Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Jaisi Gurudev ji ki ichchha :(a simple word often use to protect us from our selfishness/ unability )

काश ये पंक्तियाँ हमें  लिखनी पड़ती ...
प्रिय मित्रो ,

"जैसी गुरूजी की इच्छा " सबसे ज्यादा उपयोग होता सामान्य शब्दजो दिन प्रति दिन हमारे मित्रो /परिवार / गुरु भाई बहिनों के मध्य अक्सर सुनने में आता हैं .परन्तु एक मिनिट के लिए जरा सोचिये ये ही वही शब्द हैं जो हमारे सदगुरुदेव जीके ह्रदय को दुखित करने वाले हैं जब भी कभी कोई कठिन समस्या हमारे सामने आती हैं जिसका सामना कर पाने में हम अपने आपको असमर्थ सा पाते हैं तो फिर से उसी समस्या को सुलझाने के लिए पूर्ण मानसिक क्षमता से जुट जाने कीअपेक्षा हम इन्ही शब्दों को अपनी ढाल बना कर बचने का प्रयास करते हैंभला सदगुरुदेव हमें कब जीवन क्षेत्र में हार जाने देंगे . इन शब्दों को उपयोग करके हम अपनी अक्षम ता / स्वार्थता को छुपाने के लिए ही तो खोज निकाला हैं की हम कुछन करेंगे उनके ही कंधे पर सारा भर डाल दिया हैं
एक मिनिट के लिए सोचिये हम उस सदगुरुदेव जी के आत्मंश हैं जिन्होंने कभी भी किसी भी भौतिक या अध्यात्मिक परिस्थिति के सामने हार नहीं मानी ओर पूर्ण विजय प्राप्त की ओर हम कितनी आसानी से इन परिस्थिति के सामने हारमानकर कह देते हैं की"
जैसी गुरूजी की इच्छा " क्या हमारा ये आचरण उन्हें स्वीकार होगा ?
हम कुछ नहीं करेंगे और सब कुछ सदगुरुदेव जी पर सौप दिया हैं .मुझे एक सन्दर्भ याद आता हैं जब उन्होंने बहुत ही दुखित मन से कहा था की 
कौन सच में साधना करना चाहता हैं , हर चीज के लिए तो यहाँ सदगुरुदेव जी बैठें हैं ही , वे साधनानहीं करंगे क्योंकि उन्होंने गुरु दीक्षा जो ले ली हैं ." क्या हम सभी के लिए ये शर्म की बात नहीं हैं .
ये लाखों बार की सत्य बात हैं की गुरुमंत्र सभी मंत्रो का सिरमौर हैं ,हजारों पेज इस मंत्र की शक्तियों के बारे में लिखे जा सकते , पंरतु हम क्या करते हैं
 मात्र  माला गुरुमंत्र का जैसे बना वेसे जप कर लिया , और हमारा उत्तरदायित्व समाप्त होगया .अब शेष सदगुरुदेव जी के ऊपर हैं . हम मेंसे कितने हैं जो कमसे कम १६ माला तो गुरु मंत्र जप तो प्रति दिन करते हैं ही . सदगुरुदेव जी ने अपने प्रवचनों में अनेको बार या बताया हैं कि यह शरीर नहीं बल्कि जो ज्ञान इसमें निहित हैं वहीतुम्हारा गुरु हैं , गुरु किसी शरीर का नहीं बल्कि सम्पूर्ण ज्ञान राशि का ही नाम हैं .तो सदगुरुदेव जी को समझाना और उनके ज्ञान को अपने में उतारना ही मानो उनका साक्षात्कार करनाहैं.सम्पूर्ण साधनाए /मंत्र/तंत्र /यन्त्र / दीक्षा उन्होंने ही हमारे लिए आज के समय में भी सहजता से उपलब्ध कराये हैं , और यदि वे हमें कुछ मंत्र जप करने को निर्देशित करते हैं तो गुरूजी आप तो हैं " यह कह कर हम अपने को बचा लेते हैं .उनके दिव्य नेत्रों से भला ये छुप सकता हैं ..
हर छोटी छोटी से समस्या के लिए उनको परेशान करना क्या उचित हैं , वे हमारा निर्माण ही इस तरीके से कर रहे हैं जिससे कि हम हर समस्या को खुद ही सुलझा सके .आप कृपया धूमावती साधना पर उनके दिव्य प्रवचन सुने उन्होंने कहा हैंकि
 " गुरु को भी कार्य कि पूर्ण के लिए धूमावती के पास जाना पड़ता हैं , तो क्यों  तुम सीधे ही धूमावती के पास जा कर अपना कार्य पूरा करो , मैं (सदगुरुदेव जी ) तुम्हे वह शक्ति  तरीका समझा रहा हूँ ." वे हमें ज्यादा चतुर और शक्ति शालीबनाना चाहते हैं ताकि हम किसी भी समस्या /चुनौती का जो भी हमारे जीवन में सामने आये उसका सामना हम खुद ही कर सके और किसी अन्य पर निर्भर  रहे
हम सदगुरुदेव जी के शिष्य हैं वे ही हमारे आध्यत्मिक पिता हैं उन्होंने साम्राटा भिशेक दीक्षा शिविर में कहा था
 "आखिर कब तक तुम बच्चे बने रहोगे , कभी तो तुम्हे अपनी जिम्मेदारी समझना ही पड़ेगी अब तुम सब बड़े हो गए हो "परन्तु हम आज भी वैसा ही आचरण कर रहे हैं ये सत्य हैं कि हम उनके सामने बच्चे ही हमेशा रहेंगे पर उनको बचनो को भी तो मनन करे . कभी तो हमें अपनी यात्रा प्राम्भ करनी पड़ेगी ही , वे तो रात दिन हमारे लिए ही काम कररहे हैं .
क्या उन्होंने हजारों प्रकार कि साधनाए , जो कि जीवन के हर संभव पक्ष से सम्बंधित हैं नहीं दी हैं ? जिन समस्या को हम रोज़ झेल रहे हैं 
. हम मैंने से कितने हैं कि जो निष्पक्षता पूर्वक अपने ह्रदय पर हाथ रख कर ये कह सके कि हमने दीक्षाप्राप्त करने के उपरांत उनके द्वारा दिए गए मन्त्रका उसकी पूर्ण विधि के अनुसार का पूर्ण निष्ठता से जप किया था /हैं .उन्होंने अपनी अत्यंत श्रम से प्राप्त आध्यात्मिक पूंजी को दीक्षा के रूप में हमें दिया/दे रहे हैं यदि हम अपना कार्य भी मनो योग से  करते हो तो क्या हम उनकी वेदना समझ सकते हैं ? क्या आप में से किसी ने भी यह ध्यान करके देखा किशिविर में सदगुरुदेव जी के चरण कमल दीक्षा देने के उपरांत कितने सुजन से भर जाते हैं , हमने स्वयं उस समय कि फोटोग्राफ देखी हैं , मन में बहुत दुःख हो ता हैं .तब में ये समझ पाया कि उन्हें कितनी वेदना होती रही होगी पर अपने बच्चो केजीवन को सवारने के लिए वे इस कष्ट को भी हस कर सहते जा रहे थे और हैं भी .और हम सोचते हैं कि हम ने कुछ थोडा सा अर्पण कर दिया ,हमारा उत्तरदायित्व पूरा हो गया .कृपया देखें कि गुरुदेव्त्रिमुर्ती के चरणकमल भी कितने सूजन सेभर जाते हैं ये सब वे हमारे लिए इसलिए कर रहे हैं कि हम आध्यात्मिक रूप से /भौतिक रूप से खड़े हो सके .
अनेको साधनाए जो रोग मुक्ति/आर्थिक समस्या / और अन्य भी क्यों दी जाती रही हैं सिर्फ पढ़ के एक तरफ रखने के लिए , ये होना नहीं चाहिए पर हमने यही तो किया हैं . 

हम लगातार इस ब्लॉग में यह लिखते रहे हैं कि हम केबल आपके गुरु भाई हैं ओर इसके अलावा कुछ भी नहीं हैं .हम जो भी सदगुरुदेव जी के सन्यासी शिष्यों से प्राप्त होता हैं उसे सब्दों में आपके सामने रखते हैं . हममे ऐसी कोई भी किसीप्रकार कि क्षमता नहीं हैं कि हम आपकी किसी भी समस्या को चाहे वह कितनी भी छोटी क्यों  हो उसे सुलझा सके .पर हमें लगातार ऐसी समस्याओ से जुड़े  पत्र प्राप्त हो रहे हैं हम क्या उत्तर दे ?ऐसा कोई भी जादू कि छड़ी नहीं हैं कि जिससेआपकी सालों किसहेजी गए समस्या को मात्र एक क्षण में समाप्त किया जा सके .आपको तो सदगुरुदेव जीगुरुदेव त्रिमूर्ति जी से मिल कर निर्देशन प्राप्त करना ही पड़ेगा 
सदगुरुदेव जी द्वारा दी गए साधना केबल पढने के लिए नहीं हैं , सोचे हमें उन्होंने गुरुदेव त्रिमूर्ति क्यों दिए हैं .हाँ ये संभव हैं कि किसी साधना में एक बार में सफलता नमिले तो दूसरी बार मन लगाकर करेंफिर भी सफलता  मिले तो तीसरीबार पूर्ण मनोयोग से साधना करे ही और हमें लगातार गुरुदेव त्रिमूर्ति जी के संपर्क में रहना ही हैं . में फिर से आप सभी से निवेदन करना चाहूँगा कि गुरुदेव त्रिमूर्ति किसी भी अन्य गुरु भाई कि तुलना में अनंत गुना सक्षम हैं और अनंत गुनाज्यादा अच्छा मार्गनिर्देशन हमारा करते आये हैं भी .दूसरी बात जो हम आपके सामने रखना चाहते है वह ये हैं की यह ब्लॉग मात्र एक फोरम हैं जिसमें हम गुरु भाई और बहिन तथा सामान विचारधारा के लोगों के मध्य एक विचार आदान प्रदान का हेतु हैं . जो भी उत्साह वर्धक प्रति क्रिया हमप्राप्त कर रहे उसके लिए हम आपके आभारी हैं पर जो आलोचनाये मिल रही हैं उनके लिए यही कहेंगे की ब्लॉग पर रचनात्मक प्रति क्रिया तो स्वागत हैं पर .... हम ने पहले से ही यह निश्चित कर लिया था की कोई भी व्यर्थ की आलोचना जोनिर्थक विवाद को प्रारंभ करे ,उसे नहीं देंगे क्योंकि कोई उसका जबाब देगा फिर प्रति जबाब ,,, ये ब्लॉग सिर्फ धनात्मकविचारों के लिए ही रहे गा .
कुछ प्रति क्रिया रसायन विद्या ,कीमिया गिरी ,/ साधनासूर्य सिद्धान्त को इस ब्लोग के माध्यम से प्रसारित करने में आई हैंउनके अनुसार इसे ऐसा नहीं किया जाना चाहिए .क्योंकि किसी का परिचित किसी तथाकथित बाबा के चक्कर मेंपद कर अपना जीवन नष्ट कर रहा हैं तो इन चीजो को रोकना चाहिए और पर उन्होंने  पत्रिका भी मांगी हैं . अब आप ही बताये कि हम क्या जबाब दे .
एक सेकंड के लिए सोचे कि हमारे सदगुरुदेव जीमहांन स्वामी विवेकानंद जी , परमहंस योगानंद जी ,योगिरांज अरविंदो घोष जी , पूज्यनीय श्री माँ आनंदमयी माँ जी ,और ऐसे कई पवित्र नाम हैं जिन्होंने इस मार्ग पर युवा अवस्था में ही अपनेपग बढ़ाये हैं , उन्होंने जीवन के अंत समय का इंतज़ार नहीं किया . क्या अब भी आप साधना को जीवन के अंत समय कि ही चीज समझते हैं ? अब यदि आप इनसे भी अधिक बुद्धिमान हैं तो ...
हमारे सदगुरुदेव जी और प्राचीन ऋषियों के द्वारा प्रति पादित विज्ञानं हमारी पहचान का एक प्रतीक हैं .आप ही सोचिये कि साधना /ज्ञान के बारे में लिखना क्या गलत हैं,और यदि हम ही नहीं आगे नहीं आयेंगे तो कौन इसकी रक्षा करेगा .. हमजो सदगुरुदेव जी के आत्मंश हैं क्या कायर हैं ..
अब आप बताये कि हम किसी भी तथाकथित बाबा के कार्यों के लिए जबाबदेह कैसे हो सकते हैं परन्तु अभी भी कई ऐसे होंगे जो मानते हैं कि .. इनके लिए ....
काश मुझे ये पंक्तिया  लिखनी पड़ती कि ..
जो भी तथ्य /विचार /साधना इस ब्लॉग के माध्यम से आपके सामने आये हैं या आयेंगे वे कुतर्क करने वाले सभी लोगों के लिए पूर्ण तः
गप्प हैं . और सुनी सुनायी बातो पर हैं .अब गप्प पर क्या तर्क क्या वितर्क करना . यही हमारा जबाब हैं .
ये आपका जीवन हैं उसलिये सभी पक्षों चाहे वह धनात्मक हो या ऋनात्मक हो आपके जीवन के लिए श्रेष्ठ हो , विचार करके अग्रसर हो .सदगुरुदेव चाहते हैं कि उनके शिष्य मेधावी , योग्य ,उत्तरदायित्व को समझने वालेजीवन का सामनाकरने वाले ,खुले मन और मष्तिष्क के साथ द्रढ़ता से जमीं पर खड़े हो ,ज्ञान ओर बुद्धिमत्तासाधना से युक्त , हो  कि केबल मात्र अनुयायी हो ". हम सभी उनके प्रतिनिधि हैं ही .ओर गुरु देव त्रिमूर्ति इस ओर लगातार प्रयास कर ही रहे हैं ...
अंत में मैं अपने ह्रदय से आप सभी के साथ सदगुरुदेव जीगुरुदेव त्रिमूर्ति जी से क्षमा चाहूँगा यदि मेरे शब्दों से आप ही भावना को कही ठेस लगी हो तोहमारा लक्ष्य किसी को ठेस पहुचना नहीं था . आप सभी के लिए  केबल भौतिक बल्किआप सभी आध्यात्मिक उपलब्धियों को पाए , सदगुरुदेव जी के ज्ञान को पुर्णतः के साथ आत्मसात करे ओर सदगुरुदेव के सही अर्थो में शिष्य प्रतिनिधि ,हम बने ऐसा ही सदगुरुदेव जी के दिव्य चरण कमल में आपके लिए प्रार्थना कर रहा हूँ...

                                     Kaash .we do not have to write thses lines……
Dear friends,
                                        “Jaise Gurudev ki ichcha” these are the very common words we use in our day to day working between our friends and guru brothers and our family member. but think about a minute that   theses are the words creates  a lot of pain to our beloved Sadgurudev heart, whenever any  difficult situation  comes to us , in that we are not able to find the way to overcome than instead of  again try  with  full force and devotion and  keeping in mind  that using full mental capacity , only than, we can say that . but hiding our inability and  a good way we all already searched  that, use this word and do nothing, leave everything upon his shoulder.
                     Think about a minute , Sadgurudev ji never accepted defeat in any circumstances thrown upon him either material life or  spiritual work but we as his children , how easily give up  our self to  the circumstances and said “jaise Gurudev ki ichcha”. Is this acceptable to him?
                       We do nothing and everything is upon the Sadgurudev  ji. I remember on a point he very sadly said that who really want to do sadhana, for everything Sadgurudev ji sitting here, they(all of us) do not want  do sadhana since they had already taken Diksha ? is this a not a very sad condition  for all of us.
        Its million times true that Guru mantra is the  supreme of all mantra . every thing can be achieved by this,  thousand of pages can be written about that power. But what we do, just chant 4 mala of that and now our duty is finished .rest is upon Sadgurudev. How many of us do 16 mala jap of guru mantra daily, and Sadgurudev ji mentioned many times that this body is not, but the gyan in it, is your guru, so understand and achieving his divine wisdom is also a way to realize him.
All the Sadhana/ Mantra /Tantra /Yantra he  easily  make available to us, if he instruct doing some jap, we simply saidGuruji aap to ho  (Gurudev ji you are here, what more we have to do). 
          why to  ask  solution for even very small problem to Gurudev ji (sadgurudevji or guru trimurti ji ) they want us to make in such a way that we can handle at least some small problem to our self. Plz listen Dhoomavati sadhana audio cassetes , in that Sadgurudev ji clearly told that even guru has to approach Dhoomavati to solve the problem , why not you  contact directly Dhoomavati , I (Sadgurudev ji) am giving you power and way ..he want us to strong and clever enough not to depend upon any body to solve the problem and challenges of life even how might that may be…
                       We are the shishyas of Sadgurudev ji,  he is our spiritual father he told us in smaratbhshek diksha shivir, how long you(all of us) can become  just children, now  it’s the time  you(all of us) understand  your responsibility.you all are  able now .
   But we still believe  that we are just…, its true that we were/are always  his children but  our aim to  became his shishyas , and somewhere we have to start this journey. and  friend ,day and night he is doing  for us.
                           Had he not given  thousands of sadhana related to almost every possible problem we were/are facing each days. How many of us put  our hand on our heart that  and can say that even after taking Diksha  we did whole heartily the sadhana /mantra jap  as instructed by Sadgurudev ji or gurutrimurti ji.
                              They put their very hard earned spiritual  gain earning with love  towards us  very blissfully, can we ever understand  their pain ?if we do not do our part with full devotion . any of you have ever noticed that the lotus feet of our Sadgurudev ji  how  much swelling  comes to them. I personally seen such a photograph, I felt very sad . than I can understand that such a pain continuously bearing by them and he  continuously smiling giving us Diksha .we think we just offered some thing and  fulfill our part. just watch our Gurudev trimurti lotus feet , while they are smiling giving us Diksha. why so much pain bearing by them ,just all of us stand our own feet.
Various sadhana related to removal of disease /financial problem /and almost every problem given by him why? Just to read and put the magazine one side . that should not be happened but it usually happened.
We repeatedly mentioned in the blog that we are just your  guru brother and nothing else. what we got from Sadgurudev ji and his sanyasi shishyas   providing you , and we have not any ability to solve your problem even how minor that may be.   We are continually getting mails from many cause, what we replied to them we puzzled. their is no magic rod by which solution of yours years long problem could be solved in a second.
the sadhana mentioned by Sadgurudev ji is not just for  reading, why Sadgurudev ji   provide  us Gurudev trimurti to us. that we do not loose hope and guidance .
Yes it may possible that we are not able to have success in one term so do that sadhana twice, if not than thrice .and we should  continuously keep in touch with Gurudev trimurti ji. Again I am mentioning this. they are much more more capable than any other gurubrother and guides us millions times much better to any  gurubhai  to  all of us. 
Secondly very importantly I would like to mentioned here that  blog is a just forum to share our feeling between our guru brother and  nothing else. we received your so many good comment for that  we are highly grateful to you and side by side some negative  comment to. we already made a resolution that no negative comment published in blog since, if we do than some one will reply on that and a new thread /debate will startThis blog will be only for positive things.
Some feedback reach us that mentioned that such a spreading of knowledge (related to either  alchemy or sadhana / surya  siddhanta sadhana etc ) should be  block since his  near or dear one now a days roaming around some babas and spoiling his life , and than he ask us  too for  e magazine. You can understand what we can reply.
                 Think for a second, our Sadgurudev ji , Great swami vivekanand , Paramhansa yoganand ji ,Yogiraj Arvindo Ghosh , Poojniya  Shree Anandamoyee ma , and many, many more started their spiritual  path journey  in the beginning  of their youth , they not waited till their youthfulness comes to end .still you think that sadhana is for last days/part  of  your life ? if you consider yourself more wise than….

Now we can say only that our Sadgurudev ji and our ancient rishis knowledge is our true identity, think about that talking /writing  on the sadhanas aspect could be so wrong,. If we cannot come forward to our ancient  gyan than who  will else. Comes …. All of us  as a Sadgurudev ji divine children not so cowards….
how can we be responsible for any others acts either any baba or so ….. ,but still  some people ready to debate . for them..
 write that consider all mentioned matter written in blog /e magazine/in group  is just  gupp/fiction /hearsay  and naturally  no  logic /debate is possible on the  gap/fiction .   Is only  reply of  our side .
               Its your life so after carefully weighting  all the aspect  positive and negative ,accept the things which will be best for  the  lifeSadgurudev ji  wants his shishya will be full of mantal ability, became clever , with open mind and thought but their feet strongly stand on the firm ground (our culture and society norms) , equipped with wisdom and knowledge ,and also with sadhana  not just became follower , they (we ) should become a true representative of him.
                    In the last , I am asking apologize  to Poojya paad  Sadgurudev ji ,Poojya gurutrimurti ji and all of you mine guru brother and sister ,if above mentioned  word hurt you and your feeling . our aim  not to hurt anybody  but to think over the point  mentioned above once again….. ….. praying for all of you, have great success not only in material world but in spiritual path too , become a true shishya representative  of Sadgurudev ji’s divine  wisdom, knowledge….
(Alchemical files and Mantras RELATED TO POST)
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(Containing, article on Ayurved,Tantra, yantra,Mantra, Surya vigyan,Astrology and Parad Tantra)
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Bishwajit said...

jai Gurudev ,
ho sakta hai yeah choti muh bari baat hogi phir bhi kahta hu jaab bhi koi naya aur aacha kaam hota hai uski aloochna hoti hi hai ,jaisa ki apne pahle lekh me likha tha koi bhi sadhna safalta milne se pahle thore paresani aati hai , mujhe lagta hai yeah alochana ise barg me aata hai .jis dedication se aap log blog ko likhte hai isse jo gyan bardhan karte hai uske liye koi word mere dictory me nahi hai gurukripa se aissa hi chalte raha to woh din bhi dur nahi jaab alochak pasangsak baan jayege.

Unknown said...

Jai gurudev,
Please send me Tantra Kaumudi at my email address