वह दिन जब हम जीवन का प्रारंभ करते हैं हम सभी के लिए नव वर्ष कहलाता है,मान्यताओं,संस्कारों और तथ्यों के आधार पर एक सामान्य वर्ष में कई बार नव वर्ष मनाया जाता है,जैसे नवरात्री को हिंदू संस्कृति का तो भिन्न भिन्न प्रान्तों के अपने नव वर्ष होते है तो स्वयं का जन्मदिन भी व्यक्ति विशेष के लिए नव वर्ष ही होता है,और मानव चिंतन सदैव इस ओर रहा है की कैसे हम अपने मनोवांछित को प्राप्त कर न्यूनताओं को समाप्त कर सके और सार्थक कर सके अपना नव वर्ष .सदगुरुदेव हमेशा नव वर्ष के अवसर पर साधकों को विलक्षणता प्रदान करने वाले नवीन तथ्यों से परिचित तो करवाते ही थे साथ ही साथ दिव्यपात श्रेणी की विभिन्न दीक्षाओं को भी उन्होंने देना प्रारंभ किया था जिससे साधक सामान्य न होकर अद्भुत हो जाये... परन्तु १९९८ के बाद वे सारे क्रम ही लुप्त हो गए और अन्य कोई उन तथ्यों को समझा पाए ऐसा संभव ही नहीं था. हमारे विभिन्न ज्ञात और लुप्त तंत्र ग्रन्थ प्रमाण हैं उन उच्चस्तरीय साधनाओं के जिनका प्रयोग कर साधक अपनी जीवन शैली में अमूल चूल परिवर्तन कर सकता है और वर्ष भर के लिए श्रेष्ठता तो प्राप्त कर ही सकता है ,ऐसा ही एक ग्रन्थ है “गुह्य रहस्य पद्धति” जो पूरी तरह दिनों ,महीनों और वर्षों को अनुकूल बनाने और गतिमान वर्ष,माह और दिवस के अधिष्ठाता ग्रह ,देव शक्ति,मातृका और मुंथा को वश में करके स्वयं का भाग्य लेखन करने की गुह्यतम पद्धति पर आधारित है ,पूरा ग्रन्थ ही २२८ प्रयोगों से युक्त है,भिन्न भिन्न दिवसों और माहों के अपने अपने प्रयोग हैं. परन्तु उन सबमे जो सभी के लिए प्रभावकारी पद्धति है उसी का विवेचन में इस लेख में कर रहा हूँ, सदगुरुदेव के सन्यासी और सिद्ध शिष्य स्वामी शिव योगत्रयानंद जी ने मुझे वो ग्रन्थ दिखाया था जो पूरी तरह हस्तलिखित था और उन्होंने उसे मुझे उन क्रियाओं को कैसे किया जाये और कब कब कैसे उनका प्रयोग किया जाता है ये भी समझाया था ,उन्होंने बताया था की इस प्रयोग को दो तरीकों से किया जा सकता है –
१. या तो जब सामूहिक मान्यताओं के आधार पर नव वर्ष प्रारंभ हो तब
२. या जब साधक का जन्मदिवस हो या उसकी पारिवारिक या धार्मिक मान्यताओं के आधार पर जब नव वर्ष प्रारंभ होता हो.
चाहे आप किसी भी क्रम को मानते हो तब भी आप दो तरीके से इस प्रयोग को कर सकते हो –
१. या तो सूर्योदय के समय का का आश्रय लेकर साधना की जाये
२. या फिर जिस समय साधक का जन्म हुआ हो उस समय पर इसे संपन्न किया जाये ,भले ही आप १ जनवरी को इसका प्रयोग कर रहे हो परन्तु तब भी आप इसे इन दोनों में से कोई समय पर कर सकते हो, अर्थात मान लीजिए की किसी का जन्म २४ अगस्त को रात्री में ९.३५ पर हुआ है तब ऐसे में साधक १ जनवरी को ही या तो सूर्योदय के समय इस साधना को कर सकता है या फिर रात्री में ९.३५ पर .दोनों ही समय प्रभावकारी हैं और कोई दोष नहीं है.
आप चाहे आत्मविश्वास की मजबूती चाहते हों या फिर रोजगार की प्राप्ति या वृद्धि,सम्मान चाहते हो या फिर संतान सुख या संतान या परिवार का आरोग्य ,आर्थिक उन्नति चाहते हो या कार्य में सफलता ,जीवन में प्रेम की अभिलाषा हो या फिर विदेश यात्रा का स्वयं के भाग्य में अंकन,ये प्रयोग सभी अभिलाषाओं की पूर्ती करता है. सदगुरुदेव ने १९९१-१९९२ में पहली बार साधकों के सामने नवरात्री में सौभाग्य कृत्या का प्रयोग करवाया था .और नवरात्री चूंकि सनातन नववर्ष का आगमन पर्व होता है अतः उन्होंने उपहार स्वरुप इस क्रिया को सभी साधको को प्रदान किया था ,उसी क्रम में उनके आशीर्वाद से ये “आदित्य भैरव सायुज्य श्री सौभाग्य कृत्या प्रयोग” हमारे लिए प्राप्त हुआ है ,गुरु मंत्र की १६ माला अनिवार्य हैं उन्ही क्षणों में साधकों के द्वारा इस प्रयोग के पहले तभी ये प्रयोग पूर्णता प्रदान करता है.
आप अपनी मान्यताओं के आधार पर जिस भी नव वर्ष के प्रारंभ में इस साधना को करना चाहे ,उस सुबह सूर्योदय के पहले उठकर स्नान कर ले और श्वेत वस्त्र धारण कर भगवान सूर्य को अर्घ्य प्रदान करे .अर्घ्य पात्र में जल भर कर और उसको पहले सामने रखकर २१ -२१ बार निम्न मन्त्रों से अभिमंत्रित कर ले –
ओम आदित्याय नमः
ओम मित्राय नमः
ओम भाष्कराय नमः
ओम रवये नमः
ओम खगाय नमः
ओम पूषाय नमः
ओम ग्रहाधिपत्ये नमः
इसके बाद ही उस जल से अर्घ्य प्रदान करे.तत्पश्चात साधना कक्ष में स्वयं या परिवार के साथ बैठकर सदगुरुदेव और भगवान गणपति का पूजन करे .आज जिस गुरु ध्यान मंत्र का प्रयोग होता है वो भी इस अवसर विशेष के साथ योगित है और भविष्य में इस ध्यान मंत्र में छिपी उस विशेष साधना को भी आप सभी भाई बहनों के समक्ष रखने का प्रयास करूँगा . सद्गुरु पूजन से पूर्व निन्म ध्यान मंत्र का ७ बार उच्चारण करे –
“अज्ञान तिमिरांधस्य ज्ञानांजनशलाकया |
चक्षुरुन्मीलितं एन तस्मै श्री गुरुवे नमः || ”
तत्पश्चात पंचोपचार विधान या सुविधाजनक रूप से सदगुरुदेव और भगवान गणपति का पूजन कर संवत्सर शुभता की प्रार्थना करे और १६ माला गुरु मंत्र की करे इसके बाद उनकी साक्षी में हाथ में जल लेकर उपरोक्त साधना में सफलता की प्रार्थना और संकल्प ले |
यदि आप परिवार के साथ पूजन कर रहे हैं तब भी और यदि आप अकेले पूजन कर रहे हैं तब भी किसी भी पारिवारिक सदस्य या आत्मीय के नाम से संकल्प ले सकते हैं .
जितने सदस्य ये प्रयोग कर रहे हैं उन सभी के लिए एक-एक घृत का दीपक लगेगा . जिस बाजोट पर गुरु यन्त्र या चित्र रखा हो उस बाजोट पर श्वेत वस्त्र बिछाना है और सदगुरुदेव के चित्र के सामने “आदित्य भैरव यन्त्र” का निर्माण अष्टगंध से करना है और जहाँ पर 5 लिखा है वह पर घी का दीपक जलाना है और उस यन्त्र और दीपक का पंचोपचार पूजन कर खीर का भोग लगाना है ,यदि आप अपने परिवार के अन्य सदस्यों या अपने आत्मीयों को भी इसका प्रभाव देना चाहते हो तो यन्त्र के चारो और १ व्यक्ति के लिए १ दीपक घी का प्रज्वलित कर सकते हैं और स्वयं की ११ माला की समाप्ति पर प्रत्येक व्यक्ति की तरफ से ३ -३ माला उनका संकल्प लेकर कर सकते हैं. गुरु रहस्य माला, या स्फटिक, रुद्राक्ष या सफ़ेद हकीक की हो सकती है .अन्य मालाओं में मूंगा या शक्ति माला का चयन भी किया जा सकता है. पूर्ण एकाग्र भाव से निम्न मंत्र की ११ माला जप करना है तत्पश्चात गुरु आरती संपन्न कर उस खीर के भोग को सपरिवार ग्रहण किया जा सकता है .
ओम ह्रीं श्रीं आदित्य भैरवाय सौभाग्यं प्रसीद प्रसीद ह्रीं ह्रीं कृत्याय श्रीं ह्रीं ओम
नवीन संवत्सर की उपलब्धियों को आप अपने जीवन में स्वतः ही देखेंगे. इस प्रयोग के द्वारा आप सभी को अपने अभीष्ट की प्राप्ति हो और आपकी अशुभता और दुर्भाग्य की समाप्ति होकर नयून्ताओं का नाश हो,ऐसी ही मैं सदगुरुदेव से प्रार्थना करता हूँ.
The day , when we started our life that is known as Nav varsh . on the common belief , the Sanskar and on various facts , in a year , we are /can celebrate many times new year (nav varsh). Like Navratri is considered for hindu culture, in the same way , each states has its own new year(nav varsh) and person’s own birth day is also considered nav varsh for him. And human thinking always oriented on the plane that how can we remove our weakness and get the our desired things. so that nav varsh has fulfill its meaning for us. on this day , Sadgurudev ji used to provide some unmatchable things to the sadhak and also introduced some new horizon of the divine gyan and also stated to give the diksha’s that comes in the category of divyapaat ,. so that a common sadhak should not became a common but became extra ordinary in his life . after 1998 all these things had gone/stopped and no one came forward to teach that divinity and continue that tradition set by him . We have many grantha’s , some are available and some are not (lost ) , that are itself the evidence for those sadhana, that can introduce miracle in sadhaka’s life and able to get that power through that he can accomplish the desired things.
One such a granth is “Guhy Rahasy paddhati “ that is totally based on how to get favor and complete help from days , months , years and not only that but also get favor from deity ( or lord ) of running month , days and dev shakti and muntha so that a person can write his bhagy (luck) as he wants, and various secretive process mentioned are in that and whole granth contains 228 such a processes. Thses are related to various months and related days . but the most effective process among in that , here , I am describing in this articles for you all. Swami yogtryanand ji , who is sanyashi siddh shishy of Sadgurudev ji, has showed me the granth that is hand written and also instructed me to how to do that kriyaye (processes) and when that has to be done . he also said this prayog can be done through two ways.
· When due to belief of the majority , a nav varsh has started .
· Or when sadhak birth day is celebrated or when nav varsh started due their family or religious belief or traditions.
Whether you are believing any one , mentioned above , but you can do this prayog through two ways
1. When sun is rising , than sadhana has to be done .
2. Or on the time when sadhak was born(birth took place). Even you are doing this prayog on 1 st January but you can choose any one time mentioned above , for example .. here is someone , whose birthdays falls on 24 august at 9:35 pm at night. So sadhak can do this sadhana either on sun rising hours or at night 9:35 pm. Both times will provide same effectiveness and there is no dosha .
Either you want improvement in your will power , Or want to get job, or promotion or samman (prestige ) Or for happiness related to children Or want a child Or free from dieses to your complete family. Or success in the work Or want to get love in life. Or want to travel abroad , thses things can be written in your luck by you own . and this prayog fulfill all thses desire.
Sadgurudev ji in 1991-92 gave this “Soubhagy Kritya Prayog” on the time of Navratri to all sadhak’s ,since that day was the nav varsh for sanatan dharm so this prayog was a gift to all sadhakas. In the same series this prayog “ AADITY BHAIRAV SAAYUJJY SHRI SOUBHAGY KRITYA PRAYOG ” is available to us through his blessing . before started this prayog , The guru mantra reciting of 16 round of rosary is a must , only than this prayog became effective.
According to your common belief , when any sadhak want to do this prayog on any nav varsh as per his belief , has to awake early in the morning , take a bathe wear white colored clothes and offer ardhy to Bhagvaan sury /sun. and fill that ardhy patra with water and before doing that chant 21 -21 times thses mantra so that ardhy patra became abhimantrit (energized)
Om aadityay namah
Om mitrayay namah
Om bhaskaray namah
Om ravye namah
Om khagay namah
Om pushaay namah
Om grahadhiptye namah
Only after that offer ardhy offering , than in the pooja room , he can alogwith his member of his family , can start the Sadgurudev poojan and after that Bhagvaan ganpati poojan. And the dhyan mantra used in that prayog is also describing here and in the future , also try to provide the sadhana hidden in that to all our brother and sisters.
Before Sadgurudev poojan do chant 7 times this dhyan mantra.
Agyan timirandhsy gyanajan shalakya |
Chakshurunmilit ev tamsmayi shri guruve namah||
After that you can do poojan as per panchopchar or as per your convenience (Sadgurudev ji and bahgvaan ganpati ji) and pray for good wishes in coming samvtsar , and recite the guru mantra 16 round of rosary . and after that take sankalp through taking water in your hand for success in this sadhana .
Either you are doing this sadhana alone or with all the family member , you can take sankalp on the behalf of any family person and your close one. Light a earthen lamp filled with ghee , one lamp for each member taking part in this sadhana , than on the bajote ( a small wooden table ) place Sadgurudev chitr (photograph) on white color cloth and make a Aadtiy bhairav yantra through asht gandh on that white color cloth in front of Sadgurudev chitr. Light an earthen lamp filled with ghee on the place , where no 5 is written. And do poojan and panchopchar or that Deepak (placed on no 5 ) and offer kheer as a bhog . and if you wish to offer the effect of this prayog to your close one or family member , than you can place one Deepak for one person around this yantra, and when your 11 mala mantra jap has completed than you can do recite 3 - 3 mala (3 round of rosary ) of mantra jap for each person for whom you want to offer the result . Mala can be guru rahsy mala or sphatik or rudraksha or white hakeek would be fine. And if not available than you can use shakti mala or moonga mala .and after that with full concentration and devotion do chant /recite 11 round of mala mantra jap of the mantra mentioned below. And than offer guru aarti and offered kheer can be distributed among the family member .
ओम ह्रीं श्रीं आदित्य भैरवाय सौभाग्यं प्रसीद प्रसीद ह्रीं ह्रीं कृत्याय श्रीं ह्रीं ओम
And you are able to see your self the achievement of yours , in this new samvatsar in your life . through this prayog you all can achieve your desired things and your bad luck can be change d to good one and all your weakness be removed in your life , this is what I am a praying to sadguru dev .
The day , when we started our life that is known as Nav varsh . on the common belief , the Sanskar and on various facts , in a year , we are /can celebrate many times new year (nav varsh). Like Navratri is considered for hindu culture, in the same way , each states has its own new year(nav varsh) and person’s own birth day is also considered nav varsh for him. And human thinking always oriented on the plane that how can we remove our weakness and get the our desired things. so that nav varsh has fulfill its meaning for us. on this day , Sadgurudev ji used to provide some unmatchable things to the sadhak and also introduced some new horizon of the divine gyan and also stated to give the diksha’s that comes in the category of divyapaat ,. so that a common sadhak should not became a common but became extra ordinary in his life . after 1998 all these things had gone/stopped and no one came forward to teach that divinity and continue that tradition set by him . We have many grantha’s , some are available and some are not (lost ) , that are itself the evidence for those sadhana, that can introduce miracle in sadhaka’s life and able to get that power through that he can accomplish the desired things.
One such a granth is “Guhy Rahasy paddhati “ that is totally based on how to get favor and complete help from days , months , years and not only that but also get favor from deity ( or lord ) of running month , days and dev shakti and muntha so that a person can write his bhagy (luck) as he wants, and various secretive process mentioned are in that and whole granth contains 228 such a processes. Thses are related to various months and related days . but the most effective process among in that , here , I am describing in this articles for you all. Swami yogtryanand ji , who is sanyashi siddh shishy of Sadgurudev ji, has showed me the granth that is hand written and also instructed me to how to do that kriyaye (processes) and when that has to be done . he also said this prayog can be done through two ways.
· When due to belief of the majority , a nav varsh has started .
· Or when sadhak birth day is celebrated or when nav varsh started due their family or religious belief or traditions.
Whether you are believing any one , mentioned above , but you can do this prayog through two ways
1. When sun is rising , than sadhana has to be done .
2. Or on the time when sadhak was born(birth took place). Even you are doing this prayog on 1 st January but you can choose any one time mentioned above , for example .. here is someone , whose birthdays falls on 24 august at 9:35 pm at night. So sadhak can do this sadhana either on sun rising hours or at night 9:35 pm. Both times will provide same effectiveness and there is no dosha .
Either you want improvement in your will power , Or want to get job, or promotion or samman (prestige ) Or for happiness related to children Or want a child Or free from dieses to your complete family. Or success in the work Or want to get love in life. Or want to travel abroad , thses things can be written in your luck by you own . and this prayog fulfill all thses desire.
Sadgurudev ji in 1991-92 gave this “Soubhagy Kritya Prayog” on the time of Navratri to all sadhak’s ,since that day was the nav varsh for sanatan dharm so this prayog was a gift to all sadhakas. In the same series this prayog “ AADITY BHAIRAV SAAYUJJY SHRI SOUBHAGY KRITYA PRAYOG ” is available to us through his blessing . before started this prayog , The guru mantra reciting of 16 round of rosary is a must , only than this prayog became effective.
According to your common belief , when any sadhak want to do this prayog on any nav varsh as per his belief , has to awake early in the morning , take a bathe wear white colored clothes and offer ardhy to Bhagvaan sury /sun. and fill that ardhy patra with water and before doing that chant 21 -21 times thses mantra so that ardhy patra became abhimantrit (energized)
Om aadityay namah
Om mitrayay namah
Om bhaskaray namah
Om ravye namah
Om khagay namah
Om pushaay namah
Om grahadhiptye namah
Only after that offer ardhy offering , than in the pooja room , he can alogwith his member of his family , can start the Sadgurudev poojan and after that Bhagvaan ganpati poojan. And the dhyan mantra used in that prayog is also describing here and in the future , also try to provide the sadhana hidden in that to all our brother and sisters.
Before Sadgurudev poojan do chant 7 times this dhyan mantra.
Agyan timirandhsy gyanajan shalakya |
Chakshurunmilit ev tamsmayi shri guruve namah||
After that you can do poojan as per panchopchar or as per your convenience (Sadgurudev ji and bahgvaan ganpati ji) and pray for good wishes in coming samvtsar , and recite the guru mantra 16 round of rosary . and after that take sankalp through taking water in your hand for success in this sadhana .
Either you are doing this sadhana alone or with all the family member , you can take sankalp on the behalf of any family person and your close one. Light a earthen lamp filled with ghee , one lamp for each member taking part in this sadhana , than on the bajote ( a small wooden table ) place Sadgurudev chitr (photograph) on white color cloth and make a Aadtiy bhairav yantra through asht gandh on that white color cloth in front of Sadgurudev chitr. Light an earthen lamp filled with ghee on the place , where no 5 is written. And do poojan and panchopchar or that Deepak (placed on no 5 ) and offer kheer as a bhog . and if you wish to offer the effect of this prayog to your close one or family member , than you can place one Deepak for one person around this yantra, and when your 11 mala mantra jap has completed than you can do recite 3 - 3 mala (3 round of rosary ) of mantra jap for each person for whom you want to offer the result . Mala can be guru rahsy mala or sphatik or rudraksha or white hakeek would be fine. And if not available than you can use shakti mala or moonga mala .and after that with full concentration and devotion do chant /recite 11 round of mala mantra jap of the mantra mentioned below. And than offer guru aarti and offered kheer can be distributed among the family member .
ओम ह्रीं श्रीं आदित्य भैरवाय सौभाग्यं प्रसीद प्रसीद ह्रीं ह्रीं कृत्याय श्रीं ह्रीं ओम
And you are able to see your self the achievement of yours , in this new samvatsar in your life . through this prayog you all can achieve your desired things and your bad luck can be change d to good one and all your weakness be removed in your life , this is what I am a praying to sadguru dev .
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