembering his name ,he appeared in front of many sadhak that is what had been experienced by many sadhak.
i have not such capicity to write anthing about him, but i wants to share this knowledge to all of you how much great capacity and abilty of sadgurudev’s shisya.with the same thought, i am writing this post for all of you.once one of our gurubhai asked him why babaji you not meet with all in person. his replied was.”what it does matters?people wants to meet me because i am having age more then 200 years?...not any thing more than that....”
may be, he has pain in his heart which had took deep roots. on other occasion he told me that” sadgurudev has already filled his bag with everything, but whom can i give, this wealth? can any broken earthen lamp lights up..?
Now you can understand ,what he wanted to tell. to me and you even. With this I many time bow down to such humble desciple of sadgurudev on behalf of all. The knowledge given by you is only pillors of our dream level of sadhana.


(Alchemical files and Mantras RELATED TO POST)


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Wednesday, October 20, 2010

vikramaditya and alchemy

everyone knows about king vikramaditya of ujjein and his achievements in the
field of tantra

but when I was preparing papers on him, I came to know about three incidents
about him which was surprising but alchemy attracts angels even so why cant it
attract the king of kings pardukhbhanjana vikramaditya

1) once when vikram was feeling no peace as he was short running with his fund
to donate, he went to forest and settled down in temple of bholenath. he did 21
days sadhana there and bholenath was before him. vikram asked shiva in this
regards and shiva asked him to go to south direction and meet an sage who was

when he reached there, the alchemist said that he was waiting for him as he
did got an message from mahadev. vikram stayed there and learned alchemy
processes. when he returned to his kingdom, he asked his obedient to take whole
copper of kingdom and prepare coin out of it.

it took 6 month to collect and prepare coins out of copper of whole kingdom
and more than 41 crore (41 billion) coins were produced. vikram; with the help
of a sood and herb converted all in gold and filled his fund.

2) he learned preparation of khechari gutika from a siddh aghori who came in
ujjein smashana for to do some rituals. he always used to keep gutika with him
and in the night he used to roam invisibly flying in his whole kingdom with the
help of gutika to check rather anyone do not have any kind of problem or sorrow

3)when he went to sinhal dwip (island of lioness) to take padmini which a
bramhin asked him to give in dakshina to him, he took a help of ras siddha and
veital to enter in the mysterious and dangerous place.


(Alchemical files and Mantras RELATED TO POST)


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jai gurudev

Sunday, October 17, 2010

SadGurudev Prasang- Divine Parad Linga(SadGurudev historical contribution to the Country)

जय गुरुदेव
सदगुरुदेव एक शाम को बहुत चिन्तित थे ओर उदास मन से सूर्यास्त देख रहे थे. वे अपने मित्र से कहते हे कि लाल रंग का आकाश आगामी दिनों में मासूम लोगो का खून दिखा रहा हे ...और आप सब उस समय दुनिया कि परिस्थिति से परिचित हे.
वे मुट्ठी बांध के आंसूओ के साथ बेठे रहने वालो में नहीं थे, उन्होंने न सिर्फ अपने शिष्यों के लिए परन्तु पूरे देश के आम नागरिक,निःशक्तजन ओर ऊँचे पदों पर कार्यरत उन लोग कि भी जो की उनके महत्तम प्रयास के बारे में जानते तक नहीं थे, और न ही समझना चाहते थे और अनजान थे आने वाले समय के आर्थिक संकट की स्थिति से, उनके लिए कुछ करने को ठानी.
स्व. श्री शंकर दयाल शर्मा उस समय भारत के राष्ट्रपति थे, वे सदगुरुदेव के शिष्य भी थे, यु तो सगुरुदेव ने उन्हें हमेशा अपने भाई कि तरह ही माना हे. सदगुरूजी उनसे मिले ओर पूछा कि क्या वे (श्री शंकर दयाल शर्मा) संसद में कोई ऐसा प्रस्ताव रख सकते हे कि जिससे हेमवती विद्या (स्वर्ण निर्माण कि प्रक्रिया) को कानूनी रूप से स्वीकृत कर सके तो इस विद्या के माध्यम से वे और उनके शिष्य देश कि गरीबी ओर विदेशो का क़र्ज़ को हटा सकते हे. परन्तु शर्माजी ने इस पर अपनी असमर्थता दिखाते हुए कहा कि इस समय देश कि स्थिति अयोग्य हे. सदगुरुदेवने दर्द भरी मुस्कान के अलावा कोई जवाब नहीं दिया शर्मा जी को.
फिर शर्मा जी ने पूछा कि इसके अलावा भी क्या कोई रास्ता नहीं हे जिससे देश कि प्रगति हो सके ?अभी देश में बेरोजगारी ही सबसे बड़ी समस्या हे जो कि रोज ब रोज़ बढती ही जा रही हे, जिसकी वजह से आर्थिक ऋण के जाल में हमारा देश फँसता जा रहा है सरकार के सारे प्रयास को कोई मोल नहीं उपजा नहीं कोई नयी आशा का उद्भव हुआ.
पता नहीं किस भावना या विचारों के वशीभूत होकर ही तो मैंने एक बार में ही इन समस्त समस्याओं का समाधान करना छह रहा था पर यही तो हमारे देश का दुर्भाग्य है कि यहाँ कि राजनीती स्वार्थ लोलुपता कि चरम पराकाष्ठा से भरी हुई है जिसका मूल्य एक एक भारतीय को अपने रोम को भी गिरवी रख कर चुकाना पद रहा है. भारत सोने कि चिड़िया था अब ये तो सदैव सदैव इतिहास में ही लिखा रहेगा , इसकी साकारता अब हमारे देश का भाग्य नहीं हो सकती खैर.................... एक उदास प्रश्वांस के साथ सदगुरुदेव ने कहा , और तनिक विचार के बाद उन्होंने कहा ‘पारद शिवलिंग के द्वारा ही इन सारी समस्याओं से मुक्ति पाया जा सकता है और साथ ही आगामी समय के लिए सदा सर्वदा के लिए भी आर्थिक उन्नति के अवसर को स्थिर रखा जा सकता है.’ सदगुरूजी ने उनसे कहा.
पर ऐसा अदभूत शिवलिंग का निर्माण आप के अतिरिक्त भला और कोई कर ही नहीं सकता और न ही इतना सामर्थ्य किसी में है,जो कि पूरे देश के लिए योग्य हो, और इतना बड़ा परिवर्तन संभव कर सके भारत कि भूमि पर जो कि आर्थिक ऋणों से ग्रस्त है और बेरोजगारी तथा अर्थाभाव जैसे जोंक इसकी उन्नति रूपी रक्त को निरंतर चूस रहे हैं. क्या आप अपनी महती कृपा के द्वारा देश कि उन्नति के लिए इस असाध्य क्रिया को साकार नहीं करेंगे. –शर्मा जी ने विनीत भाव से कहा .
शिष्य ऐसा आग्रह करे और वो भी देश के हित में तो भला सदगुरुदेव कैसे अस्वीकार कर पाते इस प्रार्थना को , क्यूंकि अपना सम्पूर्ण जीवन ही तो उन्होंने देश को उसकी मूल भावना को मजबूत करने में ही तो लगाया है, अपना जीवन , अपना साहस , अपनी विचारधारा को लगातार इसी स्वप्न को साकार करने में लगाया है. तभी तो कभी भी स्वार्थ को खुद पर हावी न होने दिया और इसकी कीमत उन्होंने आलोचना और घात-प्रतिघात रूपी आग में निरंतर जल कर चुकाई है. खैर.................

न उन्होंने एक क्षण भी सोचा कि इतनी व्यस्तता में वे केसे समय दे पाएँगे..क्या ये संभव था कि इतना जटिल कार्य सतत उनके निदर्शन में ही नहीं वरन उनके स्व हस्त से हो पाए ?...पर ये तो वो व्यक्ति हे जिसने प्रत्येक क्षण देश के लिए ही तो जिया था..चाहे वह उनका शिक्षा का क्षेत्र हो..या फिर सन्याश या फिर वापस गृहस्थी का विष...वे हमेशा नीलकंठ कि तरह मुस्कुराते हुए पी गए
फरवरी महीने कि महाशिवरात्रि के दिन उन्होंने पूर्ण लक्ष्मी सायुज्य शिव प्रतिष्ठा से युक्त ऐसे पारद शिवलिंग का निर्माण किया. मगर क्या निर्माण मात्र पर्याप्त था ? नहीं नहीं .. बल्कि कुबेर मन्त्रों से अभिसिक्तिकरण और कई गोपनीय मन्त्रों से उसमे पूर्ण प्राणों का प्रवाह भी तो करना था साथ ही साथ जोड़ना था वर्तमान और भविष्य कि समस्त पीढ़ियों के प्राणों से भी. ताकि पूर्ण उन्नति और सम्रद्धि दायक हो सके वो . उन्होंने अपने शिष्यों को जो कि जोधपुर आश्रम में रहते थे उनको विशिष्ट पूजन और उस प्राण प्रतिष्ठा कर्म के लिए तैयारी करने का आदेश दिया जो कि किसी व्यक्ति विशेष मात्र का न होकर पूरे देश का कल्याण व अर्थोत्थान कर सके. और दे सके भारत को ऋण मुक्त कर उसका खोया हुआ गौरव भी.
शिवलिंग निर्माण के बाद पूजनीय माताजी ने सदगुरुदेव के साथ पूरे २ महीने उस शिवलिंग का विशेष और गोपनीय मन्त्रों से पूजन किया. इसके बाद नित्य प्रति सदगुरुदेव अपने जोधपुर आश्रम के शिष्यों के साथ इसका पूजन करते रहे.अभी भी कई गोपनीय तंत्र प्रक्रियाएं बाकि थी ही जिन्हें पूर्ण करने और तेजस्विता युक्त करने के लिए विविध शमशानों की भस्मों से उस परम तेजस्वी रसलिंग का पूजन महाकाल मन्त्रों से किया जाता रहा, रोज बरोज अलग अलग स्मशान जो कि जोधपुर के आस पास के थे जेसे कि मंडोर, महामंदिर रोहट आदि शमशान से लाया जाता था. हर दूसरे दिन अलग स्मशान कि राख उपयोग में ली जाती थी. ये भी एक आश्चर्य रहा कि जब भी कोई इस कार्य हेतु स्मशान से भस्म लेने जाता तो उसे ताज़ी जली चिता कि भस्म ही प्राप्त होती. कई लोगो ने उन्हें पूछा भी कि ये क्या कर रहे हे पर उन्होंने मुह बंद रखा. सर्व प्रथमउस महाभस्मी का शुद्धिकरण होता. शुरुआत में किसी को भी ये पता नहीं था कि ये क्रिया किस लिए हो रही हे. ये प्रक्रिया पूरे ५ महीने फेब्रुअरी से जून तक चली .जोधपुर स्टाफ को कोई जानकारी नहीं थी कि ये प्रक्रिया क्यों ओर किस के लिए कि जा रही हे किन्तु ये सदगुरुदेव कि आज्ञा थी. उनकी आज्ञा पालन ही उनका धर्म था. किसीने भी उनसे नहीं पूछा कि यह लंबी प्रक्रिया क्यों जबकि सदगुरुदेव विचार मात्र से रसलिंग का निर्माण कर सकते थे इन दिनों में वे सतत विविध तांत्रिक उपकरणों के साथ कभी रात्रि तो कभी दिवस समय में कालानुसार पूजन करते. २४ प्रकार के विविध महामृत्युंजय मन्त्रों का प्रयोग भी इस क्रिया में किया जाता रहा (आश्र्चर्य! किनको २४ प्रकार के महामृत्युंजय मन्त्रों का ज्ञान है ?). एक और विशिष्टता थी पारद का रंग परिवर्तन. शुरुआत में वो अभिषेक काल में काले रंग की आभा के साथ था. कुछ अभिषेक के बाद वह काले से सिन्दूरी हुआ. तीसरे मुख्य अभिषेक के बाद उसका रंग चांदी जेसा धवल ओर चमकीला हो गया था. उसके बाद वो पूर्ण जाज्वल्यमान शुभ्रवर्ण में ही आ गया ओर रंग्परिवर्तन कि प्रक्रिया खत्म हुयी. अंत में ये लंबी प्रक्रिया पूर्ण हुयी और . स्थापन के लिए उस अद्भुत परम ज्योतिर्मयी रस लिंग को ले जाना था उसे विशेष मन्त्रों से लाल वस्त्रों में बंद कर काले धागे से बंद दिया गया और सदगुरुदेव स्वयं ही उसे अपने साथ दिल्ली ले आये,उस समय तक भी स्टाफ को ये पता नहीं था कि ये रसलिंग किनके लिए बनाया गया हे
आप सब जानते ही हे कि उस जुलाई महीने में सदगुरुदेव ने वह पारद शिवलिंग भारत के राष्ट्रपति स्व. श्री शंकर दयाल शर्मा को भेंट किया गया था.
प्रश्न ये हे कि सदगुरुदेव ने वो पारद शिवलिंग को राष्ट्रपति को ही वो पारद शिवलिंग क्यों भेंट किया ? इसका कारण ये रहा कि राष्ट्रपति हमारे देश का प्रमुख माना जाता हे. यदि वह दिव्य पारद शिवलिंग उनके घर में (राष्ट्रपति भवन) रहेगा तो सारा देश सुख एवं समृद्धि पूर्ण होगा. अब आप सदगुरुदेव के द्वारा किया गया श्रम ओर वेदना को समझ सकते हे. इस दिव्य पारद शिवलिंग का वजन २१ किलो हे. यही अनछुआ पहलु था कहानी का. परन्तु उसका प्रभाव हमारे दिन प्रतिदिन के जीवन पे क्या था बिना उसको समजे ये कहानी पूर्ण नहीं हो सकती.
१९९५ के बाद आप चारो तरफ हमारे देश कि प्रगति को देखे. यहाँ में अपने सदगुरुदेव का पक्ष नहीं ले रहा हू नाही उन्हें इसकी आवश्यकता हे. और में ये साफ़ कर देना चाहता हू कि ना में अपने देशवासियों के कठोर श्रम और प्रयासों को कम आंक रहा हू. परन्तु यहाँ पे में उस और ध्यान आकर्षित कर रहा हू कि क्यों वर्तमान के मंदी के समय विकसित कहलाये जाने वाले देश आर्थिक विफलता के शिकार हुए परन्तु हमारा देश जो हर प्रकार कि समस्याओ से ग्रस्त हे उतना उससे प्रभावित नहीं हुआ और लगातार विकास के रास्ते पर चल रहा हे. आज रोजगार के अवसर पहले कई गुना अधिक उपलब्ध हैं और सहज ही है अपनी प्रतिभा का विकास भी और . क्या ये धनात्मक चिन्ह नहीं हे. ये दिव्य आशीर्वाद हमारे देश ओर देशवासियों के साथ हे.
अंत में , में आपसे और क्या कह सकता हू कि कम से कम ये हमारी जिम्मेदारी हे कि सदगुरुदेव द्वारा किया गया कठोर श्रम और वेदना को हम समझ सके जो कि हमारे दिन प्रतिदिन के जीवन को आनंदमय बनाने के लिए किया गया था. कम से कम हम उस रस्ते पर चले जो दिव्य पथ उन्होंने हमें दिखाया था. में आप सभी लोगो कि सफलता एवं दिव्यता के लिए आज के पवित्र दिन पर सदगुरुदेव से प्रार्थना करता हू.
मैं समझ सकता हू कि आपको धन्यवाद देने कि आवश्यकता नहीं हे ये मेरा सौभाग्य हे कि आप जेसे मित्र इस ब्लॉग ओर ग्रुप में हे. जेसा कि आप सभी जानते हे कि हम इस समय पारद संस्कार के ४० दिवसीय कार्यशाला में व्यस्त हे तो हम लोगो के लिए आपको इस समय जवाब दे पाना थोडा कठिन हे. पर हमारा ह्रदय और शुभकामनायें आपके साथ हे .

Jai gurudev,
sadgurudev ,one evening were very worried and in pensive mood watching sunset he told to his friends that this red colored sky shows the blood of many innocent people in coming days…and you all are aware of the situation in that time worldwide…
He just not to be a watcher with folded hand and tearful eyes, he made his mind to do something great not only for his shisya but also to the general masses of this great country, even though not only general people but people belongs to higher position is not understanding his Himalayan task neither interested to understand and unaware of upcoming big financial crises.
Late shri Shanker dayal Sharma was the president of india at that time, he was also a devoted shishya of poojya sadgurudevji, though sadgurudevji always treated him like his own brother, sadgurudevji once met him, and asked him, if he (late shri shanker dayal sharmaji) passed a bill in sansad to legalize alchemy tantra’s hemvati vidya (process to make gold from inferior metal). If he could do this then his shishya using this vidya will remove not only the poverty of the nation but also the foreign debt upon our country but sharmaji showed his inability to do that, according he further condition of country was not suitable for that. Sadgurudevji painfully smiled and said nothing in response to late shri B.D.sharmaji ‘s answer.
Then he asked to sadgurudevji is there any other way to accelerate the progress of this country. sadgurudevji replied in his view present situation showing very gravest problem of unemployment. Which was increasing day by day, on because of that country is in grip of financial debts. even govt.’s all efforts were proves to fruitless or not gaining any positive sign.
Don’t know with which feeling and emotions, I was trying to solve all such problems at once. But it’s the misfortune of our country that here selfishness of the politics reaches to its height. That’s why the cost is being paid by each country men. India used to be “Golden Sparrow”, but it had become history only. There is no chance and fortune of our country that golden era can materialize again.anyways…..with deep breath gurudev replied him. And after a while with a thought he replied “with the help of Parad shivling only we can get ride over the all such problems and the growth and progress of the country could be establish for coming days.” Sadgurudev told him.
“But to make such rare divine shivling could not be possible by anyone else except you only and no one else is capable which is appropriate for whole country and can lead such big change in the land of India which is being under heavy financial debts. And demons like unemployment & financial problems are harassing people. Would you, with your holly blessing, not accomplish this great task for the development of our country??? Sharmaji sincerely asked.

if discipal make a wish and that too in the favour of the country then how it is possible for sagurudev to refuse a pray, because he devoted his whole life to establish and maitain the countryhood only. his life, his will, his thinking had always worked for to make this dream come true. that why he never let any selfishness to be inside him and in repeat condition he paid for burning him self in fire of critisism and false eligation. anyways...
not even for a moment he thought that how he will provide seperate time for this task from his busy schedule ...was it possible that such complicated work goes on not only under him but with his own hand?...but this is the men who lived every moment on the name of country...rather it is about his contribution in teaching field...or sanyash or poision of materialism...he took it with smile like Nilkantha.
In the month of February, on the day of mahashivratri he made such divine “Purn Mahalaxmi Saayujy Shiv Pratistha yukt parad shivling”, but making is enough, no no... Still the kuber establishment and life inducing process with many secret mantras in that shivling ,with that it was also requisition to attach shivling with all countrymens current and future even, with that they can acheive completness. He instructed his discipals, working in jodhpur Ashram to be ready for a special poojan which is not related to specific person but for whole country’s goodwill and financial growth. and also can give the lost self respect of country by removing debts.
after shivling was made, Poojniya mataji, herself did the poojan of that parad shivling with various Special and rare mantras for more than two month with poojya sadgurudevji , after that each day poojya pad sadgurudev did the poojann of that parad shivling with his jodhpur staff member (shishya). Still, many tantra processes to make it complete effective were yet to be done for which the ritual of that great shivling was not going through various ash of smashanas with Mahakal mantra. Each days the ashes collected from different graveyard, continuously from four shamshan situated around the jodhpur city like mandor, maha mandir ,rohat etc.. daily the ash was suppose to come from different Smashana. It was also amazing facts that when our gurubrothers went to collect the ashes they always found the ashes from recently burned chita. Even people asked them why they were doing the same but they kept silence. First after collecting ashes their purification used to be done. even staff member know not initial for which purpose that was going to be used .the same process done continuously for feb to june means lasting five months. Not a single staff member of jodhpur staff knew why this process is done and for whom, but it was their beloved sadgurudevji agya, to fulfill his agya was only their dharma, neither any of them asked him why such a lengthy process required, even when poojya sadgurudev could make parad shivling from his thought only.
in those days Sadguruev used to do poojan with various tantrik things and articles sometime in day or sometime in night even, based on specific time. . More than 24 type of maha mirtunjan mantra recited by poojya sadgurudevji.(amazing fact. who knows the 24 types of that Maha mrutyunjay mantra). One more specificity was colour change of paarad. In begining it was with a black shade shine. Then after some abhishek it again changes its color from black to sindoori (similar to red). After the third main abhishek it shines again like silver. And after that it acquired the colour of parad and did not get changed after that. last, this lenthy process came to end. and for its establishment, it was to be carried. With special mantra, it was wrapped with red cloth and tied with black threads. Sadgurudev him self carried it to delhi, Till then staff member not understood where and for whom that divine parad shivling was made.
As all of you already knew that in the month of july sadgurudevji himself presented that divine parad shivling to then president of india late Dr .shri Shanker dyal sharmaji, president very pleased to had that gift.
The question was why sadgurudevji, had given that parad shivling to then president of India, reason was that president is consider head of our country, and if that great divine holy parad shivling be in his home i.e. Rastrapati bhavan (president’s house).whole country be prosperous by that. He had not given that shivling to a person but the main head member of our country. You can understand the pain and laborer done by him. The divine parad shivling weighted 21 kg. This is the story behind. But what is the effect of that in our day to day life without understanding that whole story would not be completed.
After 1995 you can see the all round success of our country in every field, I am not here advocating about the sadgurudevji , he needs not that. And also I am also clearly mentioned that I am not underestimating the hard labors and effort of our country man, but I am here only pointing to a direction that why in recent time recession period, many of the so called developed country suffered a lot and reached a verge of financial failure, but our country with having all type of imagined problems, not suffered much and still able to maintain healthy growth rate. Everywhere new graduate gaining jobs as they want. Is not the Positive sign that divine blessing is always with us and in country.
In the last, what can I ask you; at least it’s the duties of all of us to understand the hard work and pain felt by our sadgurudev, which was done for to shape a happy life of every countryman. At least we try to move forward to the path divine showed by him. I am praying for your success and divinity in this path to this holy day to poojya sadgurudevji.
I understand that I do not need to thank you; it’s my pleasure to have friend like you all, here in blog and group. as all of you already knew that we are(specially I) busy in parad sanskar ‘s workshop organized by aifji, so it will be little bit difficult for me to reply you in time, but my heart will be with you as always………


(Alchemical files and Mantras RELATED TO POST)


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Saturday, October 16, 2010

Mere wo…(Unforgettable Moment with Beloved Mataji)

Extremely beautiful, fair complextion, sharp nose, shining arrow head, glowing face, endless love and the eyes filled with parental afeection…
These words are for our lovable Mother…Who got the opportunity to become Sadgurudev’s better half I mean his wife…To whom whole Indian disciple used to address “Mataji”…
She is very reserve kind of person and it’s quite difficult task to take out childhood talks from her.Earlier she used to tell nothing.After lots of efforts,she still used to ignore and say why u want to listen old talks? What is a purpose to be achieved hnnna? But I requested her – Which those are not just incident but also a history of Sadgurudev’s life and it is inherited to us.Its a great asset for us.If we could share those moments with our co-guru brothers and sisters then it would be the happiest thing for us.

Several months passed on…I was still trying to capture silently but Mataji used to ignore all the time or if she was their with Sadgurudev then with smile,she just gave a look towards Gurudev and used to say – actually its nothing like to disclose…
Once she was in happy mood and I requested her if you would share just two three incidents with us will be our great pleasure.Because then only we will come to know how your childhood and teenage days.
May be my luck was fine on that day and she just silent for a moment and ready to tell us.She said-what do you want to know? On which incidents you want the information? Tell me…
When we asked about sadgurudevji, she said “it’s my various birth backlogs and meritorious actions fruit that your Sadgurudev got me in my husband form.In that time marriages get happen in very early age.I was just ten approx..His village was nieghbour village of mine, may be just 2-3 km distance was between them.Before marriage also I heard a lot about your Sadgurudev, that he is very beautiful, strong, handsome, attractive personality,glorious and is very refined.But I never ever imagined about marriage with him.
One day my father came and told that there is one boy from neighbor village Deedas..By the way he is just twelve year old but if you would listen his talks then definitely gets surprised.I was sticthing a cloth and my mother were sitting by my side.
He said – outside the village there is a very old tree called Khejadi ( it is a kind of tree and which trunk is very heavy and roots are strong) which is 14-15 feet heighted and it width is almost the same via which one can hold it from both the hands after doing lots of efforts.And he alone took it away with him…As gurudev’s uncle’s house roof was made up of same type of trunk and got dissolve in 8-10 years.Due to this the rain water was coming inside.Therefore sadgurudev went in the morning and took it by both the hands and plaved one gamcha(small hankerchef) on shoulder and carried it from whole village and and placed it on the front gate of house.Second day when Thakur’s person cameon bullock cart to get back that trunk,it was disappeared.When they observe here n there,they didn’t find any marks of bullock cart, but do find the foot marks of person.They thought that it is impossible for one person to carry it alone.Then where the hell it went on? So they followed the foot marks and reached inside the village and found that trunk.Then they went to Thakur and told the whole incident.
Thakur said – It is impossible.Just call that boy and his father too..
His father was very angry man as he took your Gurudev and reached at Thakur’s place.
Thakur asked – Is that trunk taken by your son from the jungle.
Your Sadgurudev answered – yes, I found one wood part and I don’t have roof in my house, so I carried it with me.
Thakur said – It is impossible for u to take it alone.
Gurudev answered – If you say, again I would carry it on my shoulders and throw infront of your house.
Thakur said – I will come with you as I would like to witness it from my own eyes and how you can do this miracle of carrying such a heavy trunk on your small shoulder.
Thakur came to village and without hasitation your Sadgurudev carried that trunk on his shoulder and threw it infront of Thakur’s gate.Every one shocked and surprised.
When I heard this incident I was just shocked.I thought is their any one who have such a tremendous capacity in this world.But it was truth, so instant I imaged him in my mind and suddenly it got rubbed also because at that time the culture, thinking and mentality was like that one should not think about any man as it was not favourable by shastras.
Thereafter my father came to Rohat and we settled down here.It is 40 km away from Jodhpur where still I have the ancestral property of my forefathers.
Sadgurudev’s father had decided that my son should get married.Once he came to our village and visited our house also.In that time there were too much difficulties faced for getting male bride.As in our society the females counts were less and in comparison ratio the males were triple times of females.After thinking,some days thereafter ha again came to Rohat and went to another shrimali Brahman family and directly placed a proposal for marriage of my son.As they were having beautiful daughter.
Instantly they said yes, but due to some thought or coincidentaly he didn’t had food their and casually came to our house.As every thing was fixed up their and rumours were also spreading in village that Multanchand ji had arrived in village and for his son the Amba lalji’s daughter is fixed up.

It was morning time, his father came to my house and he saw me, I was busy in cleaning the porch area.i don’t know what went up in his mind and he said to my father as I have already seen one girl for my son but I think your daughter is the most appropriate one.i experienced that your daughter is very beautiful, learnade, smart in household work, which I have noticed from her way of doing the work.Therefore I want to present my son’s marriage proposal for your daughter.
My Father said –but you have already fixed up with Ambalal, then?
His Father said – Yes almost fixed up but yet the final decision not made nor I have take food over their.Therefore if it is yes from your side then I am ready stay and I would have jiggery and chapatti in food.
As my father have already listened stories about your Sadgurudev and then fortunately he also said yes.After couple of hours they both taken food in porch area and his father also taken jiggery, chapatti with ghee.Here jiggery, chapatti with ghee is termed to be that final decision is done.And this is how his father went on.In whole village the roumors were spreaded.I was not old enough to understand these elder talks but pretty old enough to understand that my marriage is fixed.
Thereafter a month he took the auspicious time for marriage and on four bullock carts the marriage party came to our house and stayed at ‘Janwasa’ where the male side party used to stay.I was also curious to see him, but due to hasitation nor I went on terrace niether I saw him.My friend came and said he very beautiful, charming, very heighted, glorious…and I imagined him in this way.For next 8 days Barat stayed here and marriage function was finished.

I asked – “Mataji in your shrimali Samaj the marriage functions are suppose to be happened in different manner where the groom takes the bride in his embrace and takes the four rounds around the auspicious fire…isn’t it?

Mataji said – still the rituals are same. When your Sadgurudev was sitting in Mandap and the pandit who was chanting the marriage matras as he was intellectual but he should keep mum as he was groom.But when he felt that this pandit is chanting wrong pronunciation of mantras then he himself said I will enchant whole mantra and would complete the marriage ritually.
My father, mother and all others from my side were simple amazed.that the small boy who is a groom and what he is saying to the panditji.Till the time he had started the mantras and chanted whole mantras and completed the marriage function.Pandit was seated for mere namesake.For whole village it was surprising that the boy is mug up with Ved mantras and damn intellectual.When it comes to embrace me…
Then his father said – Narayan, along with strength, take her courageously.
He said – “oh she is very slim-trim…I can carry her and can make 40 rounds but what type of strength I have to show here…”
While saying he just embrace me like a rose and did the parikramas and chanted the mantras also.

Then she started telling – then the Barat went back.Whenever any festival came then the bride has to be taken back at her house.After couple of days of our marriage the Bharat Pakistan were divided.At that time your Sadgurudev,his father, his uncle were at Sind in Pakistan.the city’s name was Khanpur which was near by Lahore.The situation was very critical and so many romours were there.I used to scare that I should not listen any inauspiscious news but somewere I was having complete faith on my good fortune(saubhagya).
My parents were very worried as no news was getting from them.afterward we came to know that the dangerous criminals had attacked at the same place were they all were residing.It was really breath taking.These son-father crossed the terrace and stayed at the junk room (where the horses are tied) for three days without water and food.Their resident was burned out but they both were having amazing capacity.
He encourage his father – don’t worry, soon we will reach India.
And in night he made ready almost 40 Hindu families to reach India.He said that we have to go by the other way full of sand, as rail way is not safe as the dangerous criminals are cutting the Hindus inside the trains.

This is how he makes ready 40 camel carriers and on fifth night around 1pm they started the journey with those 40 families.They faced criminals in between.After covering 51 days long journey on sand with lots of difficulty he reached the Ramgarh.And then to jaiselmer and at last his own village Falaudi…

But in these 51 days almost 1200 km journey he had given the proof of tremendous capacity and management of every small small things also.Actually its difficult to express it in words.because on 10 camel there was water carry bags and other 20 the ladies and children were seated rest all were walking.This how encourage every one and ultimate reached the destination.

When I got this new I got new fresh breath and thought that no one can harm my husband and thanked to my fortune.But those two months were horrible…because whatever news we were getting at that time were really breathtaking and painful.

On Dipawali he came to Rohat to take me back at home.I saw his face was glowing more n more.But till the time we never had conversation.As in that times conversation was far infact it was not allowed to see each other.

Well I remember one more incident.He was staying in Rohat as a son-in-law.And there were some limitations of saon-in-law that he should talk less, should be patient.There was one strongman called ‘Junjaru’ who was having a neck like hippo and fatty enough and was from shrimali family only.He had scared the whole village and used to say if anybody have really drunk the mothers milk then come and fight with me.and this is how he used to collect charity amount from everybody.

He was here to take me back and was sitting outside and that strondman passed away from near.It was evening time and there was one ground near by my house were 30-40 shrimalis were seated.Some were busy in making bhangs n all.Junjaru passed and said all are coward, all are weak, all are impotent…one who have really his mother’c child then come and have fight with me.

Well, villagers were used to these talks daily.They became habitual of it.As if he hit just once the person meets death so no one dare to mess up with him.

Second time when repeats the same same word your sadgurudev stood up and promptly all were hotched up.As kuwar saab is ready to do fight.So many had tried to stopped him.Told different different things but he didn’t listen to anybody and stood up infront of him.And I came on the porch many other ladies and other shrimali family members gathered and with suspicious mind started thinking. As he looks like mountain and my husband seems to be a small stone infront of him.Today some thing bad is going to happen.All Shrimalis tried to stopped him.

As he had challenged then com what may… let see what will happen.

He laughed loudly and seems like two bamboos were coincide each other in jungle. All Shrimalis were trying to stop him.Even my father also tried. But of no use.

He said – Kindly you people get side.Just now he said one who is really his father’s son the com forward so I have stepped forward.So do worry...It was very amazing and surprising scene. That Junjaru hit him on his back and he just sat down.It seems like someone had strongly pushed him back.Second time he hitted on his head and seemed like darkness had spread infront his eyes.But third time successes to defend himself and that Junjaru got strond his from porch’s corner.

Till te time he was already hitted on his high area by him and so many bones were broken same time.Blood was coming from his mouth and he just crashed down to the ground.he was critically injured.

In this way Sadgurudev shook his hands like he had put his hands in sand was simply shaking. And said next time don’t ever dare to challenge any shrimali.Mind wel…

Then he said to my Father that – plz bring 1 lt hot milk with some turmeric powder.He instantly brought that and gave to him.

He himself took that milk and makes him drink.

Wel you are from Rohat village so you are as good as my Father-in-law.If you will drink same milk consecutively for 2-3 months then your broken bones would again be joined.

He again came back and relaxed on the porch as good as nothing happened there.Afterward Junjaru was alive till 21 years.But never dared to make loud noise.He not even see in upward direction.

When he came back to home, every one said what you did?
Why you initiative to make him drink?

He said – He is as good as my Father-in-law so I respected him.So you people don’t need to worry.

And then he completed the rituals and came back to Deedas.

There are several incidents like this.But I have seen, he has got the tremendous courage, patience and incredible capacity to cope up with such conditions.If mountain also falls on his shoulder he will slightly take it and keep it down as nothing happened.

In difficult to difficult situations, he always kept patience and crossed each situation with smiling face.And he used to say that I have made you mine in life, then definitely I would be only yours forever and it is my duty to save u.

But my life is filled up with various dimension.Future will tell about this..

I was not able to understand it that time but now I experience that in real my husband is divine person, extremely free from desires, he is a sage, no hatred for any body, besides from family he loves his disciples more.And by being between them they really feel happy from innerside.Even forgot food and water.Also takes complete care of each family member.

I feel proud; feel extremely fortunate that the great great one and only one unique personality I got in husband form.If I would have to take again birth the I would alwayd demand him as my betterhalf.But I truly believe that he ll take me with him to the Siddhashram because he promise at marriage time only, where the husbands sapt shlokas are chanted their he chanted eight shlokas.

And that eight one means that “whenever I ll go to siddhashram, I will take you with me then there will be no need to take rebirth.”

Apart from that also there are hundreds of incidence.And each one is best from one another.Still if there would time then definitely I will share.Today also when he is not close to me,I feel like physical body is there but soul is not here.

Daughter-in-laws also used to say that when our Father-in-law is not here then this home doesn’t seems like home.

Many times it happened that he himself entered kitchen and made the sabjis and food item and the used to say that – look what I had cooked, just taste it and tell me how tasty food I make.

Thousands of incidences are there; of his lives which are embossed in my brain…these were some of his childhood…rest some other time...if there would be time…

(From Mantra Tantra Yantra Vigyan, November-1996, page number-75)
on this precious Siddhidatri day of Navratri this is our special offering to the divine lotus feet of Our beloved Sadgurudev And Mataji.


(Alchemical files and Mantras RELATED TO POST)


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Friday, October 15, 2010

Tantra Vijay-13 Shabar Swapneshwar Sadhna(Unlock your Dream Language)

जय गुरुदेव
शाबर मंत्रो के साहित्य में कुछ ऐसे करिश्मे भी हे कि जिनके बारे में जितना भी कहे , कम ही हे. तंत्र क्षेत्र में मेरे प्रवेश के साथ ही मुझे सर्व प्रथम जो साधना प्राप्त हुयी उसी दुर्लभ साधना को आज आप सब लोगो के समक्ष रख रहा हू. इस साधना को किये हुए आज कितने साल हो गए, न जीने कितनी साधनाए इस अवधि में कि हे लेकिन आज इतने समय के बाद भी इसका प्रभाव अचूक हे.
स्वप्न तंत्र के अनुसार शिव को स्वप्नेश्वर और शक्ति को स्वप्नेश्वरी कि संज्ञा दी गयी हे. आदि देव एवं देवी स्वप्नों के अधिष्ठाता हे. हमारे स्वप्न मात्र स्वप्न न हो के भविष्यके संकेत होते हे ये तो कई लोगो का अनुभव रहा ही होगा. यदा कदा साधनाओ के दर्मिया ऐसे कई अनुभव और संकेत मिलना, देव दर्शन करना , मृत परिचितों को देखना, समश्या का समाधान मिलना , पूर्व जन्म देखना , आदि से सहज ही समजा जा सकता हे कि साधक के जीवन में स्वप्न कि मह्हता क्या हे. हमारे महर्षियोने इस विषय पर पूर्ण शोध करके स्वप्नों का विष्लेषण करके कई नए साधनात्मक एवं भौतिकता सबंधी रहस्य प्रकट किये हे. स्वप्नों में दिखाई देने वाली घटाने, स्थल, स्वप्नों का समय, उसके अनुसार नक्षत्र आदि सभी को जोडके निश्चित रूप से ये जाना जा सकता हे कि आखिर स्वप्न के द्रश्य का सही और सचोट संकेत किस घटना पर हे. इसी विज्ञान के साथ जब तंत्र को जोड़ा गया तो इसी में ही उदभव् हुआ स्वप्न तंत्र का.

स्वप्न तंत्र के द्वारा हम तांत्रिक प्रक्रियाओ और साधनाओ के द्वारा कई ऐसे कार्य कर सकते हे जिसे आश्चर्य ही कहा जा सकता हे. जेसे कि स्वप्न के माध्यम से प्रश्नों का उत्तर प्राप्त करना, स्वप्नों के संकेतों को समजना, स्वप्नों के द्वारा देव दर्शान करना आदि. तांत्रिक ग्रंथो में कई एसी साधनाए दी गयी हे जिसके द्वारा कोई भी व्यक्ति ये सब कर सकता हे. विभ्भिन साधनाओ का प्रयोजन विभ्भिन रूप से होता आया हे. जेसे को कोई साधना के द्वारा प्रश्नों का उत्तर जाना जा सकता हे. या फिर कोई साधना के द्वारा स्वप्न में देव दर्शन संभव हे .

पर क्या कोई एसी भी साधना हे जिसके द्वारा पुरे स्वप्न शास्त्रों को एक ही बार में समजा जाए
जब प्रयोग होता हे तब रात्रि में स्वप्नावस्थामें भोलेनाथ दर्शन देते हे और आगे कोनसी साधना, साधक को फलीभूत होगी उस विषय पर मार्ग दर्शन करते हे. ये स्वप्न सिर्फ गुरु के सामने ही बताया जाता हे और गुरु उस स्वप्न के संकेत से साधक को आगे कि साधनाए प्रदान करता हे.
अस्तु, ये प्रयोग इतना अधिक महत्त्व रखता हे ये तो इसी से ही समजा जा सकता हे. इस साधना के द्वारा कोई भी व्यक्ति अपने स्वप्न के माध्यम से प्रश्नों के जवाब प्राप्त कर शकता हे, भोलेनाथ का स्वप्नेश्वर स्वरुप में दर्शन भी इसी के द्वारा संभव हे. इस साधना कि विशेषता ये भी हे कि इसको करने से अपने आप ही स्वप्न के संकेतों को समजने का ज्ञान हो जाता हे और भविष्य में वो उसके हर एक स्वप्नों को समजते हुवे सचेत होता हुआ अपने मार्ग पर गतिशील रहता हे.

ये साधना तीन चरणों में सम्प्पन होती हे
स्वप्नेश्वर दर्शन हेतु : ११ माला मंत्रो को ११ रात्रि तक जाप करे.
पूर्ण सिद्धि के लिए (स्वप्न शाश्त्र के ज्ञान के लिए): उपरोक्त पद्धति से ११ माला ११ दिन का एक अनुष्ठान होता हे , ऐसे तीन अनुष्ठान करने से पूर्ण सिद्धि प्राप्त होती हे.
स्वप्न में प्रश्न का जवाब प्राप्त करने के लिए : १०८ (१ माला) मंत्रो को ११ रात्रि तक जाप करे
यह साधना सोमवार से शुरू करे . सिर्फ रुद्राक्ष माला का ही प्रयोग होता हे. रात्रि के ११ बजे बाद स्नान करके ही ये प्रयोग करे. आसान कोई भी हो . दिशा उत्तर रहे.
मानसिक रूप से गुरु पूजन करके भगवन शिव एवं गुरु को शाक्षी मानके उनसे आज्ञा लेकर साधना शुरू करे.
मंत्र :

ओम नमो त्रिनेत्राय पिंगलाय महात्मने वामाय विश्वरूपाय स्वप्नाधिपतये नमः मम स्वप्ने कथयमे तथ्यम सर्व कार्य स्वशेषत: त्रिया सिद्धि विद्या स्वामी तत प्रसादाना महेश्वरे
अगर स्वप्न में कोई प्रश्न का उत्तर जानना चाहे तो उस रोज जाप सम्प्पन करने के बाद उस प्रश्न को मानसिक रूप से दोहराए और स्वप्नेश्वर से जवाब प्राप्त करने के लिए प्रार्थना करे.
इस साधना के दरम्यान रात्रि में एक बार नींद उड़ जाती हे और कुछ मिनिटे नींद नहीं आती हे और पूर्ण निंद्रा का आभाष होता हे पर कुछ ही समय में नींद आजाती हे. ऐसा निश्चित रूप से होता ही हे. प्रश्न का जवाब मिले तो इस कार्य काल में लिख ले वर्ना सुबह तक वो जवाब भूल जायेंगे.
मेरी ये हार्दिक इच्छा रहेगी कि सभी गुरु भाई एक न एक बार इस साधना को सम्प्पन ज़रूर करे.

jai gurudev
there are so many mysterious things found which has been described in scriptures of the shabar mantras for which whatever appreciation may be, but it is never enough. the very first sadhana which I received when entering into the field of tantra, the same rare sadhana I am presenting here infront of you all. so many years had been passed after I completed this sadhana, meanwhile I did so many other sadhanas too but the power of that sadhana had always remained as it was.

According to Swapn Tantra Shiv is belived to be ‘Swapneshwar’ and Shakti as ‘Swapneshwari’. The lord and godess are controller of Dreams. It must had been experienced by many that dreams are not just dreams but those are the symbols and indications for the future. During sadhana, some experiences are generally found like watching gods, watching spirits, to get answers of queries, to watch previous lifes, etc. through dreams; through this we can understand importance of the Dreams. our sages has deeply studied ,analyzed and made complete research on this subject and desbribed secrets of materialism and spiritualism in relation with the subject. confidencial information of the exact meaning from dreams could be generated by connecting incidents of dreams, places, nakshatras etc. When tantra was connected with scince of dream, it became dream tantra or litterelly ‘Swapna Tantra’.

By the help of tantrik procedures and sadhanas of swapn tantra, we can perform many task which are termed as miracles, like to get answers of questions through dreams, to understand meaning of dreams, to get glimps of gods in dreams etc. there are several sadhanas exist in the ancient scriptures through which one can get such results. sadhanas veries according to their purposes. like with some sadhanas one can have answers in dreams or with some other sadhana one can have glimps of god in dreams.

but is there any sadhana through which the whole dream tantra could be understand in a single strock ?

in nathyogi tradition there is one ritual, which is being performed one day before and one day after ‘nath tantra diksha’. before this a siddhaguru accomplishes this sadhana and transfer power of this sadhana to the desciple so that he can perform the prayog direcly with comfort.
when this ritual is performed, in night time Bholenath gives blessing in dreams with his Swapneshwar form, and guide sadhak about those sadhanas which can provide definate success to the sadhana. This dream is then to be disclosed in front of guru only and guru will then guide disciple for further sadhanas based on his experience of the Dream.
truely,this prayog/sadhana has such an importance that can be understand
by this fact , this sadhana, any person can get the answer of his question through dreams. to see lord Bholenath ( lord shankar) as in form of lord Swapneshwer can be possible by this specificity of this sadhana is that, one who complets this ,can easily understand the indication of dreams and he himself ,be alert on the path leads to future by understing sign and indication of each dream.
This sadhana can be completed in three steps (to get its result in full).
To see lord Swpaneshwer : do jap 11 round of rosary for 11 night.(continous)
to get poorna sidhhi (complete result) of this sadhana (to get knowledge of Swapan shastra) : 11 round of rosary daily jap for 11 night continous, this is a single Anusthan. and three times of the Anushthan of the above mentioned process is must.
To get answer of your question in dream : recite 108 times of this mantra ( 1 round of rosary) for 11 nights.
This sadhana can be started from any monday. only Rudraksh rosary can be used.take a bath after 11 PM night. sitting cloth(Aasan) can be of any type and color. but direction should be north.
guru poojan can be done mentally and in the sakshi (witness) of lord Shiva and guru take their agya (permission) strats this sadhana.

om namo trinetray pinglay mahatmane vamay vishwaroopay swapnadhipataye namah. mam swapne kathay me tathyam sarv kary swasheshatah triya siddhi vidhya swami tat prasadana maheshware.

to get answer of any question,which you like, after completing the daily mantra jap,repeat the question mentally and pray to lord Swapneshwer to get the answer.
during this sadhana one get break in sleep in night and he will not able to sleep for some minits,he will get the feeling of poorna nidra(complete sleep),but sleeps come back in minites.this experience is surely happens.if get answer during this time, do write that in piece of paper otherwise answer will be forgotten in morning time.

this is mine heartiest wish that all of mine guru bhais( brother and sister) will surely do this sadhana.
jai Gurudev


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Thursday, October 14, 2010

Tantra Vijay-12 MahaGauri Sadhna(A sadhna For Unmarried Girls to fullfill marriage wish)

Marriage is one among the sixteen samskars of Vedas. So long this tradition has remained responsible for the development of the earth. When we speak about marriage, it is about the lifelong turn. On the other hand for the people around it is a cocktail of feelings and thoughts. A new life does starts with this, and this let you start a very new chapter in the life. Every girl own their own dreams for their life. And thus this process let you to the very new world.

But what about those girls, who are facing the problem for marriage? Our society runs with various fixtures of tradition. When girl become grown up and older but not been eligible for marriage, everyone can understand what could be more hurting then this on her and her family. Sometimes due to some tantra prayoga or due with some evil effect, the girl does not get proper proposals. Sometimes everything is all right but due to some grahdosha or because of some effect of past lives, \girls faces problem in proposal or for marriage. In this condition the whole family gets disturb and our society even creates boundaries with fake and wrong conceptions.
But in sadhana field , every field owns a solution. For such all problems there is a single solution. Gauri Sadhana.
The girls who are faing problems for proposal, grahdosha, evil effects, age problems, or those who are per suing to marriage life should go for this sadhana. With blessing of Mahagauri, one will be getting a good proposal or if facing any another problem, it is being solved in very shorter span of time.

The sadhana should be start friom Monday. Evening time after 9pm is preferable but if it is not possible one can go for any other time. This is total 11 days sadhana. For all 11 days, the time should remained fix. Any rosary could brought into use but should be fresh, I mean it had not been previously used in any other sadhanas. Daily 21 rounds should be recited, in front of picture of shiva and parvati’s marriage. If it is not possible any picture in which shiva and parvati are together.
One should take sankalp before starting the sadhana indicating your marriage problem and pray maha gaure parvati for success in sadhana.
ओम गौरे महागौरे अघोरगौरे मम इच्छित कार्यं सिद्धिं कुरु कुरु स्वाहा
(om gaure mahagaure aghorgaure mam icchit karyam siddhim kuru kuru swaha)


वेदों में निर्धारित १६ संस्कारो में से एक संस्कार विवाह हे. सदियों से ये प्रथा ही तो कारणभूत रही हे पृथ्वी के विकास के लिए. जब हम विवाह कि बात करे , तो वो एक नयी जिंदगी का मोड़ ही तो हे. दूसरी तरफ ये आत्मीय सज्जनो के विचार और भावनाओ का एक संगम हे. ये एक जिंदगी का नया पड़ाव हे जहाँ से नयी जिंदगी कि शुरुआत होती हे. हर कुमारी के नए सपने एक नयी जिंदगी के लिए और ये प्रक्रिया ले जाती हे एक नयी दुनिया कि ओर.
पर उन कुमारियो का क्या, जो समस्याओ से ग्रस्त हे ? हमारा समाज परंपरा के स्तंभों पर ही गतिशील हे. जब कुमारिया पुख्त हो कर के उम्र लायक हो जाए मगर विवाह में अड़चन हो तो हर कोई समझ सकता हे इससे ज्यादा तकलीफ दायक कुछ नहीं हो सकता हे उस कुमारी ओर उसके परिवार के लिए. कभी कोई तंत्र प्रयोग या फिर इतर योनी कि बाधा से कुमारियो को अच्छे रिश्ते नहीं मिलते हे. कई बार ये भी देखने में आया हे कि सब कुछ ठीक होने के बाद भी ग्रहदोष या फिर पूर्व जन्म के दोषों को चलते लड़कियों को विवाह सम्बन्ध में बाधाये आती हे. इस स्थिति में पूरा परिवार चिंतित रहता हे और हमारा समाज भी कई गलत धारणाओ के साथ एक दीवार सी बना लेता है.
मगर साधना जगत में हर एक समस्याओ का समाधान हे. ये सब समस्याओ के लिए एक ही सीधा समाधान हे. महागौरी साधना.
वो कुमारिया , जिनको योग्य प्रस्तावों का अभाव, ग्रहदोष, इतर योनी दोष और जो भी विवाह में प्रवेश कर रही हे, वो कुमारियो को ये साधना करनी चाहिए. महागौरी के आशीर्वाद से, योग्य प्रस्ताव प्राप्त होते हे या फिर कोई भी और समस्या हो तो उसका जल्द ही निराकरण होता हे.

इस साधना को सोमवार से शुरू करे. रात्रि के ९ बजे के बाद का समय उपयुक्त हे लेकिन अगर ये संभव न हो तो किसी भी समय पर साधना कि जा सकती हे. ये पूरे ११ दिन कि साधना हे. ११ दिनों तक साधना का समय एक ही रहे. कोई भी माला प्रयोग में ला सकते हे पर, वो माला पहले कोई प्रयोग में उपयोग न कि गयी हो. रोज ११ माला मंत्र जाप आवश्यक हे जो कि शिव ओर पार्वती के विवाह के चित्र के सामने किया जाए. अगर ऐसा चित्र संभव न हो तो फिर कोई भी चित्र जिसमे शिव ओर पर्वती साथ में हो , उपयोग में ला सकते हे .

साधना से पहले संकल्प लेना जरूरी हे जिसमे आप विवाह सबंधी समस्या के निराकरण के लिए महागौरी माँ पार्वती से साधना में सफलता के लिए प्राथना करे.
मंत्र : ओम गौरे महागौरे अघोरगौरे मम इच्छित कार्यं सिद्धिं कुरु कुरु स्वाहा


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Tantra Vijaya-11 Shabar Mahalaxmi Sadhana(To generate maximum wealth)

Dhamarthkamaynamah (धर्मार्थकामायनमः). Since the civilization took deep roots in spirituality thousands year before, this sentence has remained important for the great spiritual living. When we go through our great ancient scriptures, it has been mention that if a person is not able to get ride on his poorness, the one would not be able to live a great spiritual life. The one who wants to attain the higher spiritual level termed as Moksha, one needs to go through with Dharma arth kama first.

It is complete fact that without wealth, the life of everyone becomes very problematic, rather we talk about materiality or we speak from the spiritual point of view. If we go to history, we can understand, how much importance, wealth had generated from our ancient sages even. The aashama of vasistha or visvamitra had always remained full of wealth.

But what about those, who are not actually wealthy? Wealthy does not only mean money only. Wealth means to receive money from a good source, to establish the money, to generate money though good did, to have a reputation, to live a good life without diseases. In the field of sadhanas, Mahalaxmi is believed to be the goddess of wealth and there are many solutions to get her blessing.

When I was being ahead in the field of sadhanas through shabar Mantra, I came across the sadhana which can get you a complete wealth.

The sadhana is simple. One should start the sadhana from Friday. Daily one rosary of the mantra should be receited. Repeat the process for next 10 days (total 11 days).
Light a ghee lamp in front of mahalaxi picture. ‘Kamalgatta rosary’ should be taken into use for this sadhana.
Direction should be north. One should take sankalp before staring a sadhana indicating that ‘ I (your name) am doing this sadhana to get blessing of Mahalaxmi and solve my wealth problem. I request her to establish herself into me and make my life a wealth living. ‘
One should then chant 1 rosary of the following mantra.
श्री शुकले महाशुकले महालक्ष्मी नमो नमः लक्ष्मीमाई सत् कि सवाई आवो चेतो करो भलाई भलाई ना करो तो सात समुद्रों कि दुहाई रिद्धि सिद्धि खोवाई तो नव नाथ चोरास्सी सिद्धो कि दुहाई
( shri shukale maha shukale mahalaxmi namo namah laxmi mai sat ki savai aavo cheto karo bhalai bhalai na karo to saat samudro ki duhai riddhi siddhi khovai to nav nath chorassi siddho ki duhai )
After this sadhana, one will feel how life gets various turning points. Mahalaxmi make his way clear to generate maximum wealth and invisibly keep on guiding him/ her. Go ahead with gurudev’s blessings.


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Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Tantra Vijay – 10 Dhumavati Samputit Teevra Mahamrityunjay Sadhna (a true story of remove bad tantra power and health problems)

It was just 7-8 months passed on as I was new to Bhopal city.I chosen this city for a significant reason i.e. frequently organisation of Sadgurudev’s shivir.Whenever I used to feel upset I generally came a place called Dussehra Maidan were I used to relive all those moment which I listened in shivir from Sadgurdev which charges me like anything.Here only I met one my guru brother called Raju bhai.He was owning a grossery shop and had good interference in politics too.My household things used to came from his shop only.By nature he was very patient and gentle.Even his wife was also a nice lady.He always used to talk to me about Sadgurudev.

Here in this new city I was also continuously striving for livelihood.Along with that I was still doing sadhna on regular basis.Suddenly on one fine day he came to me and said can u please come with me at Dahod.I said – brother, all of sudden how can I come with you! And you very well know that I am having interview tommoro.Then he replied - brother unless it would have not so urgent
I would have not asked you.Still I kept asking him that atleast tell whats the matter is?

He said-since couple of days my Father-in-law is not keeping well.Actually surprise thing is that in his whole life he not even suffered with fever for single time.

I asked- oh, then what happened?

Then what, actually he was voluntarily retired some times back.Suddenly on one day he finds a small acne on his thigh area.When he scratched it,he not only get fever but also get huge scars marks on his whole body.Before his existing scar get healed up, he gets new scars.The situation became critical day by day as the person who weigh 90 kg sometime back came down to 37 kilos only.He was not able to stand on his own foot.Even for natural calls he was operated and get direct way form front side.Since then he is bed ridden.After some time his scars doesn’t get healed nor dried and new one takes place.Referred best to best doctor.spend lakhs of money but not of use.Now form each doctor he asked for death as I cant bear pain no more.Actually his wounds had to be clean up from inside by putting hands.So many type of worship done but of no use.Due to unbearable pain on one day he put on hands on doctor’s neck and then he was discharged instantly.I just want you to see him once.

But, why me only?

Brother since long time I have been noticing you in shivir and some of other guru brothers told me that you have done some great sadhnas also.

Yes I have done but never use it social life…

But still I want you to visit him.

Ok.tell me…when?

At tonight only as he is very critical…

At night we started from Bhopal and reached Ujjain.And from there, we took train for Dahod and reached around 11 o’clock in morning.Truly speaking, I was trying to gather courage to see him.I saw the whole body was filled with wounds and scars.It was deadly smelling.I asked Raju bhai-can I see his horoscope? Then he asked brother-in-law to bring that horo.After going through his hand and horoscope, I was simply shocked.The present condition was the moon was in influence of rahu and which was clearly showing the external effect ( I have explained in detail about this in my previous articles.therefore you can check blog and yahoo group for more information.In that case instead of moon if sun would have been in influence of rahu then not only by worshipping or by help from any other treatment it can get rid of it.As different planets have altogether different treatment.)Then I asked raju bhai-do you have done Mahamrityunjay sadhna for him?

He expressed as he doesn’t know anything about it.Then I said-one special tantra badha nivaran poojan need to be done which can be accomplished at smashan only which I can do.but for Mahamrityunjay sadhna I cant spend that much time.So it would be better to arrange any brahmin for accomplishing that sadhna rest I ll look after.He said we would be obliged if you will come and explain us.

We met many pundits but whoever saw his condition used to refuse for doing it.Even demand the dakshina in lakhs of rupees.Even many of them predicted that now it will be of no use of sadhna as only get failure.

I was pretty well aware about the reason why all are denying for attempting that sadhna as once it is started cannot stop in between state whether the person gets off for which it was suppose to be done.then also have to complete it properly.

He was very worried and depressingly said I think now nothing can’t happen.The person who always helped others in his whole life, not bothered single person is not ready to stand behind him to help him in such critical condition.Or you can say that nothing can happen by sadhna.Therefore no one is coming forward to perform it…

It is not at all like that my brother… Who are we to assess the truth of sadhna? Reality is that we never performed sadhnas with whole heart.Exactly when we feel underconfindence for our work the same believe is applied for sadhnas.And if it is like that then I will do both the prayogs.U please take the sankalp rice from him along with his latest photograph.

By evening train we returned back to Bhopal.For that preliminary prayog of tantra badha I went to my hometown Chindwada.On the same smashaan I make up my mind to perform that sadhna.Before night I completely arranged the things which I need to use in sadhnaa and reach their at sharp 11 o’clock exactly on the same sadhna place were I was performing my sadhnas since 12 years and got unlimited success.After placing things near by me I drawn a safety circle around me.With Aghor paddhati I did the Guru pujan and creat an special yantra by CHITA BHASM and called the Dikpals and Dhumra Lochan and worshipped them by specific aghor mantras .After that the I enchanted the sadgurudevs blessed mantras and taken some mustard seeds,black sesame,black pepper and from some special fluids I started giving oblation on the funeral pyre.At 2 o’clock the flames of pyre get bigger n bigger.And it was making the sound of ‘hunkar’.The way the sound increases the flames were also coming upward.

The mantra jap was at its last level.Suddenly with that horrible scream a strange shaped animal was coming down towards the pyre.Its seems like someone is dragging him down.The sounds of dogs became more n more louder and scary.Bats were eager and flying here n there.With very painful expression that strange horrible face shaped get down in that funeral pyre.Strange and loud noises were coming out from it.Groaning sound was coming out.It seemed like someone has been forcefully burning out.Suddenly every noise was stopped.I understood that Maa Dhumavati’s Dhumralochan shakti had shown her power and completed her work.And that inauspicious tantra badha had turned in ashes.(by which my friend’s Father-in-law were victim)I offere last mantra by chanting swaha.after completing all offering the funeral pyre get almost done.all flames got stopped.I again done the food offerings,completed the poojan and set free from bath n all post things of sadhna and get back to home.Next morning I came back to Bhopal and the same night I started the Mahamrityunjay sadhna and the prescribed mantra chanting with full concentration.The glittering of lamp was flaming more n more day by day.I was also enjoying it.I was having complete faith in sadgurudev given sadhna vidhi that it would be successful.Reason being I have seen so many impossible converted into possible.In 21 days anushthan I was feeling favourable vibes from seventh day only.Then Raju bhai came and told me that new wounds are not arising and old ones are healing properly.Around in 18-20 days the wounds were almost disappeared and health was also recovered terrifically.After completing sadhna I took a long peaceful breath and that affected person got in better condition day by day.Even in span of one or two months the natural calls were also adjusted in previous states.That person became fully recovered.

This not mere imagination or fake.As that same friend of mine stayed in Bhopal only.Yes a long time passed I haven’t met him.As I became too busy and I have changes my resident also.But you can assure this and listen from him the whole story of getting the success in Akalmrityu by tantra sadhna.

Sadhna is ultimate truth and it will stay as it is because we earned this procedure and divya mantra by Sadgurudev’s rubbed PRAN.If we failed to take fruits from these sadhna the failure is inside us not in the sadhna.Come forward and fulfill your desires.Step forward and share your experiances with us.This bolg or group is not only mine but also of each disciple of Sadgurudev.Along with the desire of visualing thier dream in visible form.This bolg is meant for those peaple only.we should not keep our truthful experience with us only but also share with other guru brothers who really wanted to learn and have strong urge in sadhnas. Even for those also who are ready with open hands and wants to successful in sadhna field. So i am waiting for you all.............


भोपाल में आये हुए ज्यादा समय नहीं हुआ था , ७ या ८ महीने ही हुए होंगे. इस शहर को चुनने का सबसे बड़ा कारण था यहाँ पर सदगुरुदेव का लगातार शिविरों का आयोजन करना. जब भी मन उदास होता तब तब मैं न्यू मार्केट के दशहरा मैदान में आ कर घंटो बैठता और सोचता रहता सदगुरुदेव के साथ यहाँ जिए हुए दिन और उनके वाक्यों को . यही पर एक गुरुभाई से मेरी मित्रता हुयी राजू नाम था उनका , किरणे की दुकान थी और था राजनीति में दखल भी . घर के लिए सामान उन्ही की दुकान से आता था , अत्यंत ही सहिष्णु और मृदुभाषी थे और उनकी धर्मपत्नी भी उन्ही के विचार धारा से युक्त थी. अक्सर वे सदगुरुदेव की बाते करते रहते मुझसे.
इधर जीविकोपार्जन के लिए लगातार मैं भी इस नए शहर में संघर्ष कर रहा था. पर साधनाए तो तब भी निरंतरता के साथ कर ही रहा था.अचानक एक दिन वे आये और मुझे कहने लगे की आप मेरे साथ दाहोद चलो , मैंने कहा भाई अचानक मैं कैसे जा सकता हूँ आपको पता ही है की कल मेरा जॉब के लिए साक्षात्कार है . उन्होंने कहा भाई यदि आवश्यक नहीं ता तो भला मैं आपसे ऐसा नहीं कहता . मैंने कहा पर फिर भी क्या बात है कुछ बताओगे भी .....
मेरे ससुर का स्वास्थ्य बहुत दिनो से खराब है,ताज्जुब की बात ये है की अपने पुरे जीवन में कभी उन्हें बुखार भी नहीं आया ...... उन्होंने बताया .
फिर क्या हुआ – मैंने पूछा.
होना क्या था , रेलवे में उच्च पद पर थे , थोड़े ही महीनो पहले वे सेवानिवृत हूए थे एक दिन अचानक छोटी सी फुंसी हो गयी जांघ पर . उन्होंने उसे खुजा क्या दिया , तब से ही न सिर्फ ज्वर ने उन्हें पकड़ लिया बल्कि उनके शारीर पर बड़े बड़े घाव भी हो गए . एक घाव भरता नहीं और दूसरा हो जाता . हालत ये हो गए हैं की जिस व्यक्ति का वजन कभी ९० किलो था वो आज मात्र ३७ किलो का रह गया है . और अपने पैर भी वे खड़े नहीं हो पाते हैं. शौच के लिए भी उनका मार्ग बदल कर शल्य क्रिया द्वारा पेट में नली लगाकर सामने से कर दिया गया है. वे तभी से बिस्तर पर ही हैं. उनके घाव सूखते ही नहीं और नए नए होते जाते हैं.बड़े से बड़े डॉक्टरों को दिखाया गया. इलाज के लिए लाखों रूपये लगा दिए गए पर कोई फायदा नहीं हुआ. अब तो वे अपने लिए डाक्टरों से मौत ही मांगते हैं , कहते हैं की इतनी वेदना बर्दाश्त नहीं होती. उनके घावों को हाथ डालकर भीतर से साफ़ करना पड़ता है. कई प्रकार की पूजा कराई गयी. पर कोई फायदा नहीं. दर्द के मारे एक दिन उन्होंने डाक्टर का गला ही पकड़ लिया था तभी से उन्हें घर वापस ला लिया गया . मैं चाहता हूँ की आप एक बार देख लो.
पर मैं ही क्यूँ??????
भाई मैं आपको शिविर में कई बर्षों से आते जाते देख रहा हूँ.साथ ही साथ किसी गुरु भाई ने बताया की आपने कुछ साधनाएं भी की हुयी है.
हाँ की है लेकिन कभी मैंने उनका प्रयोग नहीं किया ......
पर फिर भी मैं चाहता हूँ की आप चल कर देख लो.
चलिए कब चलना है ????
आज रात को ही क्यूंकि उनकी तबियत बहुत ज्यादा ही गंभीर हो गयी है.
रात को हम दोनों भोपाल से उज्जैन पहुचे, और वहाँ से दाहोद के लिए दूसरी ट्रेन में बैठ गए. करीब ११ बजे दिन में हम उनके घर पहुचे ... सच में उनकी हालत देखने का साहस मुझमे हो ही नहीं पा रहा था. सारा शारीर घावों से बार हुआ था जिनमे से दुर्गन्ध आ रही थी. मैंने राजू भाई से कहा की क्या मैं इनका हाथ या कुंडली देख सकता हूँ . उन्होंने अपने साले को कह कर कुंडली बुलवा ली . कुंडली और हाथ देख कर मैं चौक ही पड़ा. कुण्डी की तात्कालिक दशा और वर्ष कुंडली के अध्यन करने पर पर मैंने उनका चंद्र,जो की राहू के प्रभाव में था जो की स्पष्ट रूप से बाहरी बाधा का असर दिखा रहा था(मैंने अपने किसी लेख में इस बारे में विस्तार से बताया भी है , अतः आप ब्लॉग पर या ग्रुप में अधिक जानकारी के लिए उस लेख को पढ़ सकते हैं.यदि चंद्र के बजाय सूर्या रहू से पीड़ित होता तो पूजन के बजाय अन्य किसी चिकित्सा विधि का सहयोग लेकर रोग से मुक्ति पाई जा सकती है, भिन्न भिन्न ग्रहों का प्रभाव और रोगोप्चारो की विधियाँ भी भिन्न भिन्न है). मैंने राजू भाई और उनके साले से पूछा की क्या इनके लिए महामृत्युंजय साधना करवाई गयी है..
उन्होंने अनभिज्ञता जाहिर की . तब मैंने कहा की इनके लिए एक विशेष तंत्र बाधा निवारण पूजन है जो की शमशान में ही की जाती है उसे तो मैं संपन्न कर दूँगा पर महामृत्युंजय साधना के लिए जो समय लगेगा वो मैं नहीं दे पाउँगा . अतः बेहतर है की वे इस के लिए किसी ब्राह्मण की व्यवस्था कर लें. उन्होंने कहा की क्या करना है यदि आप ही साथ चल कर समझा दे तो अच्छा होगा.
हम लोग कई घंटो तक कई पंडितो से मिले पर जब भी वे उनके ससुर को देखते तो मना कर देते और दक्षिणा की न्योछावर राशि भी लाखों में मांगते . बहुतो ने तो ये भी सलाह दे डाली की अब साधना करवाने से कोई लाभ नहीं होगा.
मुझे पता था की वे मना क्यूँ कर रहे थे क्यूंकि महामृत्युंजय साधना के दौरान यदि यजमान जिसके निमित्त साधना की जा रही है उसकी मृत्यु हो जाये तो तब भी साधना की मंत्र संख्या तो पूरी करना ही पड़ता है. उसे खंडित नहीं किया जा सकता नहीं साधना रोकी जा सकती है,
वे परेशां हो गए , और कहने लगे की अब शायद कुछ नहीं हो पायेगा. जिस आदमी ने अपने जीवन में सदैव सबकी मदद की हो किसी को कोई तकलीफ नहीं पहुचाई हो. आज उसके लिए कोई नहीं खड़ा है. या ये कहो की साधनों से ऐसा कुछ नहीं हो पायेगा , इसी डर से कोई आगे नहीं आ रहा........
ऐसा नहीं है भाई .... साधना की सत्यता को मूल्यांकित करने वाले हम कौन होते हैं.वास्तविकता तो ये है की पूरी तरह लग कर हम ही साधना ही नहीं करते और जैसे खुद के काम के समय हमारा विश्वाश हिल जाता है उसकी सफलता को लेकर, उतना ही विश्वाश हमें साधनाओं के लिए होता है, यदि यही बात है तो दोनों प्रयोग मैं ही करूँगा. आप संकल्प के चावल उनके हाथ से ले लीजिए और साथ में उनकी लेटेस्ट फोटो.
शाम की गाड़ी से हम वापिस भोपाल आ गए, प्राथमिक प्रयोग जो की तंत्र बाधा निवारण के लिए था उसके लिए मैं अपनी साधना स्थली छिन्दवाडा आ गया. और उसी शमशान में अपनी साधना संपन्न करने का मानस बनाने लगा. रात्रि के पहले ही समस्त सामग्री की व्यवस्था करके रात्रि ११ बजे उसी साधना स्थली पर पहुच गया जहा १२वर्षों तक मैंने कई साधनाओं को संपन्न कर सफलता पाई. खैर सामग्रियों को सामने रख सुरक्षा चक्र का निर्माण कर ,अघोर पद्धति से सदगुरुदेव का पूजन और आवाहन कर एक विशेष यन्त्र का निर्माण चिता भस्म से ही करके दिक्पालों और धूम्र लोचन का विशेष अघोर मन्त्रोन से पूर्ण पूजन संपन्न कर चिता में सदगुरुदेव प्रदत्त विशेष मंत्रों से सरसों, काले तिल, काली मिर्च एवं कुछ विशेष द्रव्यों से आहुतियाँ देने लगा. रात्रि २ बजे चिता की अग्नि अत्यधिक तीव्रता से प्रज्वलित हो गयी , और रह रह कर हुंकार की ध्वनि उसमे से आने लगी . ध्वनि की तीव्रता के साथ साथ अग्नि भी बिलकुल उर्ध्वमुखी हो गयी .
मंत्र जप अपने अंतिम चरण में था ,अचानक तीव्र चीख के साथ ही एक विचित्र आकृति का प्राणी आकाश से उस चिता की और उतरने लगा ऐसा लग रहा था की कोई जबरदस्ती उसे चिता की और धकेल रहा था , सियारों और कुत्तों की ध्वनि में कही ज्यादा कर्कशता और भयावहता भर गयी थी. चमगादड़े व्याकुल होकर इधर उधर उड़ने लगी थी. अत्यधिक वेदना से भरा हुआ चेहरा लिए वो आकृति उस चिता में उतर गयी , हलचल तीव्र हो गयी और ऐसा लग रहा था की चिता में उठा पटक हो रही थी, कराहने की आवाज़ , जैसे कोई किसी को जबरदस्ती जला रहा था , अचानक सब कुछ शांत हो गया , मैं समझ गया की मान धूमावती की धूम्रलोचन शक्ति ने अपना कार्य संपन्न कर उस अशुभ तंत्र शक्ति को भस्मीभूत कर दिया है(जिसके प्रभाव में हमारे मित्र के श्वसुर जी पीड़ित थे), मैंने स्वः मंत्र से अंतिम आहुति दी ,पूर्णाहुति की क्रिया होते ही चिता अग्नि शांत होकर लगभग बुझ ही गयी . मैं पुनः नैवेद्य दान, पूजन आदि क्रिया कर स्नानादि से निवृत्त होकर घर आ गया तथा दुसरे दिन ही भोपाल के लिए निकल गया वह पहुच कर उसी रात से मैंने संकल्प लेकर लघु महामृत्युंजय मंत्र का निर्धारित संख्या में एकाग्रचित्त होकर मंत्र जप करने लगा. दीपक की लौ की चमक प्रतिदिन बढती चली जा रही थी और जप करने में अधिक आनंद भी आने लगा था , पूर्ण श्रद्धा और विश्वाश था सदगुरुदेव प्रदत्त साधना विधि पर , बचपन से ही उनके साहचर्य में न जाने कितने असंभव कार्य को संभव होते जो देखा था. २१ दिन के अनुष्ठान में ७वे दिन से ही अनुकूलता मिलने लगी थी . मुझे राजू भाई ने आकर बताया की, अब नए घाव नहीं बन रहे हैं और घावों में परत भी आने लगी है. १८ दिन २० दिनों में घाव लगभग ठीक ही हो गए और स्वास्थ्य में सुधार भी आने लगा. साधना पूरा कर मैंने चैन की सांस ली , वह दिन ब दिन स्वास्थ्य ठीक होता गया और मात्र २ महीने में ही उनका शौच द्वार पुनः नियत स्थान पर बना दिया गया , वे महानुभाव पूरी तरह ठीक हो गए थे.
ये घटना कोई कोरी कल्पना मात्र नहीं है, बल्कि आज भी मेरे वो मित्र भोपाल में ही रहते हैं. हाँ कई वर्ष हो गए उनसे मिले हुए क्यूंकि मेरी व्यस्तता बहुत बढ़ गयी और मैंने घर भी बदल लिया था, पर आज भी उनसे मिलकर इस घटना और तंत्र के द्वारा अकालमृत्यु को पराजित करने की ये अद्भुत सत्यकथा की जानकारी ले सकते हैं.
साधना सत्य है और रहेगी ही क्यूंकि सदगुरुदेव के प्राणों से घर्षित होकर ये दिव्या मंत्र और विधियाँ हमें प्राप्त होती हैं. यदि इनका लाभ हम नहीं ले सके तो ये हमारी न्यूनता है न की उन साधनाओं की . आगे बढिए और अपना अभीष्ट प्राप्त करिये. आगे बढ़कर अपने अनुभवों को हमारे साथ बाटिये न. ये ब्लॉग, ये ग्रुप मेरी बपौती नहीं है , बल्कि सदगुरुदेव का हर वो शिष्य जिसके प्राण उनमे बसते हो और साथ ही साथ जिसमे अपने स्वप्न को साकार करने का उन्हें मूर्त रूप देने का साहस हो के लिए ही ये ब्लॉग बना है , हमें हमारी सच्ची अनुभूतियों को अपने टक नहीं रखना है बल्कि उन गुरुभाइयों और साधकों तक भी फैलाना है जो की बढ़ना चाहते हैं जानना चाहते हैं साधनाओ के बारे में और ललक कर हुमस कर अपनाना चाहते हैं. मैं इंतजार कर रहा हूँ आप सभी का.....


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